Take You Down: Chapter Twenty Five

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Sorry for the long wait guys.

I had a couple tests after I updated PICK so I got behind. I'm just going to keep this short cause I've got to go to bed.

***sorry for any grammar mistakes in advance***

I hope you enjoy the chapter (;


Can I get 110 votes, 30 comments?

You're all awesome minions.


                                                 * * * * *                                             
                                         Madison's POV

If kissing him is wrong, then I don't know what's right.

A content sigh escapes my lips and Pablo's arms squeeze my sides, reminding me that this is all real. With my body sprawled across the backseat of my car, Pablo's underneath mine, it's very hard not to realize that this is reality itself.

Pablo didn't leave any room for arguement after that one kiss we had, and he literally opened the passenger door and shoved me in it. You figure I may have protested there, but then there was the unfair fact that the only way Pablo was able to keep my quiet was by taking my breath away with his kisses.


Just the thought of earlier makes my lips tingle in excitement and my cheeks turn red from the intensity. My hands lay limp at my sides, aching to reach up and touch my crimson face, however Pablo starts to rake his fingertips gently up and down my arms. It's as if his hand is the magnet and my arm is the iron. I get drawn to the touch as sparks zip past the spot he glides over.

I look up at him wordlessly and then back down when I see him gazing at me, studying me carefully. He continues to run his hands along my arm for a few more minutes. Then, he finally stops and laces his hands into mine instead.

"What are we going to do about Lucas?"

The sudden question is like an ice bucket thrown to my face and I immediately freeze. I start to sit up from my position, but Pablo tightens his grip on my hands to lock me in place.

I huff and relax back into him, "We?"

"Yeah," He says, "as in you and me."

I roll my eyes and place my free hand on my stomach. "I know what we means. And to answer your question, we're not going to do anything."

Once those words escape my mouth, everything goes is fast motion. First we're laying down, and the next thing I know he's sitting up and I'm facing him. His face is filled with an fierce determination--one similar to the one he had on during our heated argument. 

"What do you mean 'nothing'?" He asks indredulously.

I shrug and scratch my head. I don't want anyone to get hurt, especially Pablo. Admitting my problems is one thing, but letting him take action with me is another. I know I agreed to letting him help me but I just can't do it now. I just wish he's let it go. "I just think it's best if we let it be."

Another look of disbelief clashes across his features and he scoots closer to me. "What happened to wanting revenge? What happened to taking him down?"

I look down at my nails, craving anything but another fight. "I just...don't think you should get involved in this."

He tugs my chin and makes me look at him, his beautiful hazel eyes luring me in, "I'm already involved sweetpea."

"This is my problem Pablo." I plead, my voice turning a little higher.

He just doesn't hear it though. Instead he shakes his head and closes his eyes momentarily. "Your problem is my problem."

I open my mouth to come back with a smart remark but he cuts me off with a warning look of his own.

"Si tu piensas that you can push me away, you better think again. You can try whatever you want, but I'm not leaving." He leans forward even more, so close that our noses are brushing. "Stop building walls up because no matter how hard you try, I'm just going to break them down."

As he speaks, one of his hands slides down to my waist and rests there, transferring its warmth all over my body. I close my eyes and let my arms instinctively wrap around his neck.


"Callate," He murmurs, his eyes on my mouth now. I lick my lips, anticipating his version of 'shutting me up', and wait for his to hit mine. Sooner rather than later, I feel those same moist lips put a soft pressure on my lower lip. Immediately, I respond by leaning into him and letting him take control. At first it's a slow, soft kiss, but it soons turns into one of urgency and challenge.

Pablo bites lightly at my lip while I run my hands through his hair. I stand up on my knees, not disconnecting our kiss at one point in the process. With my mouth occupied, I crawl over to his lip and sitting myself on top of him so that his head is tilted up while kissing me.

When I'm finally comfortable, I break our moment and lean my head against his forehead. Glancing down at his plush lips, they are just as swollen and red as mine, but he doesn't seem to mind. We both stare at each other silently while taking deep breaths, in and out.

Once I've finally caught my breath, I raise an eyebrow and open my mouth to speak. "Did you tell me to 'shut up'?"

Pablo chuckles, "Maybe, but you didn't seem to mind..."

I purse my lips momentarily before responding, You can't just kiss me whenever you want me to listen to you or shut up you know."

He smiles serenely for a moment before he turns serious again. "I know, I just want you to be happy again--and Lucas," His mouth curls upwards at his name, "seems to have ruined it for you."

I stare blankly at him, playing with the soft curls behind his head. He leans closer to me and pecks below my ear again.

I sigh and then stare at him hopelessly, "Is there even any point arguing with you?"

"You'll become the world's best kisser," He jokes, grinning. I smile at that despite my agitation, and then slowly watch as his features transform into a one of seriousness. "But really, there isn't. I'm not going to back down on this one."

I slump slightly and shift my weight to the right against the head rest of the passenger seat.

"You can argue with me at four in the morning and I won't change my mind sweetpea." He adds softly.

After he says that, we both fall into a comfortable silence. I stare at him, trying to figure out what to do, while he stares at me, probably trying to figure me out. I scan his furrowing features, the look of determination on his face. The way his mouth is set in a straight line when he's narrow-minded is how it looks right now.

No, there really is no point. 

He's as stubborn as a rock.

I heave a sigh and crawl off his lap. Reluctantly, he untangles his arms from around my waist as they fall limp by his sides. I sit down with my elbow on the passenger headrest. Leaning my head on my hand connected to it, I stare at him for a little longer before I announce my decision.

"What do you have in mind Pablo?" I ask once I finally get the courage.

His eyes snap up to mine, having zoned out, and they show a mosaic of emotions: excitement, happiness, revenge, fury. It nearly takes my breath away at how relieved and stress free he looks.

Reaching out, he grabs my free hand and laces his fingers in between mine.

"Go to homecoming with me."

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