Take You Down: Chapter Six

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Along with having a YAS living in our house, we had some guidelines and rules to follow. One of them, was to come home after activities with the student in your sight at all times. You see, I would've been perfectly fine with that rule, if Pablo was acutally cooperating with me.

"Pablo freaking Remires!" I shouted at the top of my lungs for the fifth time in a row. He was so engaged in kissing that blonde girl--Megan, I think, that he totally ignored what I was saying to him. I stood with my back to him, not wanting to look at what they were doing. Yet, some part of me was yearning to stomp over there and yank him off of her.

Anger surged through my veins as I heard him chuckle and began to whisper in her ear.

What the hell. I already looked like an idiot.

I whipped around, fists clenched, and stormed right over to Pablo. Grabbing him firmly by the back of his shirt, I forcefully tugged him and Megan apart from each other.

"What the hell!" He groaned when he saw that it was me. I could still feel the heat radiating off of my skin.

"Don't even." I snapped, continuing to snag him farther and farther away from his temporary girlfriend.

After a while of tugging, I eventually released my grasp and began walking a little bit faster so that I wouldn't have to stand next to him. I had a feeling that if he ticked me off one more time, I would knock him onto the streets. He silently caught up to me though with a smug look plastered on his face.

"You jealous mamacita?" He suddenly asked, smirking at me.


Instead, I let out a bitter laugh. "Hell no."

"Aw, common', don't hide it sweetpea." Pablo prodded with a grin on his face. 

He did not just say that...

"Don't call me that." I growled, growing more and more frustrated. He was clueless, wasn't he?

"Then what? Sugarlips?" He mocked. I'm pretty sure that anyone could figure out that I wasn't joking--except for Pablo.

"No!" I moaned.

"Okay, okay! If you liked sweetpea, why didn't you tell me the first time!?"

"I don't!" I shouted. My feet were planted on the ground, and my hands were folded across my chest.

Pablo burrowed his eyebrows for one moment, before throwing his smirk back on. "It's cute when you're jealous."

That's it. I'm living in a dump.

I glowered at him and began walking again. "Sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm not."

"You keep telling yourself that sweetpea." Pablo reassured, that smirk still evident on his face when he caught back up to me.

"Oh, good lord!" I exclaimed frustrated. "Can you close your mouth?"

A mischevious smile formed on his lips. "No, they're always being used."

Of course.

I rolled my eyes and gave him my best death glare. "Get the hell over yourself."

He winked, his smile never fading. "Not possible. I just get reminded everyday."

"Can you get any more egotistical?" I gawked rehitorically.

But of course, he had and answer to everything. "I like to use the term 'self confidence'."

I scoffed. "Yeah, too much."

"Ladies love me." He slurred defensively, right as we reached the side wall of our house.


I almost burst out laughing at what he just said, but to keep some manners, I managed to let out just one chuckle. I felt like the entire world could contradict what he just said. "Keep thinkin' that."

I didn't bother to look up, since I was too busy searching for my keys in my backpack. Just as I heard the jingle, I felt hands grasp my shoulders and press me up against the wall. My breath caught in my throat as I saw Pablo lean even closer--so close that I could feel the heat radiating off of his chest. He moved one arm lower and circled it around my waist, while his other hand went against the wall on the right side of my head. I swallowed hard and began to feel my pulse quicken when he came forward and ducked his head. Just when his full lips were inches away from mine, he bent lower and pressed them ever so gently against the base of my neck. A small gasp escaped my mouth as I arched my back away from the wall and closed my eyes. I felt Pablo smile against my skin, and he lifted his head to my ear. "Told you mamacita."

My eyes snapped open, and I felt my cheeks turn red as realization hit me hard. In an instant, I pushed him away from me with all of my inner strength.

Oh, shit.

I'd just been played--and I liked it.


Heey Readers!

So, what did you think!? I loved writing this chapter so much. Aak. I just can't wait until the next one. If you thought this one was hot.. :) Oh yeah, and I'm so sorry for the short chapter, but I felt like I needed to get some action going on between the two.

Also, I would like to clarify that YAS stands for Year Abroad Student. Along with that, some people thought that Madison and Pablo were related. Just to make sure that everyone understands, Noo, they are not related at all. No way what so ever. :)

And last but not least, I would like to take a few minutes to thank Purpopz for being such a supportive fan. :)

Alright, that's all! I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it!

comment, vote, and fan!! xoxo

Summer :)

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