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Hello guys! I'm so impressed by the number of reads so far! I just have a tiny favour to ask....please vote and comment (at the bottom of your screens) and share this story for me🥺. I love y'all♥️

For Mama Rica, the dots were beginning to connect. She had been suspicious some weeks past. That explained the nausea, the cravings...She noticed but mistook it for her PMS's. Chorale had been pregnant all this while. Why did she leave then?

Kay was confused. Chorale was pregnant? When? He dialed the number of the PI he had contracted to find her.

"Hello Aiden,"

"Hello Kay,"

"Have you found anything out yet?" He asked

"Not exactly. But we're trying our best. Hopefully, by the end of this week we should have got information enough to start the search."

Kay was fed up of hearing this. For God's sake, it had been two whole days! This is why he hadn't wanted to involve the police in this. But Mama Rica had suggested it. He wanted to find her his own way so he did what he should've done two days ago: he dialed the number of his best friend, Caleb.

Caleb was his childhood best friend. They were best friends still, but work had gotten a bit in the way. Regardless of that, they knew they had each other's backs. Caleb lived in the States where he worked as a detective. He was really good at what he did.

He answered after a few rings.

"Tell me who you have killed now?" he asked, feigning seriousness. Ever since he beat up Chorale's co-worker and Caleb heard of it, he had never ceased to use that expression on him anytime they spoke.

"I haven't killed anyone, Caleb," he answered, a bit too curtly.

Caleb noticed his friend's voice sounded strained. He wasn't his usual cheerful self. "What's wrong, Kay?"

"She's left me, Cal. She's gone."

Caleb knew about Kay and Chorale. He didn't have to ask 'who'. He was aware of how much they loved each other so this news really came as a surprise to him.

"Chorale broke up with you?" he questioned

"No, not exactly. She packed her things into a suitcase two days ago and told Mama Rica she had to leave." He went on to tell him all he knew but left out what he and Mama Rica found out this morning.

"I need to find her, Caleb. I'm...," his voice broke, "I'm not doing fine without her."

"I understand, Kayq but you have to relax. Luckily, I have a case to attend to in Kumasi. I should be in Ghana latest tomorrow evening. I'll come home and then we'll see what we can do." He assured Kay.

"I'm so worried, Cal. Thank you." And with that, he hung up.

Early that morning, he had received calls from Chorale's sister, his sister and his brothers. His siblings had heard what had happened from Mama Rica and called to find out how far investigations had gone. They all liked her and hoped that things go well so he finds her soon. He made a mental note to go and visit his mom soon. She had asked of him.

Chorale's sister, Valerie called to tell him that their parents wanted to have a word with him at their house. Had it been the early days of their relationship, he would've been scared because Chorale's mother, Agnes was quite a tough woman. Now that he had gotten to know her better, he was no more so terrified of her.

He remembered the first time he met them. Her father, Dwayne had been so cool and fun to talk to. He had been in the Police Service and was now retired. He hadn't ceased to go on and on about his 'adventures' while in active service. He then went on to crack jokes about all his three children's early lives; Chorale, Valerie and Derrick, in order of birth positions. He got to know a lot about Chorale's childhood through her dad's stories. For instance, he got to know that one time, she had come back from school so angry. Apparently, she had gotten into a fight with one of the kids at school because he had laughed at her hair (She has this really stubborn hair that never seems to relax for long and Kay usually teased her about it). So she got back from school that afternoon, entered her room with a pair of scissors and by evening, all her hair was gone. How they had all laughed! Of course, she wasn't present when Dwayne, Derrick, Valerie and Kay were laughing at her. She would have bitten off all their heads. She was in the kitchen with her mum. Just as their stories ended, Agnes and Chorale approached the dining table with dinner. Everyone sat down and the grace was shared. Just as Kay was about to have his first bite of the food, Agnes asked him a question: "Are you having sex with my daughter?" Till date, he swears that he almost choked. Chorale quickly averted her gaze and pretended she didn't hear.

Luckily, Dwayne helped him by commenting on Agnes' good cooking and that had veered the conversation from him and Chorale's sex life, temporarily. After dinner, she continued bombarding him with more questions that made him sweat on a cold, rainy day. It didn't end there. On subsequent days when he and Chorale had agreed to meet, she would give the girl such a difficult time before agreeing to let her go out. The toughest time had to be when Chorale had asked if she could go and stay with Kay. Chorale told Kay that on that day, she had cried and begged Agnes and had Dwayne not intervened, she probably wouldn't be staying with him. At first, he had thought she was just being mean. But now, he was growing to understand her. She was doing all those things out of love and because she was a mother.

It was already 5:30 p.m. and he was already dressed. He had to be there by 6:00 p.m. He said goodbye to Mama Rica and got into one of his cars in the garage and started for Ashaley-Botwe, where Chorale's parents lived.

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