Take You Down: Chapter Four

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The next morning I rolled around in my bed and slammed off the buzzing alarm. I squinted one eye at the red numbers on my clock and groaned. 6:30 A.M. God, why did I set my alarm one hour early again?

Oh, right. Pablo.

Yesterday night I had promised to show him how the showers and everything worked so that he wouldn't make us late for school. It was too cold to be out so I threw myself back onto my bed and stared at the ceiling. How did I get myself into this? If I had known that Carolina, apparently his sister, wasn't the one who would be living two doors next to me, I never would have agreed to this. Pablo was so moody, quiet, and annoyingly good looking--that was certainly something I was trying to stay away from all my life.

With a sigh, I forced myself out of my bed and into the hallway with my bunny slippers, white cammi, and silky shorts on. I stopped abruptly in my tracks.

There I saw, Pablo, bare skinned from the torso up, only wearing boxers below.

I felt my mouth drop to the floor, and my eyes grow wide. My face began to scald red. I gasped and whipped around so that I was facing the wall. "Put a damn shirt on!" I nearly hissed.

"Porque? Does it bug you?" He mocked, clearly not listening.

"Pablo!" I warned annoyed.

"Okay, okay. Tranquilla. I'm going."

I sighed again, and waited for him to tell me it was okay to look. I had to admit though, his chest was fit. I could tell he worked out  a lot.

"Okay, sexy abs are covered." He mocked when he came back in.

"As if." I scowled, turning around. He had on a white t-shirt, but his boxers remained. There was a big grin on his face that I knew I was going to despise for a year.

"Okay, Pablo." I said through gritted teeth, "I'm actually trying to be nice."

He flashed me another one of those innocent smiles. "Not going too well, is it?"

Ignoring his smartass remark, I continued. "You go by my rules. We both share the upstairs bathroom, so you better keep your shirt and pants on at all times. Oh yeah and, I expect the toilet seat to be spick and span each time I need to go."

"Not even one dot?" He joked raising an eyebrow.

I shot him one of my dirtiest glares and walked in the direction of the bathroom. "I did not just wake up an hour early to converse with you."

Pablo sighed and followed after me. I showed him how the shower was turned on and off, and told him where the extra towels were.

"Okay, you all set?" I finally said once I was done giving a world tour of the bathroom.

"Yeah, I think so." Pablo said, scratching his head.

I surpessed a laugh, knowing he didn't get anything, and walked out.  "Awesome."


                                                               Pablo's POV:

 "And your name?" The receptionist in the front office of Pacific High asked.

"Pablo Remires."

She didn't even bother to look up at me. She simply viewed my paperwork and stamped them carelessly. "Alright, welcome to Pacific High, and here's your schedule." 

I took the paper and thanked her before walking out the door. Honestly, I wasn't too nervous. I saw the way Madison looked at me when I walked with my shirt off-this wasn't going to be too difficult. As I walked in an unknown direction, I pulled out my schedule. Perfecto. I had English 11. Mi favorita.


Okay, I have to admit. I was kind of nervous when I walked into my English class. I saw a bunch of alien faces. No Marcus was sitting among the crowd in the classroom. All I saw were about thirty pairs of empty stares. I handed the teacher my schedule and stood facing the class,not knowing what else to do. I searched the crowd looking for any face I could settle on. To be honest, there were quite a few. When I looked towards the final faces, my heart slammed as I saw Madison sitting all the way in the back. I was delighted, but for some reason, she looked horrified.

"Well, Pablo Remires, welcome to class." The teacher said, offering his hand. "My name is Mr. Wallace."

I stared at his hand. What the hell was I supposed to do with that. There was no "hand offering" in Mexico. We pounded fists and slapped hands, but never had I once been offered a hand politely.

Mr. Wallace laughed, "In California, when someone extends there hand, it's for a hand shake."

Oh, bueno story, but I honestly could care less.

I shrugged and lazily gave him a shake. His mouth formed into a firm line, a look that my mother always gave me.

"Take a seat behind that young lady, Madison, Pablo." He instructed and pointed to her when he stopped shaking my hand.

I nodded and walked past the front of the class. I smirked and gave a wink at a few chicas that looked my way. Oh this was going to be easy.

When I sat down in my seat behind Madison, Mr. Wallace began class again. Madison leaned back against her chair. "Could you at least save the winks and smirks for when I'm not around?"

I grinned. I sensed a little jealousy.

I leaned forward and whispered in her ear, "Don't worry mamacita, you're my one and only." 

I heard her snort and lean forward again.

After that tiny conversation, she didn't look back at me once for the next two hours of class.


But I've delt with girls like her before.


Hey readers, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. For some weird reason, it took me a long time to finish-But I'm happy with the way it turned out. My work is unedited right now, so please have mercy on my mistakes :)

Thank you and Happy reading!


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