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I smile. She sighs. I look around. She uses magic across my body. A feather headdress appears. My new magic source. I smile. She smiles back then picks up Darpan. He starts to suck his thumb. I sigh. She giggles. She lays him on her bed then tucks him in. She pulls her paintbrush and starts to draw something. I look over. She draws me a flowy dress full sleeves and blue. It looks pretty. She smiles and hugs me. I hug her back.
"I missed you, Wave," she whispers. I feel tears fall from my eyes. I look down. She dries my eyes and hugs me. I hug her back.
"Missed you."
"Missed you too."
She puts me in bed then hugs me. I hug her. She smiles cutely. I look down.
"Don't be sad anymore."
"I won't."
"Good because I'll protect you now."
I nod. Although I need to make sure she's protecting herself too. I will! She smiles and hugs me. I hug her back. Darpan snuggles me. I giggle. He snuggles tighter. I smile. She smiles back and kisses my forehead. I fall asleep.
"Rest my child."
I nod. I wake up. She's put several blankets over us. I sigh. She smiles softly. I smile back. She smiles softly. I look around. She sighs softly. She helps me out of bed then wakes Darpan. I sigh. She shudders.
"Nothing lets go reintroduce you and Darpan to the family okay?"
I nod. She leads me out to mom and dad. I smile. They give a confused smile back. I look around.
"You remember Darpan well meet Misora."
I wave. They wave back. I smile. She smiles back. Then hugs me. I hug her back. Darpan hugs mom and dad. I smile.
"You need to try out your powers btw."
I nod.
"Go on."
I try it. I focus on a spoon it starts floating. Yayyy it's working! She looks over and smiles. I smile back. I hug her and hold her tightly. I smile again.
She hugs back and says, "levitation,"
"You have levitation powers."
I nod. She smiles. I smile back.
"Try to fly."
I try to fly. It's working. I giggle. Woah! She catches me. I giggle again.
She smiles and says, "Glad you're okay."
I nod.
Mal's POV

"Hmph!" A voice shouts.
I look around. My window is broken open by an injured guy.
"Are you ok?"
"What the hell's going on? Where am I?"
"My house?"
"Who said—?" He turns and sees me. He's squinting as if he's under a blindness curse. I walk closer.
"Oh you're pretty," he says softly.
"No I'm not."
"Yeah, you are. What's you're name?"
"Mal what's yours?"
"Nice to meet you."
"You too."
"What happened to you?"
I nod.
"I don't know."
I nod. He sits up. I should heal him then try to deal with his eyes. I heal him. His wounds heal. I smile. He smiles too. I manage to heal his eyes. He smiles weakly.
"Now you can see me and see that I'm not beautiful."
"Actually you're prettier now that I can see you."
"No I'm not."
"Why not?"
"I mean look at me."
"I see beautiful green eyes with gold flecks in them and beautiful purple hair."
I blush and look down. Is this love I feel for him? Maybe? He smiles tiredly.
"I'm hungry," he groans.
I use magic to make food.
"You have magic too?"
I nod.
"Yay! Magic buddies!"
I giggle.
"Let's eat!"
And then I'll have Evie make him some clothes. I nod. We eat. Once I finish, I have Evie make him clothes.
"Wow!!!! You're really good!" He's wearing red with chains on it. And he looks HOT. I blush. He smiles. I smile back.
"Thank you!"

