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After they had talked for hours, Chorale was starving, and so was Caleb. He drove her to the market. When they got there, he parked his car at a distance while she went inside to buy some foodstuff to prepare yam and tomato stew. She had been craving those since last night after watching a cooking tutorials video.
She finished buying everything she needed and was heading to Caleb’s car when a guy, from nowhere came to stand in front of her. She jumped up in fright and the basket of foodstuff fell to the ground. He was dressed in faded grey jeans and a yellow top. He lifted his shirt and showed her a gun he had tucked into his pocket. She let out a scream and her hands quickly flew to her mouth.
“Shh….don’t scream and we’ll make this very quick. Stay away from Kay” he warned, showing his yellow teeth. He pulled the trigger about to shoot her in the leg when Caleb hit the hitman's head with his own gun, causing him to become unconscious and fall to the floor.

Chorale just stood there, unable to move. She was shaking so bad and her feet felt wobbly. He helped her to the car and then came back to pick the young man from the floor where he had fallen and put him in the back seat, handcuffing him to the metal that joined the headrest to the rest of the car seat on his side of the car.
“Chorale,” he called out to her after settling in the driver’s seat. She didn’t hear him the first time because her eyes were shut and her head rested on the headrest, clearly still panicked from earlier. He shook her shoulders and she opened her eyes quickly.
“We have to leave this place right away. I don’t know why this guy would want to harm you. It seems someone sent him. This place is no longer safe” she just kept nodding her head, “Let me get a few things from the house first” she said. So they went back to the house. Chorale locked it up and just took her purse and phone with her.
On the way to Accra, the guy woke up and started forcing to free himself from the handcuffs. Caleb parked the car in a bush and went to forcefully drag the man out of the car. He pushed him to the floor, and quickly handcuffed him again.
“You’ll tell me who sent you or I’ll kill you here and leave your corpse for the birds to feed on” He threatened looking down at the man.
He became suddenly scared, “Please, please. Don’t kill me. I’m my mother’s only child. She’ll die of heartbreak. Please.”
“Then talk” Caleb warned sternly.
“Betty Davis.” Chorale’s heart skipped a beat. Caleb stood there, unmoved like he wasn’t surprised.
“What did she send you to do?”
“She asked me to follow Chorale’s every move and then kidnap her. I don’t know why but I heard her say something like she wanted to take her baby from her. Please let me go” he cried.
Caleb shook his head, “Not yet. You could be really useful to me. If you mess up, your mother might just die of heartbreak.”







CHORALE SANDERSWhere stories live. Discover now