Take You Down: Chapter Ten

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I jolted up into sitting posture when I felt a pair of hands squish my cheeks the way I hated. I didn't have to turn to know who it was, considering that Jake and Pablo were the only ones that knew about my dislikes. When I did turn to him, I flashed him a furious glare and returned back to slumping my head onto the desk while our english teacher continued giving boring lectures.

"What's your deal sweetpea?" Pablo demanded in a low, husky whisper. I fought back the butterflies I felt at the sound of his...--infuriating voice. 

You really want to know? Well, basically, my ex boyfriend is haunting me in my fucking dreams. He nearly raped me and now I'm fucking scared to death. That's what.

"You're here." I snapped instead, annoyed he took me out of my thoughts, and continued looking forward.

I heard Pablo chuckle. "I know. Irresistable, huh?"

"No." I said bluntly.

"Sexy?" He pressed sarcastically.

I could 'smell' his damn smirk from anywhere. "Hell no."

"Ah, of course. Mouthwatering."

That time around, I shot him a disgusted look, eying him up and down. "Ew. No."

Again, I heard the chuckle escape his mouth. "It's okay. Don't fight the feeling."

"I'm so close to hitting you where the 'sun don't shine' Pablo." I growled underneath my breath.

I saw Pablo grinning. "We could do that all night long, sweetpea."

"Pablo!" I hissed, agitated he was turning everything into a peverted joke.

He raised his hands above his head in surrender and widened his eyes innocently. "What?"

"Oh! Pablo!" The teacher called impressed. His unexpected attention towards the back of the class caught our attention.

Both of our gazes snapped towards him and we stared back in confusion.

"Uh, what?" Pablo questioned uncertainly. He began slowly lowering his raised hand.

"I asked If what Romeo and Juliet had was real love, or just for the sake of it."

What he said rang through my ears like bells, causing me to slap my hand over my mouth at an attempt to surpress my laughter.

Real love? You're asking Pablo?

Pablo's cheeks inflamed a very light red, making a weird sort of snort escape my lips. When he turned to face me, I swear I saw a look of anger puddle his eyes, but he was quick to cover it. Instead, he gave me that god damn smirk and winked at me before clearing his throat to speak.

"It was clearly only because he wanted to get in her pants."

There were a few moments of silence in the entire class, while I struggled to clamp my mouth shut. When I saw the teacher's troubled and shocked expression, I couldn't hold it in. Breaking the silence, I broke out into a sudden burst of loud laughter that rang through the halls of the school. In seeing my reaction, Pablo started chuckling slightly, and then the entire class began snickering and giggling. I began to feel tears pricking at the rims of my eyes as I continued laughing hysterically. I'm pretty sure I let out a couple snorts along the way.

"Miss. Lockey!" He demanded icily while I was literally heaving on the floor.

This wasn't even that funny!

I felt an arm wrap around my hand and pull me off the ground, and I thankfully used the support. When I got to my feet, I was still giggling slightly, despite 'Mr. Grumpy's' furious expression. 

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