Take You Down: Chapter Thirty Four

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I shift uncomfortably until I feel Courtney walk up behind me for support. Immediately, I feel my confidence rise with her there. Lucas's face drops slightly, as if caught off guard, when he notices Courtney for himself.

"What, you cops have come to get me?" He mocks, laughing slightly.

"Lucas you're sick." I spit, my voice coming out low and rash.

He slides out from behind the door and shoves the dress in Makayla's hands, "Wear it Makayla. We'll continue this later."

He shoves her slightly before turning around and ramming past Courtney and I. We both stumble back slightly and I clench my fists while watching him leave.

"That asshole." Courtney mutters once he's gone.

I turn my gaze back to Makayla and rush over to her side. I grab her hand and give Courtney my phone.

"Courtney, call Pablo. I'm taking you two home so I can catch you up on a few things regarding Lucas."

"Yeah, sure." Courtney nods her head vigorously.

"What is he going to do to me, Maddie?" Makayla's voice comes out meek.

I squeeze her hand and watch as Coutney calls Pablo.

"Nothing Makayla. The important question is what are we going to do to him."                                        

                                           ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ 


The ride back home was dead silent. 

I was too busy planning our next move against Lucas, Courtney was in the back reassuring Makayla, and Makayla was in shock.

I had always imagined that one day, Makayla would come to her senses about Lucas and come running back to me--a fresh for both of us sounded great. Now, however, I wouldn't wish any of that for the world. What I failed to realize was that in order for her to come back to me, she'd have to get a taste of Lucas's real ways. 

A taste of what he did to me. 

No matter how much she or anyone has hurt me, no one deserves to be put through what I went through. 

"Madison!" Courtney scolds from the back. 

I jump in my seat and glance at her through the rear view mirror,  "What?" 

"You ran a stop sign." She scolds, looking torn between concern and disbelief. 

From the car mirrors, I see that, indeed, I did run a stop sign. 

"Do you want me to drive?" Makayla asks softly when I don't reply.

"No," I sigh, "No, it's fine. We're here anyways." 

I pull into the residential area and turn onto my street, passing familiar trees and family barbeques. If I weren't so preoccupied, I'd have saliva hanging from my mouth at that delicious smell of steak, but right now, I'm completely cut off from that. 

Parking in my spot, I shut the engine off and motion for the girls to get out as well. I grab the keys from my pocket and unlock the door for them to walk through. Makayla and Courtney walk in slowly, as most of Makayla's weight is on Courtney. 

When they are both inside, I peek out once more, feeling insecure and watched, and then shut the door fast. 

Pablo comes down the stairs while scratching his head, "Whoa que pasa?" 

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