Take You Down: Chapter Thirteen

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Six words.

Why the hell am i here.

I'm sorry, but partying with preppy girls isn't exactly on my daily schedule. I could've been out with my own friends, who share the same interests as me--which is obviously not going to Megan's house to party.

Her entire mansion was decorated from top to bottom with flashing lights, and disco balls. The lights were turned off, just like they would be in a Night Club. It felt like the party I was at last summer...

"Hey, relax." Pablo reassured, looking at me with a grin on his face. He was probably thinking how I'd never been to a party before.

I tried to put of on one of my best smiles. "I'm trying."

He nodded in approval and stared off into the distance, probably looking for Megan. I simply stood there, not knowing what else to do. I felt so out of place.

"Heyy." A high pitched female voice pruned from behind us.

We both turned around to see Megan standing in front of Pablo, her legs crossed, with a drink in her hand. She had a wide grin on her face as she reached in to give Pablo a hug.

"Umm. I'm going to look around, Pablo." I spoke loudly over the music, wanting to get away from the two of them.

He didn't even turn around, or bother to reply for that matter.

I sighed and headed towards the couches, figuring that I wasn't going to do anything anyways, why not? I plopped down and rested my head on the arm rest of the sofa. Moments went by before I saw Pablo and Megan kissing.

Wow. That didn't take too long.

"Of course." I muttered to myself before closing my eyes again.

"Excuse me?" A male voice called, right in front of me.

My jerked up in shock to see a boy my age kneeling down beside me with a drink in his hand.

"You okay?" He slurred in concern.

Something about his voice and movements made me wary and vigilant. I slowly grabbed my purse and pulled it to my side.

"I'm fine." I snapped.

"You don't look fine."

"I said I'm fine." I spelled out again through gritted teeth.

He scooted a little closer to me. "You look like you need a drink."

Rage filled through my veins like water in a cup. It overcame me in an instant. This boy was so naive as to think that he could take advantage of me while I was conscious. I stood up abruptly from my seat and jabbed a finger in the drunkards chest.

"Listen, you." I hissed. "I said I'm fine, so back the fuck off."

He rotated his head to the side, clearly too dazed to take anything seriously, and chuckled. "Okay, then dance with me."

My mouth gawked open. "Excuse me?"

"I said-"

"I know what you said!" I interupted quickly. The conversation reminded me of Pablo. My head quickly snapped in his direction. For some reason, when I saw Megan up against a wall with Pablo sticking his tongue down his throat, I felt my stomach churn and my veins go on fire. I snapped my head back to the guy standing next to me. He looked like he was going to protest or say something, but I quickly interupted him. 

"You know what? Let's dance." I agreed, looking him right in the eye.

His eyebrows cocked up. "Really?"

"Yeah." I said nodding.

He grinned and grabbed ahold of my hand, leading me onto the dance floor. I ignored all the painful flashbacks with Lucas and pressed my body into him. Even though I barely knew this guy, I was definitely enjoying his rock hard abs. I swiftly took a glance at Pablo, who was now against the wall, kissing Megan with his eyes open--staring at me. I jerked my eyes back to the floor and felt a small smile pricking at the edge of my lips. The boy slid his hands down my shoulders and rested them on my hips, while I swayed them in a circular motion. I slid my hand up to the base of his neck and rested it there while I continued dancing. I gradually took a glance at the same corner and my heart sank when I realized that Pablo wasn't there. I was stuck dancing with this drunkard, alone.

The horrid thing was, I was actually enjoying the dance. It felt so good to be carefree and wild again. I ignored all my doubts and put my heart and soul into him. I heard him groan as I pressed up even more against him, and his grip on my waist tightened. I froze in terror when I suddenly felt his ice cold lips at the base of my throat, his arms still tight on my waist.

"No, stop." I murmmered, shrugged him off my neck. Thankfully, he stopped, but his grip on my waist got even tighter.

"Umm, you know, I'm actually kind of thirsty." I spoke over the loud music, casually. When he didn't let go like a normal person would, I began frantically trying to squirm out of his grip. "I said I was thirsty." I repeated in a more firm voice now.

"Later." He growled roughly in my ear. He bent down again and attempted to kiss my neck. I whirled around in his hold and shoved him off of my with all my strength. He went flying back. I gasped and stared at my hand, until I noticed a seething boy clenching and unclenching his fists right beside me. Pablo.


                                                                    Pablo's POV:

I had told Megan that I was going to get us drinks, when I really, the only reason I went down stairs was to check on Madison. I knew it really wasn't my business, but the moment I saw her dancing with that drunk guy, I knew how everything was going to go down. She looked hot. Shit was going to happen.

I spotted Madison and that boy dancing with each other, pretty damn close. I did also notice the look of discomfort on her face when he reached down to comfort her. She didn't even react the way she did with me. That's when I knew she wasn't enjoying anything. I noticed her say something to him, but he defiantely shook his head no. Next thing we both knew, his head was nuzzled in her neck again.

I pushed myself off the table abruptly, and marched my way over to Madison and that kid. Right as she shoved him, I threw my hand back and it collided with his jaw. I smiled to myself as I heard the sickening crunch when he fell down. Madison whipped her head to the side and stared at me, wide eyed, when she realized that I had just punched that kid.

I held back a small laugh. "Are you okay?" As I placed my hand on the small of her waist, I couldn't help but notice how bad she was shaking. I didn't need a reply from her mouth to know she wasn't. I sympathetically glanced at her.

"Let's get out of here." I whispered in her ear and began tugging her towards the door.

Screw Megan.

Screw Partying.

All I wanted was Madison to stop shaking and be okay.


Hey guys, what did you think?

I'm sorry if you feel that it was a little bit rushed today. I posted this at 10 pm. It's the only time I can actually use my laptop for about three hours. Other than that, I hope you enjoyed it. But, I would REALLY love it if you could comment? I notice that alot of people are reading my story, but not too many comments. I would love feedback. Please dont hesitate!

Thank you.

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