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I. cant. Believe. it's over. 

I-I just can't. 

This is has been SUCH a journey! I remember every moment; from the very beginning. I remember the happiness i felt to be able to share a story like this with y'all--and the fact that it got mllions of views, it's amazing. 

I still can't process the fact that this story won a watty award. To say I'm elated is an understatement. 

Take You Down has been one hell of a journey. I'm going to miss writing about Madison and Pablo. I've never been this connected to my characters--EVER. 

On another note: Starting now, I will be revising every chapter. It is safe to say this book needs heavy revisions. I'm aware of my constant name switches--and I apologize and thank you for sticking through that whole mess--but I'm working on it now. 

So, thank y'all so much for making this book possible and encouraging me when I was at my worst. 




“You’re not joking!” I exclaim, jumping up to my feet.

            The nerves in my body are racing, running from one tip to the other—adrenaline, as people call it. I squeal and watch in amazement, as if a light has just been seen, as Pablo slowly gets up after me, grinning like the fool I must look like.

            “I’m not.” He agrees, stepping closer to me—almost cautiously.

            Before I can process it, I reach over and shove him hard. Frustration at how he kept this from me all along enters my system. I don’t even bother when I see Pablo’s face flicker to dread when he recovers.

            Only, when I push him away, my fingers ache to have him back at my side. I let out an undecided sigh before grabbing him by the collar and yanking him back into me.

            He stumbles towards me but automatically wraps his hands around my back to stop his fall and from taking me down with him.

            Before he can recover or say anything, I place a finger on his lips and bite my own.

            “Just shut up and kiss me.” I demand, smiling when his expression transforms into one of mischief.

            Inches before his lips meet mine, he whispers, “Gladly.”


            Three years.

            Within 1095 days, the emotions I’ve cherished are unbeatable. Never in my life have I felt to so complete, so cherished. The memories I’ve made are unbelievably sweet, and they are all through the help of one man.

            Pablo Remires.

            Not long ago, I would never have imagined this type of love with a man like Pablo. In fact, if someone were to walk up to me and tell me my future, I would have laughed to my death.

            Because the truth is, he drove me crazy—he still does—but now, it’s a different kind of crazy.

            I’m crazy in love with him.

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