Take You Down: Chapter Thirty

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I fold my arms across my chest, giving Pablo a mild hint that whatever he has to say is going to have a hard time getting through the closed brain of mine.

"Fine." I say curtly, "Then talk."

He narrows his eyes at my stance and puts up his own, giving me the message this is going to be a two front arguement. Taking one look downstairs, he shakes his head and gently pushes me farther down the hall. I end up backtracking, my hands refusing to fall down at my sides, until he physically stops me.

Before I can muster up any words to start off world war three, he beats me to it by cutting me off with his lips. His own crash onto mine with a gentle, yet firm force, and to say it took my breath away is an understatement. At first, I try not to cue him on, wanting him to realize that I truely am mad at him. However, when he starts to move his mouth agaisnt mine, I feel my body slowly start to respond back without my control.

My hands slide up his warm chest, enjoying the warmth radiating off him, and slowly toy with the ends of his hair behind his neck. He's kissing me with such an intensity that I've never felt before--almost like he's showing his anger, and somehow his gentleness, through it.

I've had plenty enough of his angry kisses to know what it feels like, and this is one that's just a totally different category from all the others.

My knees start to grow weak and I willingly let myself melt into him like a marshmellow above a firepit. His hands trail up my face, around the area where Lucas had punched me. The bruises were more clear now, turning a wonderfully familiar purple. Sliding his hands back down he grabs onto me tighter, which I don't seem to mind, and it's only when he attempts to pry my mouth open that I come to my dazed senses.

What am I doing?

The thought repeatedly runs through my brain and I start to feel how this is not helping my case at all. His warms lips feel so amazing against mine, yet he shouldn't be taking this to his advantage just because I'm mad. Just for a second, I feel myself get angered by that thought again.

Fighting past the urge to kiss him senseless, I bring my hands down and push back on his chest firmly.

"Wait," I murmur, my voice coming out weaker than I intended. I push him back even further and he reluctantly pulls back, breathing harshly like me. "I'm mad at you."

Pablo keeps his intense gaze locked on mine, "So am I."

"That's a weird way of showing it." I remark monotonely, once my wildly beating heart and rapid inhales have decreased to it's normal rate.

He shrugs, his gaze flickering to my bruised cheek, "You have no idea what went through my mind when I saw you alone with Lucas today."

"I had a good handle of it Pablo," I defend, raising an eyebrow.

Pablo steps closer to me but I raise a hand up, not wanting his proximity to influence my actions. His hands drop and he continues to stare at me.

"How can you say that when I walked in on Lucas punching you sweetpea!" He demands skeptically after another few silent moments.

"I wouldn't have gone there in the first place if you didn't back my dad up at the hospital!" I aruge back, completely chaning the subject.

I didn't want him asking me how I had anything under control, because the truth is, I didn't. I was just living by a string, letting whatever happen, happen. I think at that point, I didn't really care. To be honest, I still want to go over there and just do something to Lucas to show him he's not in charge anymore.

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