Take You Down: Chapter Forty Part 1

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I know, I know, I know. 

"Wait didn't you say this was the last chapter of the book ages ago?" 

Yeah. I did. And...I'm going to tell you that I'm making the last chapter (besides the epilogue) have parts because there was just too much to write in one. I didn't want to rush things. I was getting pretty tired, so I figured I would start fresh with part two tomorrow. 

Maybe I'll upload it then too! 

Other than that, thank you so much! 

Please leave comments.


Happy Reading lovelies. 


                                     ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ 


 “Madison?” A third knock on the door has us flying apart again.

I let out a frustrated sigh before answering, “Yes?”

The door opens and dad appears in his formal business clothes. Dressed in a suite and tie, he gives me a small, worried smile before raising the phone and pointing to it.

“You and Pablo have been called down to the police station for questions.” He states quietly.

Despite my confident manor, I feel my emotions slip. I take a quick glance at Pablo, who is staring at me with a determined expression. He gives my hand a gentle squeeze and a barely noticeable nod in reassurance.

I look back up at dad and brush a strand of hair out of my face, “We’ll be right down.”                                     

                                          Chapter Forty

         Sitting in a plastic chair, idle and anxious in the police department, has never made it to my bucketlist. In fact, neither have half the things that have happened to me. 

A strong part of me wishes that none of this ever happened but if that was the case, then who knows where Pablo and I would be now.

Perhaps we’d still be arguing day and night over who’s the better soccer player or competing to make the best food or racing to take the shower first.

I’d rather fight and make up with one of his irresistible kisses a million times than sit here and wait for Pablo to finish talking to the police about my abusive ex.

You see, in this very moment, my feelings can be compared to the colors on a pallet. When an artist paints, one doesn’t just use one color—rather he use dozens. All these colors unite to form a grand picture—one that tells a story wordlessly. Similarly, the colors match with my emotions. These past few days, I haven’t just been mad. I’ve been furious, frustrated, determined, and terrified all at once.

Now, revenge is my sin of fury.

It’s all I see, feel, and taste.

I want to find justice where it’s due—to make Lucas pay for what he’s done to my family, friends, and me. For over three years, he’s managed to hit home, physically and mentally. Seeing now as I have finally taken control of the gear, there’s no way I’m letting him control me ever again.

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