Take You Down: Chapter Eighteen

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"Pablo, If you open that door," I warned with my back facing it, "I swear to god, I'm going to murder you."

I stuck both arms out in front of me, my legs wide in ready position. The bell rang again, and I cringed at the numerously impatient groans coming from outside.

Oh god, how many people did he invite?

An abrupt movement from Pablo made me snap my head in his direction like a hawk. He looked at me with amused eyes and then smirked.

"I'd like to see you try, sweetpea." He murmmered just as he grabbed my hands and pulled me easily out of the way.

I yelped in alarm and stumbled back before realizing what he was doing.

With a shout, almost close to a warrior call, I turned around and charged at him.

His eyes widened for a split second before I lunged on top of him, making him land butt first on the floor. When I saw the stunned expression on his face, I felt myself turning triamphunt with my little victory. A full fledged smirk made its way to my face as I continued to sit on a frozen Pablo.

It took him a few moments to recover, but when he did, his astonishment was replaced with a smug look of his own.

He leaned forward, "Too late."

I frowned in confusion until I heard the door burst open and people started to file in noisily.

Oh freaking hell!

I stared at Pablo wide eyed, and my heart started to fall the longer I did.

"Aww yeah Pablo," A deep voice hooted from behind us both, "Get some."

A couple of laughs and wolf whistles followed after his comment, and I gingerly glanced down at the position we were in. Pablo did the same, and when we looked at each other, he winked with a nod.

My cheeks turned crimson, both with humiliation and attention, and I immediately pushed myself off of him.

I don't know what was worse.

Him being fine with humiliating me in front of everyone, or him encouraging all of this.

I shook my head as I felt sadness wash over me and continued looking down.

I head Pablo start to say something to me, but I was done.

Without even listening to what he was talking about, I turned around away.


                                                            Pablo's POV:

I sighed angrily as she turned her back on me and stomped off like a mad woman.

"Dammit." I muttered to myself before heading off in the other direction.

Just as I was about to go for the drinks, I felt a hand wrap around my torso. I rotated my body to see none other than a pouting Megan.

Dread filled me up at the view of her, but I manage to force on a flirtatious smirk.

"Hola baby," I spoke flatly.

Megan grinned and fluttered her eyelashes, obviously pleased at her attempt to make herself known. She reached for a drink on the side of the table, pushing her upper chest onto my own in the process. She giggled at her movement and then reached for a further one, pressing even further up against me. When she pulled back, she bit her lip and stared up at me from underneath her lashes.

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