Take You Down: Chapter Thirty Eight

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  “I’m not leaving you,” He finally speaks, his voice coming out low, “—Because once Lucas is out of the picture, I want to show off to everyone that you’re mine.”

            My breath catches as his hand trails down to my lips.

            “—That those lips have kissed mine, confessed in me, and trusted me—“

            My eyes close as he presses his lips to the top of my head.

        “—That you have consumed my thoughts, day and night, and made me a completely different person compared to when I first stepped off that plane.” 

           His voice turns back to normal, slightly bitter as he says, “And if taking Lucas down is what it takes to have you to myself…”

            My eyes meet his electrified hazel ones as he trails off and I release a breath I didn’t realize I had been holding in until this very moment.

            He spins me around again, stepping closer to me and allowing my lower back to press against the marble counter. He looks down at me with a determined look that takes the oxygen out of my lungs. His chiseled jaw clicks as a second ticks before he speaks.

            “Then so be it.” He whispers before leaning in and capturing my lips.

                                         Chapter Thirty Eight


            I meant every word I said to Madison today.

            Some part of me wishes that I had realized that I loved her a while back, so I could fix things, but that’s not the way things are now. When I look at her, I see a girl who holds a genuine terror that she tries so hard to conceal.

            The reality was, and still is, that behind her façade of happiness and love, there lies uncertainty and insecurity.

            She’s broken.

Never en mi vida have I felt so empowered and vengeful to get justice for the sake of someone else’s sanity. For months, I watched as Madison battled her own night meres, handled her abuse, and struggled to remain undeterred. And in those months, I watched my tolerance for Lucas grow weaker, my feelings for her become stronger, and my quest for payback grow faster.

            From the moment I saw the raw, real fear in her eyes when she confessed on the highway, I knew I couldn’t simply stand by. The bruise on her cheek from that day may have faded but my hatred for Lucas became a permanent scar. I quickly came to the realization that I am the one who can fix her, who can mend her scars by treating them as my own.

            Watching her face scrunch up in worry and concern irks me. The only thing that keeps me going is the fact that after tonight, she won’t have to hide from or fear Lucas.

He’ll be behind bars.

The wicked thought brings a sinister smile upon my face. Yet, nunca en mi vida have I enjoyed the way it makes my heartbeat quicken in an adrenaline rush.

My phone vibrates as I do so, and I instantly dig my hands into my tuxedo pocket to pull it out.

I lean back against a solid grey stall post and see that the message is from Madison.

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