Thirty five

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He packs him into the dirt. I look over. Carmelo begins to blossom. He's a pretty flower. The two flowers grow and blossom brighter. The Bamboo grows brighter. They're pretty too! He yawns.

Evie's POV

Yeah Palos should go in it looks like rain.
"Let's go in."
Palos looks over with a smile.
"I can't yet. I don't want to leave him alone. But go on sweetie. I'll be fine."
"Yes I promise."
He kisses my forehead. I nod. I walk in. I see Carlos in the living room playing with dude.
"Roll over Dude! Roll over!" He says.
"I'm rolling over!" Dude Says.
He rolls over. Carlos looks up.
"Oh hey Evie where have you been?" He asks.
"The longest asshole royally screwing thing," Roman mumbles.
"What does that mean?" He asks.
"You didn't question where we were?" I ask.
"Hey I figured you and Mal were off doing your girly things whatever you two do." He says.
"No we were all fucking kidnapped," Hanzo growls before walking to his room and sprawling out onto his bed. Sawyer still looks shaky. Carlos looks at Dude. Dude just sits up and looks at everyone panting.
"Well that would've been nice to know!" Carlos says. He crosses his arms.
"If we could've told you we would've," sawyer stutters. Charlie walks in with tea and spots us all. His eyes go panicked and makes us sit and talk.
"Listen I'm no mind reader how was I supposed to know? If we knew, you know we would've been immediately there we probably would've gotten kidnapped while doing so but at least we would've been there." Carlos says.
Dude Says, "I would've been there too!"
"No you wouldn't have." Carlos says.
"Yes I would!" Dude Says.
Charlie sighs softly and looks out the window, "and who's that out there?"
"Yeah who is that?" Carlos says.
"That's Roman's father." I say.
Carlos sighs, "he's gonna hate us. Listen I feel bad."
"Because we should've been there to help. Evie, we're like family. I'm sorry. And where the hell is Mal?" He asks.
Prescott carries her in bridal style.
"Wait a minute. WAIT A MINUTE!" He says.
"What?" I ask.
"Who saved you then?" He asks.
"Um we did?" Uma says.
"And yall didn't think to call us?!?!" He asks.
"We must not matter." Dude Says.
"Yeah we must not be that important!" He says.
"Calm down we were in a hurry!" Uma says.
"You could've at least told us! We would've helped in someway!" He says.
Bryant sighs.
"we were on my ship we had to hurry."
"We didn't know though! Now we look like bad friends!" He says.
"Where even Is Jay?" I ask.
"I don't know probably out with Lonnie." He says.
"Or Claudius and Amir," Charlie says.
"We had to hurry that guy said if we didn't it could've been permanently we didn't have time which doesn't make you a bad friend," Bryant says.
"I don't know where those two are, but it makes me feel like a bad friend." He says.
"but it doesn't," Bryant says.
"It makes me feel like a jerk. I was over here playing with Dude while yall were over there getting hurt." Carlos says.
"So it's my fault?" Dude asks.
"No no Dude it's not your fault." He says.
Bryant sighs.
I giggle. I look over at Roman. Roman is watching his dad who has fallen asleep. I smile. He looks over and smiles back. I look away.
"Sorry I'm just a worried."
I giggle. I crawl into his lap. He smiles.
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay."
Dude rolls over on his back for tummy rubs. Charlie provides them. Dude pants.
"There ya go dude"
Dude barks. He stretches. I smile. He smiles back. We hear it begin to rain. I snuggle up closer in Roman's lap. Suddenly Jay comes in soaked.
"Hey buddy how was it out there?" Carlos asks.
"Can you believe it started to rain?" Jay asks.
Then he says, "oh hey guys where have yall been?"
As they did it they looked like dogs.
"What?" Jay asks again.
"You don't wanna know." Carlos says.
"Yeah please don't ask," Gohan says softly. He looks over at Claudius and Amir, "also you two look dumb doing that"
I sigh.
"Sorry," they both say.
I smile.
"Anyways wanna go play board games or something?"
Carlos sighs.
"Okay guess not then."
I sigh. He walks upstairs. I snuggle up closer in Roman's lap. I fall asleep. He smiles.

Uma's POV

We should all get some sleep. We get in bed. I sigh.

The next morning

I wake up. I yawn. Bryant sighs. I look over.
I look away.
"It's okay now... they're safe."
I nod. He smiles. I smile. He gets up. I sigh. Mmm. I sigh again.
"I'm sleepy."
"Then sleep."
"No not yes."
"Not yet sorry."
"I'm getting up."
I nod. He smiles and gets up. I get up too. He walks outside. I follow him. He looks around gently. I sigh.
"For what?"
"Just felt like I needed to apologize."
I hug him.
He hugs back, "do you like me?"
"Maybe I like you."
"Good I love you."
"Awww I love you too."
"Okay good." He kisses me.
"Why do you love me?"
"I don't know. If I knew I'd tell you."
"Oh." I look down.
"Love just happens. We don't always know why."
I giggle. He kisses me. I kiss him. He smiles. I look down.
"What's wrong?"
"Oh nothing nothing."
I look over.
"Don't lie to me."
"How can you love me?"
"Because I do."
I giggle. I hug him.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
He smiles and nuzzles me. I smile and look down.
"I'm sorry you're technically my first girlfriend so I don't know what to do."
I giggle. He smiles a bit awkwardly. I look over.
"For what?"
"For being so awkward. Hey can I kiss you?"
I nod.
"So um... what do you wanna do now?"
I shrug.
"Ok," he says stretching.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2022 ⏰

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