Take You Down: Chapter Twenty Six

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                                                   Madison's POV

"Pablo," I say in between kisses once again, "We have to go."

He smirks, his face distancing himself from mine while I place one hand on the door knob. Just when he leans in to capture my lips again, I pull the knob down and shove my way out of the car with a triumphant smile on my face. He groans and knocks his head back against the leather seating of the car.

I turn my back to him and walk towards the house, smiling at the tingling sensation still lingering on my lips. Honestly, If I was crazy enough to want to forget our kisses, I don't think my crying lips would let one second go by without reminding me of how good they felt.

I grab the house keys from my pocket and look through the millions I have to try and find the right ones. While I do so, Pablo comes up behind me and slips his arms around my waist. Although a feeling of bliss passes through me, an suttle surge of panic races through my stomach at the thought of mom and dad finding out too soon.

Don't get me wrong, I plan on telling them--now that Pablo would technically be going to homecoming with his host sister--I don't think I could avoid it if I wanted to.

I'm just glad we're not actually related in any way or this would just make things way awkward.

With that thought, I squirm out of his grip and step away, "Not here Pablo!"

He drops his hands, his face transforming into a full force pout. A few seconds go by of us staring at each other before he wiggles his eyebrows in a suggestive gesture.

I roll mine, knowing where this is leading to, "And definitely  not on my bed."

Just like that, his expression deflates playfully and I punch him on the shoulder. "Jerk."

He grabs my hand, "But you like it."

"You wish," I retort, giving him a challenging look.

"I don't wish, I know." He answers back just as cockily.

Just as a quirky response barely escapes my lips, the door I planned on unlocking flies open. Both Pablo and and rip our hands out of each others hold and stand back slightly. I take one glance at Pablo and see that he's scratching his head.

However, what surprises me most is when I see mom with very puffy eyebrows. The first thing that passes through my mind is I'm going to kill whoever made her cry.

I take a step forward, my mood instantly changind from fun and games to confusion and seriousness.

"Mom what's wrong?" I ask, putting a hand on her shoulder, feeling as if contact with her is the only thing keeping me sane.

Well, that, and the warmth of Pablo's comforting body behind me.

She closes her eyes and tilts her head up, her lip quivering. Just a glance at my own mother crying makes my own eyes burn.

"Mom?" I say more quietly.

"It's Jake." She croaks, her throat thick with sadness.

Instantly, my heart drops as I imagine all the things that could've gone wrong with my baby brother.

Oh god. Did he die?

"We got a call from the ER. Jake got into some sort of pedestrian accident."

A feeling of nausea washes over me, over my entire system. The image of Jake lying on the floor in the middle of the crosswalk is just too much for me to bare. I feel myself sway from one side to another, but then warm hands clasp my shoulders to keep me balance.

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