Take You Down: Chapter Seven (Part Two)

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Hey guys! Hope you enjoy chapter seven (part two), because I sure did. I love writing about competitions, it's just so much fun! I'm hoping you like it too.

I would like to warn you however, there will be a few cuss words here and there, so if you are not comfortable, consider this your advanced warning :)

Currently, my work is unedited. I was too excited to triple check my work this time :) Save me mercy please :)

What do you think of Pablo and Madison? Do you like them?

Okay, well that's all for now.

~comment, vote, fan~ xoxo


"This is the best mac and cheese EVER!" Jake shouted, while stuffing more pasta into his mouth. He had strings of yellow dangling down his chin, waiting to be swooped back into his mouth.

I couldn't help but feel a small smile form at the edge of my lips, as I observed how happy baby Jake was, from the high tables across the room in the kitchen. Pablo looked down at Jake and gave him a toothy grin-as if he was a young child as well.

"I can make it for you anytime." He said, reassuring him with a gentle pat on the back.

Okay, so he was great with children. Why did that effect me so much?

Jake's messy face turned into a wide smile. "Okay!"

Pablo chuckled and turned around to look in the fridge. I hopped off the high chair and walked over to him. "What do you need?" I asked, trying to feel responsible for the house.

He checked the sides of the fridges before looking back at me. "Do you have peppers?"

I scooted past him, ignoring the chills I felt as my arm brushed up on his chest, and frowned when I didn't see the peppers. "No, I guess not..."

"Es nada." He said, reaching for the jalepenos in one of the pockets of the fridge. My heart immediately dropped. Me plus jalepenos equals an extremely red face and a burnt toungue.

"Oh-" I was saying, but quickly clamped my mouth shut so he woudn't realize anything.

Pablo stared at me blankly, while I stared at those jalepenos in his hands.

"Are you backing down now?" He asked with a mocking tone.

I snapped my head up and glared at his god damn anoying smirk. "Never."

"Sweetpea, if you don't tell me now, you won't feel your mouth for years." He pressed, still teasing.

I swallowed when I tried to imagine my life without my mouth. Yup, not possible. I shuddered at that thought and mumbled softly. "Maybe just a little bit is good enough."

I was expecting one of those smirks again, but instead, his face relaxed and his eyes became sincere." Bueno."


"You probably poisoned it." I stated matter-of-factly as I stared at the enchilada he had placed on a plate for me. I narrowed my eyes and suspicion and began visually inspecting it for "unknown material".

Pablo gave an exasperated sigh. "Sweetpea, even if I was trying to kill you, I wouldn't make it so obvious."

I snapped up at him, flashing him an incredulous glance, and sarcastically stated, "Oh! That makes me feel so much better."

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