Take You Down: Chapter Thirty One

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Seeming to catch my gaze, he slowly stops laughing and looks down at my own. He brings his lips closer, so that now they are a mere inch away from each other.

I wrap my arms around his torso and scrunch up fistfulls of his shirt in my hands, waiting for him to make a move.

When he doesnt do anything, I glance up to see him smirking again.

With a sigh, I pull him closer to me, "Are you going to kiss me, or what?"

Pablo grins and leans in, his lips touching mine with the softest feather tip. Then, just as I'm about to step closer, I hear dad's footsteps thundering up the stairs.

We both jump apart and put our hands on our heads when dad makes his appearance near the stairs. He glances at the two of us without a suspicion and then moves his attention to me only.

"The hospital just called." He says out of breath from running up the stairs, "Jake is open for visitors again."

                                         ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞


"Hey jakie," I say softly as Pablo and I enter Jake's hospital room.

The nurses had warned us that he may have fallen asleep, considering that victims with concussions have tendencies to sleep more often and random. Along with the typical, 'don't talk unless he wants to talk to you' speech, I was just eager to ditch them and see my brother.

So eventually, when the time came around to let us go, I hauled my butt in less than a minute to his room.

Where I am now, out of breath, but alive.

"I don't think he's awake." Pablo infers after no response comes from Jake.

My eyes widen a fraction and I look wildly between Jake, the heart monitor, and Pablo. I focus my attention on Jake's chest, trying to identify if he was breathing in the first place. However, when I don't see any signs, I rush over to the heart monitor, ready to rip it out for lying to me.

"He's not breathing!" I nearly shout, looking all around the room.

Pablo instantly rushes to the other side of Jake's bed, his arms out and ready to do god knows what. A sigh of relief comes out of his mouth and he drops his stance. Walking over to me, he calmly lowers my hands while I almost attempt to thrash out of his grip.

"What the hell are you doing?" I demand hotly.

"He's okay Sweetpea," He assures me, "Look at his neck pulse." 

I do as he says and pay close attention to the jugular area. At first, I see nothing, but it slowly gets better and I start to notice a faint but there pulse.

"Oh thank god," I mutter, leaning into Pablo's chest.

I literally feel like a sack of potatoes being thrown around.

Pablo chuckles softly and releases his grip on my arms. I let them limply fall back down to my sides as he moves his hands up and down my upper arms.

I wasn't cold, but the goosebumps rose up the instant he started massaging my arms.

"What are you doing?" I murmur, leaning my head back on instinct.

I can hear him make some sort of humored sound before responding. "I'm calming you down."

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