Take You Down: Chapter Two

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When we arrived home, I released a tiny snort when I saw Pablo's facial expression. His eyes went wide, and his mouth had dropped down slightly at the sight of our house. I don't know what he found so amazing, but I safely guessed that his house wasn't as large as ours.

"Dios Mio..." He mumbled, staring as he got out of the car.

I grabbed his backpack from the trunk and shut it as everyone else except for Pablo walked ahead of me.

"Do you like it?" I asked, ignoring the warning signals my mind was giving me. I wasn't going scare him first thing. That would come later.

Pablo turned his perfect head to me and nodded, "Yeah." He spoke with a pretty good english accent. "Es hermoso."

I smiled at him and motioned for him to follow me into the house. "Well, it's your home as well now."

His eyes wandered the escalating stair case on the first floor right as we entered. Dad had gone into the kitchen, and popped back out rubbing his hands.

"Alright, Pablo." He said motioning towards me. "Madison will give you a tour of the house."

What? Why me!

I gave a brisk shake, but dad had his mind set in stone, and there was nothing I could do about it. I heaved a sigh and told Pablo to follow me up the stairs.

"Before I show you the rooms, I just want to let you know that the water we have here is pure and filtered, kay?" I clarified immediately. I spoke a little louder and slower so that he could understand.

Pablo nodded, leaving me with satisfaction of being understood.

I led him to the rooms upstairs and let him walk in front of me so I could point out what he wanted to know. "That's the bathroom, and it's totally okay to throw tissues in there. "

Pablo shot me an odd look when I said those last words. I didn't know why I felt the need to tell him that, but from my experience in Mexico, the toilets I used had clogging problems.

"You've been to Mexico before?" He asked with a curious look on his face.

"Yeah--a couple times. The first time, I went with people in my Spanish class."

He arched an eyebrow, "Ah, Maldito, now I have to watch what I say. What have you learned?"

I couldn't help but let a smile form across my face. "That boys like you can be quite cocky."

This time Pablo laughed, " Now that, cariño, I'll take as a challenge."

I rolled my eyes at his sad attempt at flirting and continued showing him around. "So, this will be your room."

It was the guest bedroom, two doors away from mine. He walked in and plopped down on his queen sized bed. The room was electric blue, and it had a ceiling fan, a big desk, a closet, and extra room.

He patted the bed, "I like it, thank you."

"Common, I'll show you downstairs." I prodded, abruptly.

He followed me down and I led him to my favorite place in the house--The kitchen.

I motioned towards the beige room with counters, an advanced version of a fridge, and a huge table centered in the middle. "This is the kitchen."

He grinned at the fridge and his hand flew to his stomach, "Ah, my favorite place in my house."

I laughed, not exactly surprised, "Of course."

Right then, mom and Jake came in with delighted looks on their faces.

"Well, what do you think so far?" Mom asked with a geniune smile on her face.

"I love it, Mrs. Lockey. It's beautiful, hermoso." Pablo replied sweetly.

Mom's cheeks flushed, "Have you gotten to see our backyard? I'm sure you'd be pleased to see it. Soccer is the national sport, right?"

Pablo's face lightened up, "Sí, sí, futbol, is the national sport." He looked directly at me with pleading eyes, "Can we go see?"

I almost smiled at his adorable expression, but held it in. Mom answered for me.

"Yes, let's all go!"

When we entered the garden, Pablo's eyes immediately lightend up. I could see how excited and pumped he was. We had the small version of a soccer field right on our lawn, mainly for me.

"You have a soccer field on your lawn!" Pablo stated incredulously.

Mom released a chuckle and smiled at Pablo's reaction. "Yes, Madison plays."

Pablo raised an eyebrow and released a small snort, "You play?"

The way he said that made anger pulsate through my veins. He said it as if he couldn't believe it. I folded my arms across my chest. "Yeah, I'm on the varsity soccer team."

He made a smirk, only one I could see. "Oh, well this will be fun."

I rolled my eyes and kept my stance. I could beat him any day. Challenging me about soccer, was a promise to get your but whopped.

"It will be."


Hey readers! Sorry about this extremely short chapter, but I just wanted to get it going first before going more into detail.

So, what do you think?

Tell me what you think c:

Also, make sure to comment, fan, read, and vote if you feel like it.

Thank you!


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