Take You Down: Chapter Twenty One

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How much do you love me?

I uploaded pretty fast. My concussion is killing me, but I had to do this. It actually distracted me a little. But hey, what did I say? Get those votes/comments and you've got yourself a chapter (in this case ahahaa).

I know this is short kay?

Anyways, I'll keep this short.


Can I get 45 votes and 15 comments?



I grab Pablo's hand and send Courtney an apologetic look before dragging him to a nearby empty classroom. He doesn't fight my tugs on his hands, and for that I'm glad. There are so many things going on in my head right now, I'm not sure how I'm going to handle this. 

I open the door and pull Pablo inside, shutting it securely behind us. Once it's locked, I crush a fear of being caught around him after what just happened. Pablo raises an eyebrow at me, his face inches from mine. That causes me to focus, and I immediately put a safe distance between us. 

"What are you doing?" His voice is demanding yet filled with intensity.

I shake my head, trying to clear my thoughts. His husky, accented voice almost makes me change my mind about everything. Pointing a finger between us, I open my mouth to speak.

"This," I gesture, "It needs to end."

Pablo drops his gaze to the space between us, his eyebrow still risen. "Por que? Why? I liked it."

"It was a stupid idea. It's only gotten me in a deeper mess Pablo." I reason, trying to keep my desperate tone out of the picture. I don't know when this happened, but the distance between us is the only thing keeping me sane.

He frowns and takes a tiny step forward, his body pushing off the support of the door. "Then let me help you."

"No," I say buntly, shaking my head in the process.

Pablo's jaw clicks, "Why not?"

"You'll help me by 'breaking up' with me in public." I blurt out, trying to twist his words. I know the moment I say that he won't listen to me at all.

He laughs a short laugh and folds his arms, "How will that help you? It's Lucas isn't it?"

I keep my lips in a firm line, because I know if I speak, the truth will come out. I can feel the words, the feelings to have someone understand, scratching desperately at my sides. But I can't. I have to keep them in.

Nobdody needs to know about this.

Otherwise I'll just be that 'abused girl'.

Pablo takes my silence as an answer and nods his head. I stay put in my place and watch as he cups his fist with his open hand. He begins to circle me slowly, as if to interrogate a criminal.

"It's Lucas." He confirms, not waiting for my reply after that, "You still like him don't you?"

The image of myself falling for that sick bastard makes me want to vomit. Despite my silence, I scoff at that.

Pablo shrugs his shoulders, "I mean if you think of it," He continues, "You probably asked me to be your boyfriend to make him jealous. It's something you americans do, right?"

I roll my eyes at that one, "I'm not a whore like Megan, sorry Pablo."

"And today," He ignores my comment, "He asked your best friend to homecoming. That's gotta hurt."

I try to block the pain of his comment, I try not to let it get to me, but I know he knows it's working. The thought of my own friend, best friend, getting hurt in the same way I did makes me terrified. The threats he said if I ever told anyone flash through my mind. I cringe as I think of him saying those same words to Makayla.

What if he goes farther than where he got with me?

What if he really does trick her?

"So once he did," He continues on like usual, "You figured there's no point, huh?"

That does it.

I spin around to face Pablo, catching him off guard by grabbing him by the collar of his polo shirt. He stares at me momentarily before his face breaks out into a full blown grin. That only makes me more angry. I push him back, my hands still on his shirt, and he lightly hits the door. At that his smile does falter a little.

I get in his face, not caring how ridiculous I look. "Don't you dare tell me why I do what I do." I spit, "There are many reasons why I asked you to be my fake boyfriend, and that is not one of them."

Pablo leans in closer, causing me to repulse back, "Then what is it sweetpea?" He mocks.

"That is none of your business you asshole!" I snap, my face gaining the temperature of the sun.

"See that's where you're wrong, chica. The moment you asked me to be your boyfriend, it became my business." He fires back, a smirk coming on his face.

I push him back again, if possible, "Well, let's break up during lunch and it will all be over!"

Pablo pushes off the door and grabs me by the waist in a flash. A yelp escapes my lips but it's disguised by the sound of him pressing me a little harder than usual against the door he was originally backed up in. He places his hands on either side of my face and leans in closer, his minty breath close to my lips.

"Is that what you want, sweetpea?" He whispers, drawing his nose along my neckline.

I surpress a shudder and push at his chest. He pulls back when I do, only to get right in my face again when I get caught staring at his plump lips.

I can feel every single part of his body against mine, and I let out a tiny noise. Pablo's lips curve up, and a few moments later, I feel them on my jaw. His warm breath contradicts with my cold skin, and instantly goosebumps rise. I grab onto his arms for support, and he latches onto my waist at the same time. By the looks of it, neither of us was going to let go.

I turn my head away from his lips, knowing that if they hit mine, all of my worries, wills, and reasons will vanish like a lonesome cloud. Pablo doesn't have any of that.

He gently grabs ahold of my chin and turns it in his direction. When I make the mistake of letting him, he crashes his lips to mine. I don't have a chance to double think what just happened, and at that moment, I don't really care.

His mouth overlaps mine softly and I grab onto the base of his neck. He bites my lip and I moan, the sound sounding alien-like to my own ears. He smiles and does the same thing again, only this time, his warm tongue brushes on my lips. I gasp and tug my hands in his hair, making him groan. He places gentle kisses all the way down to my ear.

"See? It's not what you want." He whispers huskily.

My eyes snap open as he places a wet kiss below my ear. It feels as if a bucket of ice has been dumped on me and I immediately push him back.

"No." I mutter, putting some space between us, "No, no, no."

Pablo shakes his head, his eyes still filled with lust, "You can't deny this anymore sweetpea."

I shake my head and turn for the door.

"This isn't fake anymore and you know it." He adds as I slip out of the door.

"Lunch Pablo." I warn him, his words sticking to my brain like peanut butter and jelly.

This has to be done.

As much as I want it, there can't be an us.

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