Take You Down: Chapter Seven (Part One)

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Focus, Goddamn, focus! I scolded myself for the fifth time.

My papers from school were sprawled out across my desk, waiting to be worked on, yet all I could think about was that tingling sensation on my neck from earlier. I just couldn't help but think how it would feel to touch those soft lips--

No! Wait, no. I don't care.

I huffed a sharp breath and shook my head. No way in hell that was happening.

God, why was I even making such a big deal out of this? It was nothing. I felt nothing. Again, I shuddered, physically trying to shake that thought off my body. I swiftly tucked one strand of hair behind my ear and began working on the first Trig problem that I had been staring at for hours.

After about fifteen minutes of silence and study, I heard a small knock on the door. My heart lurched at the sound, and I jumped up, my hand flying to my throat.

Maybe if I ignored it, Pablo would go away.

After a momentarily pause, I heard the knock again. "Honey?" It was dad.

I sighed, walking to the door, and unlocked it. "Hi."

Without even asking, he stepped in--not that he had to. But, still. " Hey, how was school?"

Yup, the same old questions carried on since kindergarden.

"Oh, it was good. How was work?" I lied.

His face brightened. "That's good. Oh, you know. Just the same old boring stuff every single day. I wish I were your age again."

That brought a snort out of me. No, you see, if you were my age again, you'd be warped into the world of selfless, egotistcal, good looking players.

"You'd change your mind if you were." I joked to him, even though what I was saying was the sole truth.

Dad smiled and looked down at his shoes. Suddenly, he jolted and had the "deer in the headlights expression". "Pablo!" He nearly shouted.

My eyes widened, and then I slumped back down when I heard his name again. "Yeah, what about him?" I asked unenthusiastically.

"How was he?" Dad asked curiously, a burrow on his face.

I smirked. "Oh, he definitely had fun."

"Well, that's good."

I nodded even though my head was shouting no.

"Do you have any classes with him?" Dad asked again.


This time, I didn't bother to hide the sigh that I exhaled. "Yeah. English and Chem."

"Oh, well that's fantastic!" Dad exclaimed, getting out of his seat.

What on earth had he been drinking...

"Uhh, yeah I guess."

"This is going to be a great year." Dad stated, while turning his back to me and walking out the door.

"Fantastic." I said sarcastically in a barely audible range.

Just as I turned around to began my work again, Dad stuck his head back inside my room. "Oh, Madison?"

I wheeled around to face him again. "Yeah?"

"Your mom and I have some business related meetings to take care of tonight. Do you mind ordering chinese or something for the three of you?"

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