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He sits down beside me. I look over. He starts massaging my shoulders.
"I love—uh the way you sew!" He says smiling.
"No problem!"
I giggle. He lets me lay my head on his shoulder as we admire my handy work.
"Do you really like it?"
He nods. I smile. He sighs.
"I need to show you this before we go any further."
"What is it?"
He does something. Horns appear. I back up kinda startled. He looks away.
"Why do you have horns?"
"My DNA was spliced with a goat."
I giggle.
"It's not exactly funny," he says. A goat tail falls out of his pants.
"I-I'm sorry."
"No you're giggles maaaaa cute," he blushes realizing he just bleated like a goat.
"Your goat sounds are cute."
He looks away cutely. I giggle.
"Maaaaa! Stop!"
"Nothing can I have the gemstone?"
I give it to him. He changes back to normal. I look down.
"What's wrong?"
"Oh nothing."
"You sure?"
I nod. I hug him.
"Let's go look at the stars!"
"Ok!" I follow him. Wait it's not night yet!
"But it's not night though."
"well I guess we can walk around until then!"
I giggle. We walk around.

Audrey's POV

Who's that guy? I walk over. He walks in front of Evie as if he's sheltering her.
"Who are you and why are you protecting a villain?"
"A villain?!? She's a fellow princess and I'm Prince Roman."
"She has no royal status."
"She doesn't."
I notice she's wearing a crown.
"Why is she wearing a crown?"
"She's a princess of course she has a crown."
"No she's not."
"But she's wearing a crown."
"Just because she's wearing a crown, doesn't make her princess."
She follows him. Ugh! Ergh I wonder how he'd look asleep?

Evie's POV

"You look so beautiful in that crown."
I blush.
"Let's eat."
We eat. It's good. I smile. He smiles back.
"Why did you stick up for me?"
"Because you ARE a princess."
I giggle. He smiles and hugs me. I hug him back.
"So whose gonna pay?"
He puts his card down.
"You're gonna pay?"
He nods.
"Because I have money?"
"What? You think I look like I don't have money?"
"Yeah but I am."
"Are you being a gentleman?"
I giggle. He pays and we leave.
"Should we go look at the stars now?"
He nods. We walk outside. Brrrr it's kinda chilly! I shiver. He smiles hands me a glass of hot cocoa then wraps me in a blanket. I giggle, "thanks."
"No problem."
Oh look a shooting star.
"A shooting star!"
He smiles, "make a wish."
"Hmmm I wish that the barrier on the isle was gone forever!"
"But wouldn't that mean your mom would escape?"
"I just feel so bad for the other vks."
"I understand... I guess having my mom in the isle is a cause of me to fear."
"I'm sorry."
"No it's okay... she was the one to splice me with a goat after all."
I nod. I look down.
"... it's okay."
"Should I change my wish?"
I nod. I look around.
"The kids deserve a chance."
I nod, "I'm glad you agree with me!"
"But the barrier itself being removed might be dangerous."
"I know you're right. I shouldn't have made that wish. I'm sorry." I look down.
"It was a sweet wish," he says, "come on let's go in it's getting colder."

Two months later Ben's POV

I think it's finally time. I hope she'll say yes! She's with Evie and chatting. I go over to them.
"Oh really you'll make me a coronation dress if he asks?"
"Yes I will!" She says.
"And a wedding dress."
"Really?" Sarin cries.
She nods.
"Thank you so much!!!!"
"You're welcome!"
She smiles. I think it's time. I walk out there.
I get down on one knee and ask, "will you marry me?"
"So is that a yes?"
She nods then tackles. I smile. She smiles back.

Audrey's POV.

He pulls out the ring that should've been mine! He should be mine! She smiles cutely.

That night.

I sit on my bed sketching. I start singing, “I'm so tired of pretending
Where's my happy ending?”
I shut my book, “I followed all the rules
I drew inside the lines
I never asked for anything that wasn't mine
I waited patiently for my time
But when it finally came
He called her name”
I get up and start walking, “And now I feel this overwhelming pain
I mean it's in my veins”
“I mean it's in my brain,” I put my hands over my head.
“My thoughts are running in a circle like a toy train
I'm kinda like a perfect picture with a broken frame,” I pick up the picture of me and Ben.
“I know exactly who to blame,” I toss the photo onto the couch.
“I never thought of myself as mean,” I grab a fire poker.
“I always thought that I'd be the queen,”I spin.
“And there's no in between
'Cause if I can't have that
Then I would be the leader of the dark
And the bad,” I walk under my chandelier
“Now there's a devil on my shoulder
Where the angels used to be,” I spin
“And he's calling me the queen,” I pose. I walk to the museum and shut off the cameras. I walk to the grown.
“Being nice was my pastime
But I've been hurt for the last time
And I won't ever let another person take advantage of me
The anger burns my skin, third-degree
Now my blood's boiling hotter than a fiery sea,” I walk around the crown getting closer.
“There's nobody getting close to me
They're gonna bow to the Evil Queen
Your nightmare's my dream,” I walk up the stairs.
“Just wait until they fall to my wicked schemes,” I break the glass.
“I never thought of myself as mean
I always thought that I'd be the queen,” I grab the crown.
“And there's no in between,” I spin.
“‘Cause if I can't have that
Then I would be the leader of the dark
And the bad
Now there's a devil on my shoulder
Where the angels used to be
And he's calling me the queen of mean (calling me, calling me)
The queen of mean (calling me, calling me)
The queen of mean (calling me, calling me),” I toss the poker and walk down the stairs. The curtain opens up.
“Something's pulling me
It's so magnetic
My body is moving
Unsure where I'm headed,” I walk towards it.
“All of my senses have left me defenseless
This darkness around me
Is promising vengeance,” I knock the apples off and put the crown down.
“The price that I'm willing to pay is expensive
There's nothing to lose
When you're lonely and friendless
So my only interest is showing this princess
That I am the queen
And my reign will be endless (endless),” my outfit becomes dark as I finish the spell.
“I want what I deserve
I want to rule the world,” I grab the scepter.
“Sit back and watch them learn
It's finally my turn,” I pull it out.
“If they want a villain for a queen,” I spin.
“I'm gonna be one like they've never seen
I'll show them what it means
Now that I am that,” I pose.
“I will be the ruler of the dark and the bad
'Cause the devil's on my shoulder
Where the angels used to be
And he's calling me the queen of mean (calling me, calling me)
The queen of mean (calling me, calling me),” I continue to dance and pose.
“I want what I deserve,” I shoot out the lights.
He's gonna regret this! Wow so much power.

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