Evie's POV

"You're welcome," I say. I think I wanna go for a walk.
I go for a walk. I see a black bubble. I touch it. It starts cracking like it was made of glass. I back up. A guy is revealed as the bubble disappears.
"Are you ok?"
"Nnnngh?" He groans then passes out. I walk over to him. I sit on my knees. Owww! I lift my leg revealing a dark purple crystal. W-What's that from? I don't know. Hey there's jay and Carlos! They can help me get him to my house. They help me get him to my house. He stays unconscious. I kept this strange purple gem though. It's pretty! As I hold it in front of him. He starts to wake. I sit down. He wakes up.
"What the—?" He asks weakly. 
"My gemstone!" He shouts looking around wildly.
"You mean this?"
He turns and sees it. He smiles weakly.
"Thank you."
I smile.
"Please... can you... hide it for me?"
I nod. I hide it. Maybe I should fashion it into a piece of jewelry for myself I mean it's so pretty. I should ask.
"Is it ok if I fashion it into a piece of jewelry for myself?"
He nods then fully sits up. I realize he's injured. I have Mal heal him.
"Thank you both of you."
"No problem."
"What's your names?"
"I'm Evie and she's my best friend Mal."
She waves.
"I'm Roman."
"Nice to meet you!"
"You too," he says with basically no emotion.
"Why aren't you showing emotion?"
"... I don't even know where I am... how long have I been in that bubble for? Nothing."
"I feel empty... this isn't my first time being trapped in it... actually my third..."
"Why is that?"
"I don't know I guess my power."
Mal has left us alone.
I nod.
It starts to get late.
"Nnngh... I only that I'm currently eighteen."
Hey I'm eighteen too!
"I'm 18 too!"
"I guess we should go to bed."
"Okay. Hey is there anyone who can get me some pajamas?"
"I can make you some!"
I make him some.
"Hm... dark blue... my favorite color I wish my gem was that color."
Wait we share a favorite color?
"Your favorite color is dark blue?"
He nods.
"That's my favorite color too!"
He goes to change. I wait. He comes back. He looks really good.
"You look amazing!"
"Thanks," he says smiling.
I giggle. I go to bed. I fall asleep. I wake up to the sound of someone puking. I go to see who it is. It's Roman. He's got the light on and he's puking up a black liquid.
"Are you ok?"
He doesn't speak just continues to puke. I sit on my knees. He finally manages to stop. He breathes weakly as I realize he's covered in the black vomit.
"Shouldn't you take a shower?"
He breathes. He groans before puking again. Oh my! He finally manages to quit he stumbles into the bath tossing off his clothes. I blush. He looks over realizing what he just did. He looks embarrassed. I walk out. His dick was so big!
"Damn it I need new clothes!"
I make him new clothes. I slide them under the door.
"You're welcome!" I blush.
He comes out then says, "I'm sorry."
"I-Its ok."
He yawns.
"It's almost morning..."
I nod.
"Thanks for helping me."
I smile. He weakly smiles back before getting up.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm gonna make breakfast hoping that something on my stomach will help me."
"Can I help?"
He nods. He still seems blank. I follow him. He makes eggs and bacon and other breakfast foods. I giggle.
"I'm so hungry," we hear a voice mumble. Wait that's Prescott!
"We're cooking breakfast!"
Mal walks in. We eat. I go to start sewing. Ugh! I would love to have a male model right now! Would he do it for me? Roman walks in.
"Do you need help with something?"
"Do you mind being my male model? You know what I'm sorry I asked you probably won't do it." I look down.
"No I'll do it!"
He does a spell he's left in just in undies.
"Pose me however you'd like."
I giggle, "ok thanks!"
I use him as my model. It's so fun! He smiles throughout it. I giggle.
"Hey we've been at this for three hours and we haven't ate."
"Ok we'll take a break!" I hug him.
He hugs back. We go eat. He finishes before I do then disappears into my shop. I hear the sewing machine turn on. What is he doing?
"Maybe I wasn't gone that long," I hear him say, "because this was the model I use."
Does he sew? He smiles. I walk in. He's made a skirt. He turns and shoves the mannequin into the closet.
"What are you making?"
"Nothing," he says.
"Oh ok."
"Well I mean it is something you're just not allowed to know yet."
"Is it a surprise?"
He cutely nods.
"Ooh I love surprises!"
He nods. I giggle. He smiles. I sit down. He smiles again.
"Why are you smiling?"
"You're so excited."
"I am!"
"Anyways let's finish the men's clothes because I want it to be a surprise."
I nod. We finish the men's clothes. I'm giggling while finishing them. I manage to make him laugh.
"What's so funny?"
"You're just so cute when you're excited."
"I am?"
I giggle again.
"Let's make dinner, shall we?"
I nod. I get up. He sounds like a prince!
"Are you a prince?"
"Perhaps and you're a princess?"
"No I'm not."
"Who was your mom?"
"T-The Evil Queen."
"So you are a princess?"
"I was told I have no royal status."
"You do to me."
"Awww really?"
He nods as he finishes frying some steak. I giggle and look down.
"What's wrong, Princess Evie?"
"Princess Evie?"

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