Take You Down: Chapter Three

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                                                                   Pablo's POV:

Why did she have to be so hermosa? It ruined everything.

My chicos and I back in Mexico had talked about how hot these 'Californian girls' were, but Madison was beautiful.  She had those big, oval green eyes, the color of her mother's. I have to admit, the vulnerable look she had on in the airport was eye catching.

When she gave me a tour of the house, I felt like there was a lot that she was keeping to herself. I found her occasionally opening her mouth to speak, and then quickly clamping it shut. She was kind of a mix of personalities. When her mom led us out to the garden where the kick ass soccer field was, she suddenly became this girl with some fire in her. The way she folded her arms across her chest when I asked her if she played futbol was pretty impressive. I didn't know her too well, but she was so unpredictable, and she left me hanging so many times.

 "Hey Pablo?" Someone called softly, snapping me out of my thoughts. 

I whipped around and found none other than Madison standing at the top of the stairs, looking down at me. "Yeah?"

"Um, do you need help carrying your things up?"

My eyes traveled to the three heavy suitcases at the bottom of the steps. Could she even pick that up?

I answered that question myself, "Nah, they're actually pretty heavy." 

I swear I saw Madison's jaw fall after I spoke. She rolled her eyes when she recovered and began walking down the stairs. "I take that as a 'yes'." 

"Are you sur-" I began speaking, but eventually trailed off when she lifted the heaviest of my suitcases and began waddling up stairs.

"Damn." I muttered in english, while arching one brow when she continued up the stairs.

I hurridly grabbed one of my other suitcases and followed behind her into my new room. She was waiting for me with her hands folded across her chest again.

Geez, what was this girl's problem?

A small grunt escaped my mouth when I settled the second suitcase down on the floor. I stood up and leaned back to get rid of the stress that had formed while keeping my eyes on Madison.

"How the hell did you just do that?" I questioned impressed.

Madison smirked and gave me a light shrug, "I don't know-conditioning I guess."

"Madison!" Mrs. Lockey suddenly called from downstairs. "Pablo, sweetie, it's dinner!"

"Come." She instructed, walking down the stairs expecting me to follow.

Maldito. Demanding, strong, and beautiful.

                                                                    Madison's POV:

Oh god, It took all my effort to hide the roll of laughter I wanted to release when Pablo saw me pick up his suite case. He looked as if he had just seen a monster. But then again, it annoyed me how he probably thought I was too weak to pick up his own suite case.

I figured one of the ways to make sure Pablo knew that he couldn't come near me, was to make sure I was the one in charge. I felt so proud when I saw his shocked impression as I ordered him to follow behind me when mom called for dinner. It was refreshing.


"So Pablo." My mom began when we all sat down and began to eat, "How did you find out about this abroad program?"

Pablo payed close attention to what mom was saying and passed his plate over to me, so that I could serve him the beans and salad.

"Mmm, I think mainly through friends." He answered bluntly.

Dad frowned at his short answer, "What, so, they just decided to tell you one day about this abroad program?"

I gave dad a small kick in the shin from underneath the table, and he let out a soft yelp.

"Ow!" He muttered, glaring at me.

I ignored his stare and made brief eye contact with Pablo. There was a small smile on his lips, like he knew that I was the one that kicked dad.

"Honey, are you okay?" Mom asked dad cautiously.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just stubbed my toe or something." Dad reassured, lying cooly.

Pablo and I kept staring at each other. I wasn't going to stop staring until he looked away first. Pabo opened his mouth to say something, and I began to feel excited when I thought he was going to give up.

"Uh, can I have my plate back?" Pablo asked uncertainly, staring at the plate I was hold right next to my head, "Or...is that an american tradition?"

My eyes quickly darted to the plate next to me, and I flushed in emberressment.

"Oh." I mumbled and handed him his plate as I felt my cheeks turn red, "Yeah, sorry."

Pablo gave me a charming smile, "No te preoccupes. It's okay."

I looked down, and stared at my food like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

Dammit. I just lost at my own game.


Hey readers!

I'm hoping that most of my spanish is correct. I'm also praying that you enjoyed this chapter! Tell me what you think about Pablo and Madison. I had a lot of fun writing Pablo's point of view. Do you want me to continue writing with his point of view as well? I thought I'd try it out this chapter.

Also, I'm dedicating this chapter to EliseBonney because of all her amazing and wonderful support. Thank you so much for voting, commenting on my story, and being so consistant. Your enthusiasm inspired me to write this chapter at ten at night! Thank you so much. 

Okay, well make sure to comment, fan, and vote if you like this story!


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