Take You Down: Chapter Thirty Nine

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Okayy, so I was in a heavy debate with myself last night and I decided not to post the chapter I had written. I know I told y'all that it would be the final chapter, but I felt like the ending would be too rushed if I left it like I did. 

With that said, this is NOT the final chapter of Take You Down. There will be one more and then an epilogue. Thank you all for being very supportive of every decision that I have made. Also, for those who have voted for take you down in the watty's; Thank you very much! It means everything to me. 

I hope you enjoy this chapter and sorry for the wait. 

I also have a question for y'all. Pablo Remires is pretty much a man of my dreams. He's perfect, but not at the same time... So here's my question for you: 

What characteristic of Pablo's made you drawn to him? 



                               ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ 

                                       Chapter Thirty Nine

Reality is hard and cold.

            It’s as if the sun rays that shine on one’s face are suddenly torn away and replaced with a sharp, stinging wind that nips at one’s flesh.

            Last night, I saw Pablo’s life and my own flash before my eyes.

            The dread that fills me from head to toe when I think of the daunting black gun is almost equivalent to when the gun was pointed right at me. Some part of me wishes I were still numb—as it hurts more to remember and feel than to forget and stay in the shadows.

            No sooner than the cops had checked Pablo, Courtney, Makayla, and me, had my parents arrived, frantic and wrecked. Pablo had to explain to them all that I had left unsaid. Starting from the way Lucas abused me to the very moment he held a gun to my head.

            Mom and dad were speechless. After dropping Courtney and Makayla off at their homes, they silently sat in the front of the car, staring at me through the rear view mirror every once in a while.

            The way they stared scared me, made me feel vulnerable and uncomfortable. It was as if they were staring at a completely different person.  Although Pablo was constantly rubbing my shoulders in reassurance, I couldn’t find comfort.

            Once I reached home, I went straight up the stairs and to my bed. That night, I was restless, peeved. I couldn’t sleep, terrified my consumed thoughts would haunt me in my dreams. Yet at the same time, I wanted to close my eyes, the sound of mom and dad arguing not exactly comforting. 

            This restlessness kept me up all night.

            Even as the late morning sun rays hit my face, I remain awake and still in my bed. It’s only when I hear a slight knock at the door that I twist my neck in that direction.

            “Maddie?” A small voice calls from the other side, “Are you awake?”

            My heart clenches as I recognize Jake’s soft, confused tone.

            I swallow back a lump in my throat and open my dry mouth to speak, “Yeah.”

            “Come out then.” He whines lowly, pressing his palm against the door with a thud.

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