Take You Down: Chapter Forty Part 2

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Oh. My. Gosh. 

This is pretty much the last chapter of the book. I know there is an epilogue coming soon, but that's something different. I can't believe I have come this far and earned all the votes, comments, and fans through this story. 

I've really connected with all the characters I've created, pushing them to their maximum and making the best I can imagine. I think it's safe to say Pablo is my dream. I hope y'all feel the same. 

Thank you SO much for supporting me through everything--especially for those long awaited chapters. As for cliffhangers...that's just something I love to do--it'll never stop. 

Thank you for everything! 

Can I get more comments than votes? 

*Epilogue coming soon!* 


                                      ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ 


I shoot him an incredulous teasing look, “Just because you’ve lived in California for  a while now doesn’t mean you know where everything is.”

He shoots me a dry, yet amused, glance before curtailing and stopping in my path. By now, we are walking in the pretty empty parking lot—besides the many police cars occupying the spots.

He leans forward and grabs my hand, “I don’t think I made myself clear.”

I gulp and watch as he unravels my clenched fingers and places my car keys in my hands.

“Get in the car and drive, mi amor.” He whispers huskily.

When I dart my eyes up, he shoots a wink my way and abruptly heads towards the front of the door.

I click my tongue and flap my hands wildly in the air when I realize I’d just been seduced—in the middle of a parking lot full of police cars.

“Pablo.” I warn, unlocking the car and following after him, “This better be good.”

“Trust me,” He says in a lowered voice, “Es un buen sorpresa. You’ll love it.” 

                                         Chapter Forty Part 2


            I turn the wheel to the right, but not before throwing Pablo a knowing look. He turns away as I do so; however, when I look at him from the corner of my eye, I can tell he’s grinning.

            “Really, Pablo?” I muse, shaking my head.

            For the past hour, he has been giving me instructions in Spanish. I’ve just now realized he likes to watch me struggle. I believe I’ve learned more Spanish words in the car than I have ever learned in a class dedicated to the language.

            “Què?” He musters innocently, “You did it right!”

            “Yeah, after millions of u-turns and reversing!” I add sarcastically, “It’s okay though—I only added another sixty minutes to an hour long ride.” 

            “Bueno,” He concludes, “That’s another sixty minutes I get to spend with you.”

            I would do anything—anything—for a witty response, but my mind is blocked. Each time I open my mouth to say something, nothing clever comes out. So, as quickly as the words vanish from my lips, I clamp my mouth down again. His small comment has a light crimson crawling up my cheeks. It doesn’t help that I can feel his stare on me all the while.

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