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I turn and realize that Charlie is gaining fur. That can't be good! He gasps burning up. I sigh. He collapses.
"Are you ok?"
"Can't feel my legs. Oh god! No! Not again!"
"What's going on?"
"I'm transforming back!"
"Oh no!"
He transforms before our eyes. Hanzo collapses weakly.
"Are you ok?"
He nods. He hands me Charlie.
"Only Gohan can help him."
I nod. I put Charlie and we somberly walk back to Hades' house.
We get there.
"You found him!" He says.
"But we need Gohan to change him back."
He sighs.
"We found a way to get you across the barrier, Hanzo."
"Really?" Hanzo asks. 
I'm glad they found a way.
"Let's go then... maybe we can find Gohan."
I nod. Hanzo is carried across by Mal and Hades. I look around. Dude runs up to me. He won't get to meet Dude yet...

Uma's POV

We're almost to Auradon. Maybe Ben will let us make a big house for all of us. It'll be nicer. I'm sure he will. Gohan yawns. He finally wakes up. First thing we're gonna do though is eat.
"Hey do you know any good food places?"
"I can cook—"
"No let me," I say interrupting Gohan. He yawns but smiles. I cook. Ben magicked us a house and now we have food. We eat.
"This is so good Uma thank you."
"No problem."
Suddenly we hear the door break open. I turn. An injured Hanzo runs in with Hades, Mal, and Carlos. I feel Charlie but I don't see him.
"Where's Charlie?"
Hanzo just points at the cloak crying.
"Gohan can change him back right?"
Gohan nods.
"I'll try... I'm still rather weak but I believe I can."
He uses his hair to take the cloak off Carlos. I watch. He uses his magic Charlie changes but then Gohan passes back out. I think he needs rest. I should carry him to bed. I put him in bed. Charlie is naked still when I return. He needs clothes! I turn to Mal asking her to call Evie. She calls Evie telling her to make him an outfit. She comes with it. It's a white shirt puffy sleeves and black jeans.
"You're welcome!" She says.
He collapses. Maybe he needs rest.
"I got you a room with twins beds," I say softly.
"Thanks Uma."
I take them to the room.
"Can you help me push the beds together?"
I nod. I help push the beds together. He grabs Carlos and passes out onto the bed. Carlos falls asleep. That's adorable though.

Evie's POV

Oh that reminds me... Jessie... he helped me learn how to sew... I kinda miss him. His laugh...


He's humming while holding a mannequin for me.
"No problem sweetie you're basically my sister."
I smile.
"Mmmm I'm hungry what about you?"
I nod. We go eat on our way back he seems off.
"Are you ok?"
"I'm fine."
Suddenly a shadow appears.
"W-What's that?"
I turn towards him. He's captured by the shadow who disappears with him. Oh no! W-Where did that shadow take him?  I don't know...

Flashback ends.

... I look down. I still miss him. I hope he's ok! Very much so.

Jay's POV

That's it I've gotta try to find him! Where do I look? I don't know. Maybe I can feel for him? I try to feel for him.
I feel him!! I follow it.... I feel like I should get a car... I get a car. I follow my senses to a dark castle. I didn't know they had these around Auradon. I realize that it's dawn but it was early morning when I left. I check my phone. It's been two days? Have I been sleep driving? Or was someone else driving for me? I look around. I see a doll in the seat beside me. It reminds me of Claudius. Where did it come from?
"I managed to teleport myself to you," Claudius says. Wait the doll is Claudius!
"Why are you a doll?"
"That bastard did this to me... he teleported me to Auradon I don't know what he's done to Amir though... my book is in there if you can get it then I can change back them help Amir."
I nod.
"Let's go... you'll have to carry me."
I nod. I carry him. He manages to get on my shoulder. I chuckle. He growls.
"Shut up its not funny, Jay," he says. But I think he's mad out of worry.
"It's okay just stressed."
I nod.
"Plus this doll shit is for the birds."
I nod. He groans.
"And it hurts."
I nod. He sighs softly.
"I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault... let's get moving."
I nod. We continue. We end up in a library. I look around. I spot a familiar book. I open it. To Claudius from father. It's his.
"I found it!"
"Good!" He says before climbing down.
I open it for him. He takes the book from me. He slowly morphs back normal. He smiles. I smile.
"It feels so good to be human again!"
I nod. He sighs. I look over.
"Let's go find Amir."
I nod. We go looking for him. Claudius suddenly freezes. He shifts uncomfortably.
"What's wrong?"
"Let's keep moving."
We keep moving. We walk into a room. I see a tall dark man with a parrot on his shoulder.
Whose that?
"Where's Amir?!?"
I look around.
"Hahahaha! You really wanna see him?"
"Yes! You bastard let him go!"
"Yeah let him go!"
"Hehehe I couldn't even if I wanted to."
He snaps his fingers the parrot flies off his shoulder and starts transforming. Amir?!? He's still half parrot but he doesn't look right. Oh no!
"He's so under my control he can't even think for himself."
"Let him go!"
What do we do? Amir looks like he's doing something. He transforms back into a bird. We have to save him!
"We need more help," Claudius says.
I nod. We run for the exit the doors slam shut. What's going on?
"You can't escape now."
"What do you want with us?"
"I'm keeping my parrot and I'm keeping his adopted cousin too."
"Amir is actually the son of Iago not Jafar's brother. Jafar doesn't have a brother. Iago was changed into a human and brainwashed!"
I look down. What?!? Dad lied to us?!? Why did he lie about that? Is he doing it because he hates me now? I look down. No! I don't wanna—I cant—I run off into the castle. I find a room and break down. He probably thinks I helped Dad! He probably hates me! Why did dad have to lie? I hear something strange. I look around. I see Amir in his half state. He sighs and squawks. I look away.
"Please don't hurt me!" I cry. He sighs.
"Don't cry!" He says before squawking.
I look down. He spits hair out of his mouth. 
"I miss having hands."
I look over.

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