Take You Down: Chapter Twenty Eight

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The next morning, I wake up, my eyes baggy fromt he lack of sleep I managed to recieve. All night, alone in my locked room, I kept wondering how I was going to figure this out. I tossed and turned in bed until I finally came across one option--the option I thought of at the hospital and threw out the window. It made so much sense then, but as I came home last night, my brain finally clicked into the normal response. However the more I weighed the pros and cons, and the more I kept being haunted while trying to sleep, it seemed like the only thing there was left to do.

It's risky, but I'm doing it.

Throwing the bed covers over my head, I trudge over to the bathroom to wash my face and wake myself up to what I would be facing today. Once I'm done, I head to the closet and pick out a pair of black clothes to hide me at night.

It's a little cliche, but it does the job.

If having to break into the city centre building to watch the incident tapes is what needs to be done, then I'm doing it.

Hell, they have everything on recording--Jake's accident has to be on there.There are cameras everywhere on public roads!

After slipping into my clothes, I tie my hair up into a sleek pony tail before swiping little strands of hair out of my face. With one final glance, I purse my lips and grab my backpack before running my way out of the house.

Pablo wasn't in the kitchen, luckily for me, because if he were, I would've had to explain my way out of that one. When I get past the door, I turn the knob all the way, being extremely quiet when shutting it closed.

I take a final step back and glance up to the window of Pablo's room. My gaze remains there for a short two seconds before I whip it away and slip into my car.

After the way Pablo ganged up on me last night, the last thing I want is to see him. Which kind of sucks since he lives right next door to me. Literally.

I throw my backpack filled with noneducational things in the seat besides me and pull myself fully in, shutting the car door in the process. As I start the engine, a loud, ear piercing screech echoes from my car.

I yelp, covering my ears with my hands and shutting my eyes closed at the same time. By the time it stops, I'm pretty sure I've woken up the entire neighborhood. Once it comes to a full stop, I unclench my eyes and relax my hands from my ears--although they are still in the air. My heart pounds out of my chest as I wait in anticipation for Pablo to barge out that door.

Suddenly, when my eyes dart to the window next to the door, I spot the curtain draped to the side with a disoriented Pablo peaking through it. My heart leaps and drops all at the same time when our eyes meet. He widens his in shock while I in panic, and then the curtain drops. Through the sheer cover, I can make out him spinning around and running for the door.

Without giving it a second thought, I pull the brakes and peel out of the driveway as fast as I can. The wheels squeak, but by then, the damage has already been done. I glance at my rear view mirror and spot Pablo running outside to the edge of the driveway with his hands in the air. His mouth is opened, shouting some words, but I don't think I want to hear them so I block it out.

I continue driving, and instead make my way to school, knowing he'd follow my car if he saw it. The last thing I'd want is him following me to the City Centre.

Once I pull into the parking lot, I cut the engine and sigh, placing my elbows on the car wheel and leaning my head against it. Even though I hadn't been doing any exercise, my breath comes out in pants.

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