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"Thank you."
"For what?"
"Staying with me, Suga."
"Oh no problem."
She kisses my lips cutely.
"Damn it! I hate your sister for changing RM."
She weakly nods then suddenly freezes.
She's breathing weakly.
"Are you ok?"
Wait is she shrinking?!
"Why are you shrinking?"
"Wha?" She asks. She realizes it too then starts crying.
"I'm sure it'll be fine."
She nods wiggles a little bit.
I look over.
"That felt funny," she says.
"I don't know my butt just felt funny!"
She throws the covers off. Is that a donkey tail? What the hell?
"Mmmmngh! I don't feel right. Hee-haw!" She brays before clasping a hand over her mouth.
"Did you just make a donkey sound?"
"I think I did. Hee-haw!" She brays again. She looks to be in pain from the braying.
"Are you ok?"
"It hurts—hee-haw!"
Her ears? They look different! She has donkey ears! Oh my god!
"Hee-haw me!" She sobs. Her feet are turning to hooves.
"H—h—h—help—hee-haw!" She's losing her ability to speak human! Her hands change to hooves as her face begins to change. Oh no! Who the fuck did this? It better not have been... I'll kill him! Soundeh appears. She's regrowing her hair but she's still missing a majority of it.
"Blair! I can wait you're more important!"
She grabs her paintbrush.
"What are you doing?"
"Postponing my hair in order to change her back," she says. She draws a human onto Blair's back. Blair changes back to normal but groans and cries. Soundeh looks distressed she says, "I know! I know it hurts it was the only way to turn you back I'm sorry!"
"Here this should take away the pain," she says handing her a pill.
I sigh. Blair looks for a drink. She says, "Oh, I forgot."
She draws a glass of a fizzy drink. It appears. She hands it to Blair who uses it to take the medicine. She calms down. Thank goodness she's ok.
"I'm sorry," Blair cries.
"For what?"
"...was so mean!"
"It's okay," Soundeh says calmingly.
"Speaking of that I have something to say."
"Hm?" Soundeh asks.
"I think I know why RM is acting like this. I think it has something to do with Wave. Because if you think about it he hasn't started acting like this until after hanging out with her. I think she's what Jin would call a bad influence on him."
"... she's always like this."
"Who Wave?"
She nods sadly.
"RM was never like this until he started hanging out with her."
She sighs sadly.
"Why'd you have to let her hang out with him?"
I sigh.
"Do you wanna know why this all played out how it did?"
"Do you?"
"If you're upset because he didn't pick you, I don't care about that I just want RM back to himself."
"I want him back too."
"Well blame your sister then."
"Yeah and the reason behind it was she kept poisoning me so I couldn't try and win him!"
"She did?"
"You wanna see?"
I nod. She draws a mirror over her forehead.

Dream Jin's POV

Soundeh drinks a quarter of the bottle.
"I feel funny must be a less diluted bottle."
She's drinking this seems normal. She drinks more.
"Nmmmgh! My butt's itchy."
What's going on?She scratches it. She shrugs and drinks more. Maybe it's normal?She finished the bottle then falls off the bed. Is she OK? OK?
"Nnnmmmgnngh!" She screams. A long familiar tail rips from her pants.
"What was in that drink?"
She manages to get the smock off. She barks. She changed into the dog?

Dream ends.

She screams from my sudden appearance.
"When did you get here?" Blair asks.
"Not too long ago."
"Okay," she says.
"Where'd you get that drink from?"
"Remember the bottles that Wave gave me?"
I nod.
"Mmmmph!" A male voice cries.
"Darpan was my twin... Wave said he was killed."
"You can't easily be killed. He was lured into a mirror and as he walked in, someone stole his necklace."
"Darpan was my twin... Wave said he was killed."
"You can't easily be killed. He was lured into a mirror and as he walked in, someone stole his necklace."
"Badee bahan? Are you there?"
I nod.
"Yes, chhota bhaee."
"Badee bahan means older sister and chhota bhaee means younger brother."
She walks into the bathroom. I nod. I should look. I look. I see a sick boy Blair's age.
"I think I'm getting worse the longer I'm in here."
Oh goodness! He collapses.
"I don't know how much longer I can last."
What's wrong with him?
"I need out, food and vitamins aren't helping."
Out? He starts to sway.
"I think maybe a week."
Her eyes go wide as tears pour.
Poor thing. She sways then faints.

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