Take You Down: Chapter Five

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It's one thing that Pablo is egotistical and cocky, but damn, he is such a player! He came here, what, less than twenty-eight hours ago, and he's already got his hands in some girl's hair. I rolled my eyes and looked away.

"Who the hell is that?" One of my best friends Makayla, asked during lunch.

I raised my eyebrows. "That's Pablo, the YAS student that's living with us for a year."

She narrowed her eyes. "I thought a Carolina was coming to live with you guys."

I nodded my head. "Yeah, that's what I thought. Turns out Carolina is his sister."

"Well, that's one lucky mistake." She noted, staring at him from across the cafeteria. "He's hot."

"No, he's good looking." I corrected, pointing a finger at her. "He's cocky and full of himself, so that cancels out."

She shrugs and stuffs some lettuce in her mouth. "Still hot."

I shook my head and snorted, giving up.

"Hey." My other best friend, Coutney piped in. She held a tray in her hand and carefully sat down on the table with us. I gave her a sweet smile in return.

"Hey!" Makayla said, still chewing on her lettuce. "Where were you?"

"Oh, I was making up a quiz for AP Bio. Pretty boring..." courtney said monotonely, her eyes wandering around endlessly. "Okay...more importantly, who the hell is that gorgeous boy down there?"

Makayla's hands shot up in the air representing a victorious dance. "What did I say?" She was shouting at me in a low voice. "In your face, Madison!"

I rolled my eyes and slid my hands down my cheeks. "He is not. gorgeous."

Courtney gawked. "That is sexyness right there."

I shook my head. "No, that's my YAS from Mexico. He's so freaking egotistical it totally covers up his 'hotness'."

"Wait, wait. He freaking lives with you?" Courtney said incredulously. Her eyes were as wide as oranges. 


"That's what I was thinking!" Makayla added in.

"Are you going to tap that anytime soon?" Courtney hinted jokingly. Makayla erupted into a roll of laughter, her lettuce falling everywhere.

I dropped my fork. Just the thought made  me want to gag. "Courtney!"

She threw her hands up defensively. "Whaat? I was just wondering!"

I narrowed my eyes at her while she stared back at me with those round, innocent green eyes. She finally sighed and flashed me a wink before chuckling and stuffing more food in her mouth.


                                                                      Pablo's POV:

Like I had said before, getting una chica wouldn't be so hard. This blonde girl I had in my hands this very moment wasn't so difficult. In fact, she was quite open to ideas. But, each time I would get wrapped up into this girls' arms, I would glance up and see Madison and her friends sitting in front of me. I noticed that her friends kept taking peaks at me, but she never did.

I'll get her. No te preoccupes.

"Pablo." The blonde chica purred against my chest. I was rubbing circles on her back-- I wasn't even starting on her and she was already turned on.

Just as I looked down at her face, the bell rang, calling the students back into class for sixth period, I believe. I began to pick up my bags and head to class, but the girl pulled me back.

"Hey...Let's go someplace." She slurred again, leaning fully against me. I chuckled and gently pushed her away from my chest. Oh shit, what's her name again?

"Morgan, I would but it's only my first day. Another time okay, chica?" I smiled sweetly, lifting her chin up.

She frowned and puckered her lower lip out. "It's Megan, not Morgan."


"Megan." I corrected. "Sorry mamacita."

Her low expression turned into a bright and playful smile. "Okay! Forgiven." She poked me on the chest and narrowed her eyes. "But, another time."

I gave her a slight nod before turning around and hurrying off to my next class before the bell rang.


Hey guys!

Well, what do you think? I loved writing the dialogue between Madison and her friends. I also enjoyed writing Pablo's point of view. Tell me what you think!

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Thanks for reading!

Summer :)

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