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She smiles.
"Oh! Dad's coming in, Sweetie."
I smile.
Why don't their dad live here?
"I can't believe he's finally off that job."
Oh for work.
I smile.
"When is he coming home?"
"Okay I'll make him something to eat."
That's late. She leaves the room. I sigh.
I smell something delicious. I go see what it is? She's cooking something strange but delicious smelling. She's also got some cookies in the oven. It smells good!
"Would you like to try some?"
I nod. She gives me a bowl of it. I try it. Mmmmmmm! It's so good!
"It's good!"
I continue eating. I can see a small smile under her cloak.

That night.

"Daddy's home!" A voice shouts waking me up.
"Dad!" Soundeh's voice echos.
Their dad must be home. I should go see him I mean I'll be marrying one of his daughters so I should make a good impression. I go see him.
"Hi sweetie!"
"Hi Dad."
I smile. I walk into the kitchen.
"Wow, Momma said you made me dinner."
I think he will like it.
"Huh? Who's that in the hallway?"
She turns.
"Oh that's Namjoon."
"The man who wants to marry one of you?"
"Hello." I say.
"Hello," he says softly.
I smile. He smiles back. She has made three plates of food including bowls and cookies. The cookies smell good! She pulls out her paintbrush and draws a tray. It appears. She puts the food on it then gets three glasses of iced tea. She's a really good cook.
"I know right?"
I smile and nod. She smiles and hugs me. I hug her back. She instantly lets go. I sigh. He takes her hood off revealing this long thick curly white hair. He puts a necklace on her. She smiles.
"There's your first birthday gift."
I smile. She smiles but it seems sad? Why is she sad? We eat.
"Goodnight daddy."

The next morning.

She comes out her eyes still hidden. I sigh. Everyone is gone. She sighs and sits on a chair. I sit down. Her dad sits down beside her. He kisses her forehead. She smiles. I smile. Her momma walks in. I look over. She gives her a special cake.
"Breakfast cake."
I smile. She eats it happily. She seems happy. She hands me a slice.

At the party. Fleur's POV

How'd she get such a pretty necklace? Where did she get it? She cuts her cake. I watch her. We hand her our gifts. She manages to smile. I sigh. She opens the first one to find a carton of cigarettes from Blair.
"They—they're the kind I saw you smoking."
She smokes?
"Since you broke my vase at my twenty-first," she says to me smiling sadly.
I nod. She sighs sadly and opens the cartoon. She takes a pack and smiles. I sigh.
"Here's my gift," Wave says.
We watch. It's a perfume bottle.
"Nice... I can't wear perfume."
I give her my gift next. It's a crystal flower.
"Oh, another one... I'll have to draw it sometime," she says. She seems a little bit more happy.
I nod. My gift seems to have been one of the better ones because she can't wear perfume and cigarettes aren't that personal. She opens Selene's. It's a CD. She flips it over and just nods. My gift seems to have been one of the better ones because she can't wear perfume and cigarettes aren't that personal. She opens Selene's. It's a CD. She flips it over and just nods. I sigh.
"Is it good?"
She takes the next gift. I watch. It's from Aashni. It's a kitchen knife.
"Oh how original... another one to add to the collection!" She says forcing a smile.
"You like to cook!"
"It's nothing... especially when you won't even eat it."
She does like to cook. She puts it on the table. Valerie hands her the gift. It's a twelve pack of beers. She smiles and nods.
"Thanks," she says then mumbles, "Another gift that is too obvious... and easily available."
I sigh. Lyra smiles and hands her the box. She opens it to find another box. This goes on for five whole minutes. What the hell? Finally the last box reveals a tiny bouncy ball. She forces a smile. A-Are you serious? Suddenly the door slams open.

Ariel's POV

"I'll have you know we have spent six hours trying to wrap you gift," Colton shouts.
"Arf!" I hear the dog quietly bark.
"Fuck!" Colton shouts.
I nod.
"Okay then?"
Colton hands her the box. As soon as she opens the lid, the puppy jumps her. I giggle.
She smiles and says, "oh such a good girl!"
I nod. It seems to be the best gift she's gotten. And with what I see I can see why. I smile. She smiles back. I sigh.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome."
She hugs me. We start to party. Suddenly Selene accidentally rips off her new necklace. It was just an accident. She looks down. Selene seems to smile for a second then stops she starts to apologize rapidly. It was an accident right?
"... I know sorry that I'm jealous of you," Soundeh says.
I sigh. I can tell those boys are scared And confused. I see why. She stops grabs Shasta and runs. Oh my. I should go find her. We're one of her only friends after all. I go find her. She looks over sadly from her bed. I look down.
"Do you want the perfume? Seeing as I can't use it."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah I'll get sick if I use it remember?"
"Then sure."
She uses her paint brush to draw a door to the room then grabs her gifts. She hands me the perfume. I sigh. It's a cheap perfume. I'll still wear it though.
"I hope you don't mind."
"I don't mind."
I smile. She smiles back.
"Oh and tomorrow we're going to Linzino and shopping for you," I say.
I nod.
"Thank you."
I smile. She smiles back and hugs me. I hug her back.
We hear Colton shout, "I'm stuck in the door way!"
I giggle. She laughs. How is he stuck? We walk in there. His ass is stuck in the painting lol. I giggle again. We get him unstuck. Shasta starts barking. She giggles. I smile. She picks up Shasta and says, "Thank you."
"You're welcome."
"Yeah. We already told your parents we were getting you a dog so they just sighed and said whelp gotta find something else."
I nod. She giggles. I giggle. He pulls out all of the stuff we got her for Shasta. I smile. She giggles and hugs Shasta tightly.
"You see all this stuff for you, Shastie Shasta?"
I giggle. She yawns softly. She must be tired. She curls up under the blankets.  I giggle.
"Y'all go have fun I need some sleep."
I nod. We leave.
"She seems happy with Shasta."
"She does."
He smiles and hugs me. I hug him back. We walk back to the party. I look around. They seem to be having more fun now that she's gone. I sigh. Selene smiles and continues dancing with one of the boys. I look away. There's seven boys... it's weird. It's very weird. Selene tries to move me to join the party. We might as well party. She told us to have fun.
"Do you want to dance?" I ask Colton.

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