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"Come on—"
She opens the door Audrey is standing there. She giggles evilly.
Sarin stands to protect me.
"You can't stop me!" Audrey says.
She's blasted with magic. She tries to stand up but is too weak. Audrey giggles. No!
"Sarin! Are you ok?"
"So hot!" She rip off her top leaving her in just her bra. I blush. She wiggles out of her skirt revealing a tail?!? Why does she have a tail? Her clothes rip open with fur. She's a beast like creature. Oh no!
"You should've chose me Benny boo!" She says.
She shoots me with magic. I change into a beast as well. She licks me. I smile. She smiles back.

Audrey's POV

"Why are you licking him?!?!"
She struggles but manages to say, "you might've changed our forms but you can't strip us of our love!"
Hmmm...I blast her with another spell. She transforms into a doll. I giggle. He looks down. She groans.

Carlos's POV

"Stay safe you guys... also I'll keep look out for Charlie."
Charlie?!? As in my older brother who disappeared. Wait Hanzo! What if he's dead?
"I hope not."
"I hope you find him."
He sadly nods. I look down.
"Maybe after this is all over I can find a way to come over without becoming an ice block and I can help you look for him."
I nod.
"We should go." Mal says.
"Yeah I should too I don't want dad finding you guys."
We nod. We start walking back to Auradon. Suddenly, Gil and Harry come out of the barrier before it closes. Prescott grabs his blade. They laugh evilly. Mal accidentally drops the ember. Mal goes to pick it up but they stop me. It suddenly gets knocked in the water. Oh no! Suddenly something comes up. It's Uma! She has the ember in her tentacle. I turn slightly. Prescott has the biggest derp face EVER! Uma comes up on the bridge with us.
"Give that back!" Mal yells.
"Hmmm I don't think I will." She says.
"W-We already knew she was part octopus. Her mother is Ursula." I say.
"I didn't... give us the ember now."
"I'll give it to you guys, if you promise anyone who wants to, can get off the isle." She says.
"We can't do that." Mal says.
Uma acts like she's going to drop it.
"Deal! Deal." Mal says holding her hand out for it.
"Ok I'm still gonna keep holding on to this for the time being," she says as she puts it in her bra, "because if you think I trust you to save Auradon think again."
"Tentacle boobs," Prescott whispers.
"What?" Mal asks.
"Nothing we need to hurry! I think something's happening."
I nod. We make it to Auradon. Everyone is passed out!
"Dude! Can you tell us what happened?" I ask.
"Audrey showed up and made everyone pass out!" He says.
I sigh. Dude eats something out of someone's hand.
"Dude seriously?" I ask.
"Shit! Where do we go?"
"It's safe to assume she went after Ben first. So we'll go to his castle first." Mal says.
Mal's POV
"Says who?" Uma says.
"Says me!" I say.
"Says you and that's supposed to mean something to me?" She says.
Prescott has collapsed onto Carlos and Jay.
"Are you ok?" I ask.
"I think so."
"We're going to his castle."
We get there. We see a claw mark on the wall.
"Oh no!"
We get to the knight room. The knights start moving!
We sing, "Watch your back, watch your back
Watch your back, watch your back
We can counter their attack
Hit 'em 'til the armor cracks."
Uma sings as she gets on the center pedestal, "This could get a little sticky
How to win this battle could be tricky
But I know the best way
Fall back let me lead, you hold the line
And we'll bring them to their knees."
Gil hands her a sword.
I get on the center pedestal with Uma. Jay tosses me a sword as i sing, "Swords in the air if you're with me
They got us outnumbered one to fifty
But victory is ours
'Cause I got a strategy, you take the left
And the rest of you can follow me."
Uma says, "(uh-uh)" as she turns me around.
I sing, "This is my crew."
Uma sings, "Well this is my squad!"
I sing as I get in her face, "This is my turf!"
Evie has a sword. She gets in between us and sings, "Oh my gosh, look guys
We've got bigger fish to fry
Put your differences aside
'Cause right now we're on the same side."
He sighs and grabs the sword tighter. We jump down. Evie holds her sword up and sings, "Until the night falls, everyone!"
Me and Uma join with her and sing, "We'll stay together 'til the battle is done."
We sing as we fight with our swords, "Watch your back, watch your back
Watch your back, watch your back
We can counter their attack
Hit 'em 'til the armor cracks!"
Me, Uma, and Evie sing, "Until the night falls, we're aligned
It doesn't mean that we're on the same side."
We all sing, "Watch your back, watch your back
Watch your back, watch your back
Hit 'em hard and hit 'em fast
They're too heavy to react!"
He smiles softly stabbing an armor suit.
I sing as me and Uma fight together, "This situation's getting kinda heavy
Hold your weapons tight keep 'em steady
'Cause if we stick together we can make it out alive
I'll cause a distraction, you attack them from the side."
Uma sings, "All my soldiers stand at the ready
We can cut 'em up like confetti
We'll hit 'em from the front, you counter from behind
Don't forget the fate of Auradon's on the line."
We touch our swords together. He's knocked out by a falling shield. Oh no!
We sing, "This is all out war, they got us outnumbered
The way the swords clash is the sound of the thunder!"
I sing, "And we are not going under, we will never run for cover!"
We all sing, "We battle for the victory and ride for each other!"
Evie sings, "Until the night falls everyone."
Me and Uma join her and sing, "We'll stay together 'til the battle is done!"
We all sing, "Back to back, back to back
Back to back, back to back
We can counter their attack
Hit 'em 'til the armor cracks!"
Us girls sing, "Until the night falls, we're aligned
It doesn't mean that we're on the same side!"
We all sing, "Back to back, back to back
Back to back, back to back
Hit 'em hard and hit 'em fast
They're too heavy to react!"
I think I have control over the Magic that's on the knights!
I say, "Suit of armor strong and true
Make this metal bust a move!"
We dance and the knights follow our moves.
Evie sings, "Until the night falls, you can trust,"
Me and Uma join her and sing "I'm gonna help you win this battle because,"
We all sing, "I got your back, got your back
Got your back, got your back
All for one and that's a fact
Night fall pitch black!"
I go try to wake up Prescott. He wakes up.
"Are you ok?"
He weakly nods. I help him up.
"We should split up and you guys go check on Roman."
I nod. Us girls go check on Roman. We get to Evie's place. We see Roman passed out on the floor.
"Oh no! Roman!" Evie says.
She plops down next to him and starts shaking him and telling him wake up.
"He's spelled! Is she not a fast learner?" Uma asks.
Evie looks up at us.
"She's emotionally involved ok." I say.
"Well she should be able to wake him up." Uma says.
She looks confused.
"You know true loves kiss? Works everytime?" Uma asks.
"Yeah we actually haven't tried that yet." Evie says.
And I quickly realize he's a goat boy.
"Why is he a goat boy?"
"I don't remember why but I do remember he just randomly showed me that he was a goat boy one day." Evie says.
"Maaaa!" He bleats.
"He sounds so cute!" Evie says.
Evie giggles. He sounds terrified but if this is a sleeping death then I'm not surprised.
Evie's POV
What if my kiss doesn't wake him up? I have to try.
I sing, "Don't freak out, it's okay
'Cause true love can save the day
And I think we feel the same
But I don't know
When we met, it was sweet
He was oh so into me
Seems like things are meant to be
But I don't know."
I sing, "Does he love me? Or does he love me not?
Do I love him? And is it strong enough?"
He moans.
I sing, "One kiss, one kiss
It all comes down to this
One kiss, one kiss
One kiss, one kiss
This moment could be it
I, I, I wanna know
So here I go (go)"
I sing, "Keep it cool, keep it calm
Think he's loved me all along
But maybe I got it wrong
So I don't know (hey)
He's so good, got my back
But maybe I'm just too bad
Could we be a perfect match?
Now, I don't know."
I sing, "Does he love me? Or does he love me not?
Do I love him? And is it strong enough? Ooh-ooh-ooh."
I sing, "One kiss, one kiss
It all comes down to this
One kiss, one kiss
One kiss, one kiss
This moment could be it
I, I, I wanna know
So here I go (go)
Yeah, here I go."
I run out and sing, "I feel my heartbeat beating saying, "It's gonna work"
But if I'm dream-dream-dreaming, this is gonna hurt
Either I will or I won't
What if I do and he don't?
Is he my Romeo?
Oh, there's only one, one way to really know!" I go back in.
I dance. Then I act like I'm going to kiss him but don't as I sing, "Hey, one kiss, one kiss
It all comes down to this (one kiss)
One kiss, one kiss (one kiss)
One kiss, one kiss
This moment could be it
I, I, I wanna know (I wanna know)
So here I go (go)"
I go for the kiss again but he turns over.
I sing, "Here I go
Here I go (here I go, here I go)
Here I go!"
I put him on and under the silky layers of fabric on the chair. I hold his head and kiss him. He's not waking up. I turn away then hear.
"Ahhhhhhhh curse this silk!"
I turn around. He's face first on the ground covered in silk. I giggle. Then I cross my arms and turn away again.
"Fuck I wanna kiss her but I can't fucking get out!"

