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I look down.
"Let's stay here tonight."
I nod. I wake up. He's speaking to someone. I sit up.
"But you promise not to hurt if I say I'll go?"
"W-What's going on?"
"Nothing," Sawyer says softly. He hugs me and kisses my forehead. I hug him back.
He says as he lets go, "I accept."
"A-Accept what?"
He turns back to me and says, "I have to do something. I don't know when I'll be back but it's okay, you'll be fine."
"I promise Okay?"
I nod.
"I love you, my little sister."
But we aren't related.
"But we aren't related though."
"No but you're the closest thing I have to a sibling."
I smile.
"I'll see you, okay?"
I nod. He disappears.

Flashback ends.
I look down. I miss him so much! He was like a brother! Why did he have to go?
"Hey love are you okay?" It's not him it's Prescott.
I nod.
"You started whispering about a Sawyer? Is he a friend?"
I nod.
"I wanna meet him!"
"I-I don't know where he is."
"Oh... I'm sorry."
I nod. He hugs me tightly then kisses my lips to make me feel better. I hug him back. I start crying into his chest.
"Don't cry!" He says before holding me tightly.

Carlos's POV

I miss him. I hope he's ok! Mal finally calms down.


Charlie is singing while hanging up mother's coats.
"Hm?" He asks turning. He hangs up the coat even without looking.
"How are you doing that without looking at it?"
"Mother's had me doing this since I was five."
I nod.
"You weren't even born when I started."
I nod. He kisses my forehead. He finishes hanging them up. I smile.
"Let's go see if Mother needs anything else done... if not then we'll go out."
I nod.
We see if Mother needs anything else done. She doesn't so we go out. Brrr it's cold!
"Arms up."
I hold my arms up. A thick warm coat lands on me.
"No problem... hands."
He puts gloves on me. I chuckle. He smiles and kisses my forehead. We walk on through the cold streets of the isle. I look around. He does too. He yawns softly.
"Should we go back?"
"No! I don't want Mother to find us MORE tasks to do."
I nod. He hugs me and kisses my forehead. I hug him back. We walk on and see Hanzo and Gohan both are in warm clothes too.
"Chilly isn't it?" Charlie asks.
"Why don't we go to my place? I'll make some warm soup."
I nod. We walk into Gohan's home. It's warm! Charlie picks me up. I smile. He smiles back.

Flashback ends.



It's late at night Charlie is making me comfortable first before he goes to sleep himself.
"Of course!"
"Happy birthday," I say.
"Thanks little brother."
"At long last," a voice sharply says.
"Whose there?"
"Not important."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm here for Charlie not you."
No answer. Charlie groans loudly.
"What are you doing to him?"
"Nothing yet."
I get up and go next to Charlie. He manages to smile despite the pain. I look down.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
He weakly manages to kiss my forehead. I hug him. He hugs back but then disappears into mist. I start tearing up. Damn it. Where did he even go?

Flashback ends.

... Charlie. Where even is he? I pick up Dude and I hug him. Uma walks out as Hanzo's promise re-enters my mind. I must find a way to allow Hanzo to pass over the barrier. But how? I don't know but I guess first we should handle Audrey. I sigh. Prescott smiles. We must go take care of her! He sighs.

Mal's POV

Let's handle Audrey. We go find Audrey. We manage to handle her. Sarin turns back to normal but is asleep. Ben takes her home. Prescott kisses me cutely. I should go look for Sawyer... we first send Audrey to the isle.

Uma's POV

Gohan... I need to see you again... I hope we find you! I think I should go look for him myself. I sit down.


"Remember, if you ever need me... let your aura find me."

Flashback ends

Come on... I need to find you now. I get up I can feel him. I walk towards it. I keep walking until I bump into a boy. It's not Gohan but a youngish African American like myself.
"Ah!" He shouts.
"It's okay... What's your name?"
"Uma what's yours?"
"Captain bray."
"Nice to meet you!"
"You too."
"I-I have to go now."
"I'm on a pirates quest to save my friend. He said he's being held with a healer boy with long brown hair."
I nod. Wait does he mean Gohan?
"You mean Gohan?"
"I can mind message."
"He doesn't know the guy's unconscious."
I nod.
"But he's going to try and wake him up."
He leads me to car.
"Why don't we travel together?"
I smile and nod. He helps me into his car. I feel for Gohan.

I see Gohan. He's beaten bad. Oh no! He wakes up. He sees the person beside him.
"I told you how to escape why are you still here?"
"My friend said he's coming. Hey he's asking if you know someone who's African American girl with blue in her hair."
"Uma?" He asks weakly.
I look down.
"You do know her."
And traveling with him is a good idea. I smile.
Where am I?
"Oh thank goodness you're okay."
I look around. We're on a road. He's smiling.
"We're almost there you've been out for two days."

Carlos's POV

Was that Hanzo in my mind?
"Yeah it's me... good magic works here remember... I need help. I felt Charlie for a minute but was captured by my dad."
"Where is he?"
"I'm obviously on the isle and I felt him here but get Mal and uncle. They'll be able to help you get to me and then maybe we can find Charlie!"
Ok I will!
I go to Mal.
"And to be honest I've been here two days," he mind messages me, "I know I have been because of my watch that Jessie gave me but other than that I wouldn't have known."
"Yeah... I've been in and out of consciousness or at least I hope that's what it was."
Are you ok?
He doesn't answer to anymore attempts.
"Hey Mal can you help me?"
"With what?"
"We need you and your dad's help to find Charlie."
She sighs.
"And to find me," he mind messages me.
"And to find Hanzo."
She nods.
"I'll come!" Prescott cries.
"You will?"She asks.
He nods.

Hades's POV

I can't feel Hanzo... I still feel bad after what I said to him... it's not his fault his dad's an ass hole. I sigh.

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