Take You Down: Chapter Twenty Four

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                                              Madison's POV:

Pablo's hands are wrapped so tight around the steering wheel, that his knuckles are nearly a pale white color. With his jaw clenched deep in thought, he hasn't said a word since he nearly zoomed out of the school parking lot.

Technically, I would be going on a rampade on how what he is doing is illegal since he's literally jacking my car and kidnapping me in the process, but by the looks of him, this isn't fun and games. In fact, if he doesn't looked pissed enough, maybe the point that he's driving like a mad dog on the 'near-empty' streets will prove my judgement even further.

All the while, all I've been doing is trying to think of what I can say to cover this all up. I had thought I could just tell him it is all just a huge misunderstanding, but the look on his face gives me a clue that he needs more convincing-and that's barely anything.

Then, I moved onto the idea that perhaps I could tell him the whole, real truth. However the moment I thought that, I shriveled up in a little ball inside my head and threw that thought back out of my brain. The thing is I can't tell him. I've gone this far too keep it a secret, well all except from Courtney, and I had planned at the time to keep it that way. Telling Courtney my story was hard enough, even though she believed me. She was there for me whenever I needed her after that, but she made me feel like a special child who needed to be watched twenty-four seven. That's not what I was going for.

That's not what I want.

Then, I finally got the confidence to tell Makayla and I that was like a punch in the gut and a slap in the face. I needed to do something about them, I still do, but the fact that a girl I grew up with didn't rush to my aid or believe me for that matter could even do something like that...It absolutely crushed my values, my beliefs, and most importantly, me.

Sympathy is the last thing I want from Pablo. If I tell Pablo what is really going on, he won't just be a YAS student to me. He'll mean something to me. He'll  be the second person I've ever trusted enough to tell, and that scares the hell out of me.

This wasn't how it was supposed to turn out. Hell, Pablo wasn't even supposed to be the one to come over to my house! And now, here this boy is, angry glory and all, giving a shit about my life. I don't want that! I can't need it.

He's only supposed to be an exchange student to me.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Suddenly, Pablo slams the breaks and presses the horn button for a few lasting seconds. I jump in my seat, interrupted from my thoughts, and throw a hand on my chest. My wide eyes travel to him in shock and I watch silently as he breathes heavily, his chest still heaving slowly.

I contemplate between comforting him and leaving him be. With that in mind, I open my mouth to speak, planning on saying something, but nothing comes out. Closing it briefly, I clamp my eyes shut and then re open them with newfound energy.

"Pablo," I whisper, finally uttering the first words, "Stop."

I don't know whether he heard me and chose to ignore me, or didn't hear me at all, but he doesn't listen. Instead, he rakes one hand roughly through his brown curls and brings the same one back down on the horn. I try not to cringe as the dull earquaking noise lasts another three seconds.

Slightly irked by his actions, I gain more courage to speak up.

"Pablo calm down!" I demand, leaning forward in my seat to emphasize my point.

This time for sure, I know he's ignoring me because he closes his eyes in agony once he hears me speak. Once I see that, I start to get a little more agitated. At first it's just a tiny burst of annoyance in my stomach, but that soon erupts into waves of heat and frustration. To bottle my emotions up, I latch onto the edge of my seat and make a fist, grabbing onto the leather to release my anger.

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