Take You Down: Chapter Eight

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 I felt nice and warm after my soothing shower, but the anger boiling in my veins still remained present. I'm pretty sure that some of the warmth I felt was the adrenaline itself. That ass managed to ruin my favorite top from Zara--and then he just walked off like he owned the world.

Hell no!
This is my house, he follows my rules.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

I rolled my eyes knowing it was Pablo, and plopped on my bed with a Magazine ignoring the repetitive taps on the door. Apparently, Snookie is pregnant...

Knock. Knock. Knock 

I groaned in frustration and covered my ears stubbornly with my hands.

"Ay, sweetpea." Pablo's voice called from the other side of the door. "I know you're in there."

I threw my hands off my ears and propped myself upright on my bed. "Take a hint!"

There was a moment of silence before he spoke again. My heart pounded out of my chest--maybe he was going to apologize. "Stop being una bebe and talk to me."

My heart sank, even though deep inside, I knew I was only going to get jack from him. "I-I'm busy." I hesitated, successfully failing at an attempt to lie.

"Doing what sweetpea? It's Friday." He pressed, suspicion thick in his husky voice.

I grabbed the pillow ahead of me and wacked myself in the face, falling onto my bed in the process. I left the pillow there, hoping that it would drain out his annoyingly sexy voice. I can't hear youu! I breathed a sigh of relief when moments without his knocking passed by. Thank god he moved on. I uncovered the pillow from my face and slowly sat up, resuming my magazine hunting.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"OH my god! What the hell do you want?" I snapped, finally loosing my patience." I had dropped my magazine on the floor, along with my pillow.

"What are you doing?" He pressed, still trying to continue on the conversation like before.

I sighed. "Homework."

"Liar." He said calmly. I swear I could even hear that annoying as hell smirk form on his face. "Are you mad I ruined your pretty little shirt?"

Hell yes, you asshole.

I pushed myself off the bed and stormed over to the door. Flinging it open, I took a brief look at Pablo. He was leaning against the wall again, and his hands were folded across his chest. Just like I had assumed before, that smirk was plastered on his perfect little face. Seeing that just made me fume even more than before. My fists clenched repeatedly, and I knew that one day, I would punch him. Maybe on the last day, I'll walk up to him, smile and punch that pretty face right off his head.

"Are you happy?" I demanded through gritted teeth, motioning to my presence infront of the door.

Unexpectedly, I saw Pablo take the time to travel his eyes up my body, starting from head to toe. His stare made me shiver--I could almost feel the trail his eyes left on my body. A smile twitched on his face. "Very."

I shrill of enticement shot through my body, even though I didn't want to feel anything by his comment. I bit my lip, trying to hold back the smile that wanted to surface and show its appreciation. Instead, I gave him a disgusted look and pushed him so that he lost his "perfect" balance. "Ew, stop."

Pablo wiggled his eyebrows. "You know you like it."

I sarcastic laugh escaped my lips. "I'm pretty sure I don't."

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