Thirty three

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He walks into the room almost invisible because of his tiny size. Evie is giggling at her boyfriend. He smiles and asks, "what's up Evie?"
Jessie is looking at the doorway nervously. I watch him suddenly tense up. Must be the first one. I smile.
She giggles, "the sky!"
Palos is looking at Jessie confused. Then he picks something up off his arm and looks more puzzled.
"What's that?" Evie asks.
"This? I think it might be from the streamers we had a while back. It was not a good idea," Palos says. Is he manipulating his mind a bit? I think he is. She nods. Roman looks around then jumps.
"What's wrong?" Evie asks.
"I don’t know."

Evie's POV

Ahhh! That felt weird! What's going on? Roman is tugging at something on his back. What is that? It looks like a wind up key. Huh that's weird.
"Nmmmgh! I feel heavy suddenly," Jessie says before falling down.
I look over. His stomach looks bloated. What's happening? Palos looks at the strings suddenly they tie around his hands and feet. Where did they come from? He looks panic struck. Who is doing this? I spot something on the table. I hear a laugh.
"You guys can come in now... they won't be able to do anything," a voice says.
W-What? It looks at the door way, "come on?"
I see sacra. Then notice Jessie's stomach has ballooned out so far I can see what looks like fabric under his shirt. What's going on? Xi'in comes out too. Jessie groans as I watch his shoes begin to change. Palos is trying to rip the strings off but his skin is turning into wood. Is he changing into a puppet?
Palos realizes this then shouts, "Yannis."
"Ah! You actually remember me?" Yannis (apparently) gasps. He laughs.
Who is this?
"The Kraken defeated you once—"
"But they all died... well all but you."
This silences Palos. W-What?
Palos finally growls, "and what about Carmelo?"
This in turns the tables. They all three glare at him. Even though he's already turning fast he manages to smile.
"Don't you dare bring him up!"
Who is that? He goes to say more but is blasted by Yannis turning him completely. His body slouches over. Jessie growls tries to get up but he's mostly transformed himself and is unable to move. Oh no!
"Agh! Owwww! Ngggh!!" Roman is suddenly silent. I look over. He looks like a wind up toy! He's a wind up toy!
Wait so what is he gonna do to me?! I'm scared! I realize I've shrunk?! Wait what's going on?! How! Wait why? Why am I smaller?!?! Wait am i a doll? I-I think I am! I look around I am a doll. And that Yannis guy is a normal sized man! He laughs. Oh no! Yannis grabs all four of us. He laughs harder. 
"Was that good?" He asks.
"Evie? King Palos? Roman? Can you hear me?" Jessie asks.
"We will be able to hear and speak with each other but unless he makes able to... no one else knows we're anything besides what we look like," Palos says.
"What do we do?"
"We can't DO anything," Palos says.
I sigh. We appear in a strange place at a dollhouse.

Audrey's POV

What's in that room? Should I go in? Maybe. I open the door only for something to bolt out. Baran spots me then shuts the door quickly. He looks around but whatever came out is long gone. What was that?
"Oh no... did he escape?!"
"Nothing it's not important... he's not important. Listen never go in there."
"Oh I'm sorry."
"Just promise me never to do it again."
"I promise."
We hear something. I look around. "Come here if you would," it sounds like Eirwen.
We go to Eirwen.
"Listen both of you... I want to turn back as well... and I've got an idea of who I want to use. You need to bring these pearls to them though," Eirwen says softly.
I nod. He hands us a list. I look at it. Uma, Gohan, Bryant, and Alex. If possible grab dizzy. I think we can do this!
"You ready?"
I nod. He teleports us to Auradon. I smile. He smiles back then yawns. He gets focus then asks, "where do you think they are?"
"I don't know maybe we should look for a pirate ship?"
"Maybe... let's go!"
I follow him. We find one I don't see Uma but I see Bryant and Alex. Alex is doing work while Bryant is reading.
"How do we do this?" I whisper.
"I think I've got some laughing gas left."
I nod. He throws it at the duo who don't notice it in time they both start laughing before passing out. He puts the pearls in their hands before teleporting them to the castle.
"That was easy!" I giggle.
He nods. "But now we've gotta figure out another way afterwards."
I nod.
He smiles, "I think I've figured out where the rest might be though."
I smile and nod. We find Uma and Gohan but we can't find dizzy... I sigh. At least we found them. He grabs them both somehow.

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