Author's Note

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Hey guys,

First off, don't start panicking...this isn't one of those talks where I say I'm gonna be dropping this book...because I'm not. I love writing each and every moment of it, and this has to do with my grammatical and writing (in general) errors.

In all honesty, I started writing this book as a beginner. I would use past tense, present tense, and all these unusual tenses to form my story. As I was reading through it all, I must say, they do give me the shivers. There are some chapters where I can live with it, but then there are just some that...make me want to faceplant.

Throughout the book, I had people criticizing me about my writing techniques--which, don't get me wrong, I really appreciate-- but when it comes to comments like 'get better grammar or get out', THAT'S when it gets personal. I know people are just trying to be helpful, but those types of comments are far from it. Most of you don't do that, but there are a few that do and I would appreciate it if you stopped. I just want you to know that comments like those won't be read by anymore, simply deleted, because I don't have time to read pushy comments like that. If you want to give me advice, go for it--just know the difference between helping and hurting.

With that said, I want to let you know that the very beginnings of my story have MANY errors and I WILL be fixing them as this story goes along. I have a better writing experience, and although I'm still making mistakes, I've made great progress.

I'll be working on editing this book as i go along. 

Also, for those spanish speakers, I'm sorry if I mess up a few words. I'm taking Spanish 3 in my highschool, but it's not a nature to me like it would be for you. I just thought I'd try it out. No one has put me down about my translations, which I GREATLY appreciate, and I just wanted to let you know that I'm very thankful that you are being so passive and understanding about it (;

FINALLY, just one more thing before I close this. Take You Down will be reaching its climax point pretty soon (just giving you a little update on where we are in the plot chart). Once I overcome that point, slowly and gradually, a resolution will appear and that will be then end of the book. I'm not saying that the book is nearing an end, I'm just letting you know so that it doesn't become a 'drag on' book or anything.

OKAY, well that's pretty much all I wanted to tell youu. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this! I have never done a seperate author's note so just know that this felt like an important topic(s) to me. I know some of you are disappointed that this isn't a chapter upload, but expect one REALLY (hint hint) soon. Like...really soon.



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