Take You Down Chapter Thirty Six

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For a brief second, he stops to catch his breath. I kiss his cheek as he does so and prepare myself to get out of his grip. Instead, he grabs on tighter and gives me one small kiss underneath my ear. 

"Te amo." He whispers, pulling back to look at me. 

I stare at him, some part of me knowing what that meant without even having to ask. At the same time, I couldn't believe it, so I had to, for the sake of my sanity. 

"What does that mean?" I ask softly, staring at his lips. 

When I glance up again, he is smirking at me, mostly because he caught me staring. 

"I love you." He translates firmly. 

Before I can say anything, he pulls me back into him. Our kiss is reintensified with what I can now make sense of as love. 

In between kisses, I push him back lightly, "Damn you Pablo Remires." 

He frowns and looks at me, almost heartbroken. 

"I wanted to say 'I love you' first." 

                                        ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞



I flinch as a group of boys sitting beside me on the bleachers scream at the opposing team standing a few feet away from the first row. 

As soon as they say that, the entire section rises up and makes discouraging sounds. The 'boos' were so loud, the coaches glared at us as we made it hard for them to communicate to their players during the timeout. 

The score was 28 to 21, our team, the grizzlies, in the lead. 

Somehow, I'm not surprised we're winning. Considering that we play the worst team every homecoming just so we can win, it makes perfect sense that the whole school shows up for this game. In short, everyone comes to this game because it's the only game we win. Ever. 

"Hey," someone nudges my shoulder, making me nearly snap my neck out of fright. 

With a hand on my chest, I shake my head when I meet gazes with Courtney, "Jesus, don't do that!" 

Part of me was petrified, just waiting for the moment where Lucas pops out of nowhere to do some harm. Another part was trying to reassure me that there was nothing he could do since he was one the football time. I think of that again, and my heart instantly smooths.

Meanwhile, Courtney attempts to shrug her shoulders but fails greatly with all the food in her hands, "Sorry." 

I smile and wave it off, physically trying to slap away my thoughts about Lucas, "Where's Makayla?" 

"She went to the bathroom, she'll be back," She shouts as another wave of screams erupt from the crowd. 

I nod and give the boys an odd glance again. 

She grins and pops a tater-tot in her mouth, "Do they think they can't hear us or something?" 

"I know, we're literally right there." I say, my eyes widening in exaggeration. 

Suddenly, I feel my phone vibrates in my jacket pocket. I make a move to pull it out and see that it's from Pablo. 

Wish you were up here with me... 

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