Uma's POV

This pathetic scum!!
"You're pathetic!"
"Shut up! Help me out please! Wait you're not Mal or Evie!"
"I'm Uma."
"Can ya help maaaaaaaaa?"
Ugh! I help him out. 
"Yay!" He flies past missing an obvious attempt of a tackle hug and flying into the closet.
Evie giggles. He finally tackle hugs her. She hugs him back. He kisses her cutely. She hugs him and starts crying.
"No! No crying maaaaa!"
"I-I just thought you didn't love me."
"I was too busy trying to work my way outta the silk!"
She looks at him. He looks embarrassed...


I get to see momma—er—Gohan today! I'm excited! I see him gasping. He's hurt! I go over to help him. He weakly smiles.
"Hey Uma."
"I made you two things recently."
"What's that?"
He puts a pirate hat on me. I smile.
"I heard from Hanzo and Charlie that Mal was bullying you."
I nod.
"I wrote you a power song... here's the lyrics... we'll sing it together later I promise... you need to get home though."
I nod. He picks me up. He keeps looking over his shoulder. I look down. He makes me look at him.
Uma, Uma, la la Um-
Uma, Uma, la la Uma
Uma, Uma, la la Um-
Uma, Uma, la la Uma
What's your name?
What's your name?"
I giggle.
"Come on sing with me."
"But I thought you told me to go home."
"We'll sing on the way."
We get back to my house. I smile. He weakly smiles back. I look down.
"Take care of yourself and the others okay?"
I nod. He kisses my forehead.
"Bye," he ays softly. He hugs me tightly. Then turns to leave. He takes three steps before something grabs him. Oh no!
He's scooped away before he can even react. I start to cry.

Flashback ends.

Jay's POV

Well now we gotta find Ben. We go out looking for Ben. We find a beast. Is that Ben? He doesn't seem to recognize us. He looks like he's going to attack us!
"Um you're good with animals. Do something." I say to Carlos.
"Uh ok." He says.

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