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"Why don't we hang out instead?"
I nod.

Ariel's POV

"Hey, have you seen Shasta?" Soundeh asks virtually in tears.
"No why what happened?"
"I went to let her out of her kennel but she wasn't there and I know that I KNOW that I took her in last night."
"I'll help you look!"
We look every where suddenly I hear a pained whimper. It sounds like Shasta. I go towards it. She follows. We find Shasta but she's lying in a scarily large pool of blood.
"Shasta!!" Soundeh cries. She scoops her up. Shasta is bleeding from her back. Shasta lets out a weak whimper. She continues, "Shasta!"
Colton drives up sees the situation then pulls us into his truck.
"Don't die on me, Shasta, please!" Soundeh begs. We get to the vet. They take her back. Soundeh is sobbing hard. She sobs, "Shasta."
What happened to her? They call us back.
"Look we're going to have to put her to sleep we can't save her."
"N-N-NO!" She shouts.
"Sorry we did our best."
"Can I see her?" She asks starting to tear up. They nod. She sees the fragile form of her black poodle pup. She scoops Shasta up tears pouring from her eyes. She sobs, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I couldn't protect you! I love you so much!"
They come in to put her to sleep. Soundeh leaves the room but comes back after they're done.

Rm's POV

It's 7:30 p.m. she's been gone all damn day. The door opens. She's being supported by Ariel and Colton. She has a form in her arms. She collapses as I realize it's Shasta but she's not breathing. Colton bends down beside her. What happened to Shasta? I see stitching along her back. Soundeh has blood all down the front of her pretty white dress.
"What's wrong with you?" Wave asks.
"Someone killed Shasta," Colton whispers sharply.
"Oh you're so upset because your stupid dog's dead?!?"
Soundeh trembles then bolts out of the room still holding Shasta's dead body. Why would she say that to Soundeh?
"Yeah go on and run like I did the day Romp died."
"Why would you say that to her?" I ask Wave.
"She pisses me off by doing it. Same way I did but did SHE seem to care? No!"
"Still her dog just died why would you say that?"
"She did the same fucking thing to me."
"She did? That's honestly hard to believe."
"I really dont believe you."
"She's not entirely lying it's just she didn't directly say that to her."
I nod. Ariel and Colton have left already so I can't ask them if it's true.
"She actually said she didn't wanna here another fucking word about it."
I sigh. She sighs.

Ariel's POV

"I said that because she wouldn't drop the fact that I wanted to make an imprint of his paws for everyone."
I nod.
"Hey... do you wanna go to Paris with me to visit my brother and his wife? They won't come and I don't wanna go by myself."
"Sorry but I'm gonna be busy with work if I had known you wanted us to go I would've taken off."
I know my cousin Toni would probably wanna come he's never seen the big city.
"Maybe my cousin would want to go."
I nod.
"Doesn't Toni live half way between Paris and here?"
I nod.
"I think I can make it" She says.
"What do you mean?"
"I can make it to his place."
She makes a mold of Shasta's paws. I nod. She starts to cry.
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay, wanna stay over?"
"I'll go get clothes and food?"
We get clothes and food. I smile. He kisses my lips then we crawl back into the painting. I giggle. He smiles. I smile back. I look around. She smiles sadly. I sigh.
"At least she's no longer in pain."
She loved that dog though. I feel bad. She eats then climbs into the bed. I eat. She smiles cutely. I smile back. She puts us in the bed beside her. I fall asleep. I wake up to something weird.
"Wake up! Wake up!"
"You're alive!"
"What happened?"
"I had a nightmare."
"About what?"
"I found you instead of Shasta. I was so scared."
"Oh well it was just dream. I was only sleeping."
"I was so scared."
"It's ok it was just a dream."
"I know, I'm sorry for waking you up."
"No it's fine."
She nuzzles me. I smile. We get back in the bed. I fall asleep. She hugs me in her sleep.

The next morning Rm's POV

"Hey... I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry I couldn't make the mold fast enough for you."
"That's what you were shouting at me about?"
"Yeah you never even listen to me."
"I've got you something to make up for it."
She gets it. Two bottles of wine.
"Really for me?"
"Mhm. I've got another one but I forgot to get it so I'll get it later."
I smile. She takes them and smiles. I chuckle. Maybe I shouldn't fully blame her then. I won't.
"Just wait until I get the last bottle, okay?"
I smile.
"Are you ready?"
I nod. We leave.

The next morning.

Where is she THIS time? I sigh.
"Hey! Ugh is she hungover again? We shouldn't mess with her."
I nod. We walk outside only to run into a white poodle.
"That looks like Romp!"
"The dog."
"Did Romp die?"
She nods and cries.
"Then why don't you take the dog?"
"Let's play with it!"
I nod. We play with the dog all day.

The next morning.

Soundeh stumbles in. She doesn't look too good but I don't really care. I sigh.
"Nmmmm," she groans. Wave giggles.
"You didn't come out yesterday."
"I don't care anymore."
Her eyes meet mine as she groans, "Go on ahead... maybe she'll stop it."
She stumbles out of the room. I nod.
Wave walks over to me and asks, "So does that mean I'm your choice?"
I nod. She kisses my lips.

Fleur's POV

Something's wrong with Soundeh... I don't like her but even this isn't fair for her. She stumbles into momma's room.
"My stuff's packed I'm leaving tomorrow."
"But honey—"
"I can't anymore! I can't!"
"... you—"
"Eight weeks just in case."
"I love you both. I won't see you but I'll make sure you all have breakfast."
I look down. She walks out. She looks at me.
"You tell NO ONE what I just said got it?" She growls.
I nod.
"Use your magic wisely because I won't be back for eight weeks."
Yeah right like she has any affect on our magic.
She sighs.

The next morning.

I wake up. She's already gone.

Rm's POV

Ugh... didn't even say goodbye. Wow... Maybe I should feel for her.

I appear beside her on a train. She's drawing a complex... something.
"A soul jar. Allows me to kill myself yet still be their magic outlet. Ahhhh yes. If he starts in it'll be perfect to escape my torture. I won't be alive anymore and they'll still have their PRECIOUS powers."
"What are you doing?"

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