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It had been two whole hours since he brought her in. The doctors and nurses were agitating him more with their constant in and out movements. Every time one of them came out, they’d give him a look. He couldn’t tell if they were looks of pity or if they thought he was crazy sitting on the bare floor with blood all over him.

A doctor finally came out and asked him, “Are you the one who brought in the pregnant lady?” he stood up and brushed the dirt off his back, “Y-yes…Is she okay?” he asked walking towards the doctor. The doctor shook his head, “Please come with me to my office”

There was a heaviness in his heart.

His palms became sweaty and he blew air through his mouth.

The doctor led the way to his office and asked Kay to sit down, “I’m sorry, sir but her chance of survival is very low, both her and the baby. The bullet only slightly missed her heart by a few inches and as such, the surgery is really tough for us, considering that she's also pregnant. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but at this point, only prayers can save her. I’m sorry” and he stood up to leave.

Tears came to Kay’s eyes, he wiped them angrily and stormed out of the office, past the doctor. He took out his phone and dialed Caleb’s number with trembling hands.

“Is he still there with you?” he asked angrily.

“Yes, like you asked. But you have to be fast, the police will soon be here.”

Kay hopped into the car and drove at top speed. Before he knew it, he was at Alvin’s house. He became angrier at the sight of the man who had put his girlfriend and his baby’s life in danger. Alvin should’ve been the one on that hospital bed and not Chorale.

“How is she, Kay?” Caleb asked as Kay came in through the door.

“Critical condition,” was all he said, his eyes holding Alvin’s gaze. He was sitting on the floor and holding his leg in pain. He had bled so much that the blood had dried around the gunshot wound. He looked weak but Kay wasn’t done with him yet. In fact he was just about starting with him.

Kay lifted him by his collar angrily so that he was standing on one leg, almost at eye level with Kay. He punched Alvin in the stomach several times, while raining curses on him. Alvin was defenseless. He was no match for Kay. He picked the same pocket knife with which Alvin had cut Chorale with and stabbed him in the weak leg,

“You have no idea how badly I want to kill you with my bare hands right now.” The words were barely coming out. His breathing was heavy, evident of a mixture of emotions- chief among them: fear.

He was terribly afraid.

What if they didn’t make it?

What if the only reason fate brought him here was to say goodbye to them?

What would become of him? How would he live without the one who meant the whole world to him?

The next emotion he was feeling, was anger. Lots of it. He had to kill this madman standing before him. He could be jailed, and he wouldn’t care. He needed to do this. He and Chorale could blame themselves all they wanted, but there was no denying that, Alvin was majorly responsible for the state in which Chorale and their baby were in.

“This, is from all the people who care for Chorale back in Ghana,” he took out the knife and Alvin screamed in pain, “Please, forgive me” he cried out loud and it annoyed Kay.

“You heartless coward!” he spat at him, “You knew she wouldn’t be able to fight for herself in her condition, but you still went ahead to do all those wicked things to her!” he spat again.

 “This is from me to you, for putting my baby’s life in danger” he took out the pistol and shot his other leg. Just then, they heard the sound of sirens approaching, signaling the arrival of the police. Kay was about to shoot him in the leg again when Caleb went to stop him, taking the gun from him after some struggle.

“The police are here now. Let them take over. Please.” Kay threw himself onto the floor and broke down.

“Let me kill him myself, Caleb. Please” Caleb felt sad for him. He had never seen him like this before.

Seeing the body of his girlfriend decorated with knife cuts and bruises, seeing her try to save his life despite being weak and seeing her bloody, almost-lifeless body as he carried her to the hospital, had broken him. She was all he had. He couldn’t afford to lose her, not now that he had found her again. Not now that he wanted to make things right. Caleb went to his side to comfort him while Alvin was screaming in the corner of the room where he had fallen to the floor.

About a minute or less later, the police arrived in Alvin’s compound. They entered the room and came straight to the cell room, following the sound of Alvin’s cries. Caleb left Kay’s side and went to talk to their leader. They had just come back from Chorale’s penthouse as Kay and Caleb had directed them to. They said they were able to free Chorale’s friends and had arrested all the gunmen. Caleb thanked them and asked them to take Alvin away. They cuffed his hands behind him and lifted him off the floor. Before they dragged Alvin away, Kay stood up from the floor where he was sitting and spoke up in a low, threatening voice.

“Hey, pray to God that I don’t lose either of them. If not, this won’t be the last time we’ll be meeting. On our next meeting, one of us will die, and that won't be me. No one would stop me.”

The police dragged him into their van and drove off. Kay just stood in front of the house, looking into space. Caleb came to stand beside him, patting him on the back.

“Don’t be too hard on yourself, Kay.”

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