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They got back home at around 7 p.m. very tired. The reception was a beautiful yet simple one and everyone enjoyed themselves. Chorale’s feet hurt from all the ‘dancing’ and her back ached a lot too, so she went to bed early.
Kay had a presentation due for Monday so he was preparing for it at the study desk he had moved into their room while watching Chorale sleep. He realized how much he enjoyed doing that. She looked so beautiful, even in her sleep and as expected, he couldn’t concentrate on his work, but he didn’t care.
After some time, it started to rain (It was late May and the rains had been falling quite a lot) and as such, the weather became cold. He noticed she started tossing and turning a lot so he stood up to go and cover her with the comforter. When he got to her side of the bed, she let out a soft cry, like she was in pain, with her eyes still shut. At first, he thought she was feeling cold but, after covering her with the comforter, her cries grew a bit louder and he became alarmed. He tapped her shoulders and she quickly woke up, her cheeks stained with tears.
“Is everything okay, mama?” he asked, wiping her tears with his hands.
She shook her head, “Kay, I want to poop.”
He didn’t know whether to laugh or not. So she wanted to poop that’s why she was crying? No one prepared him for hormonal fluctuations like these. Not that he was complaining. He actually loved to take care of them.
“Come, let me help you up so you can go” He helped her stand on her feet and walked her to the washroom. When she entered, she asked him to leave the door open. He did and turned his back to leave but she cried out and asked him to stay. He stood there for about three minutes and then he heard her murmuring in annoyance.
“Is everything okay in there, mama?” he asked from where he stood.
“Yeah, I’m fine. It just didn’t come” she answered in frustration.
She washed her hands and came out. But before Kay could hold her hand and help her back inside the bedroom, she screamed loudly, clutching her lower belly. Then Kay knew something was wrong.
“Should I get help? Is everything okay? Is it time?”
She lifted her body back up and shook her head, trying to smile even though she was obviously in pain.
“Let me just call Mama Rica. She’ll know what to-”
“Kay no! I said I’m fine” she shouted at him.
He didn’t want to make her angry so he just shut up and helped her to the bed. Once she sat down on it, she let out a painful cry again, and again. Kay was confused. He didn’t know what to do now.
“Show me where it hurts,” he asked gently, squatting in front of her.
She pointed to her lower belly, her back, her feet. He was now more confused than at first.
“Do you need me to help with anything?”
“I want to rest my legs on the bed,” she answered softly.
In the course of  lifting her legs to put them on the bed, he noticed there was some colorless liquid coming down her legs. He became alarmed.
She noticed it too because she cried out louder again. Her water had broken.
“Kay, please call Mama Rica.” She begged, resting her back on the headboard.
He didn’t even have to be told twice. He dashed out of the room quickly, screaming Mama Rica’s name.
She was a light-sleeper. As soon as she heard her name, she woke up. Then there was some hard knocking on her door, followed by Kay’s voice. He sounded terrified and that terrified her. She quickly put on her morning coat and opened the door.
“Mama Rica, Chorale. Her water broke.” He said it out, all at once and rushed, it took Mama Rica a moment to process what he had said. Then once the processing was over, the realization hit her. She and Kay ran up the stairs to the latter and Chorale’s bedroom. It was because of a night like this that she had started spending some nights at Kay’s house now. She guessed Kay would be clueless and she wasn’t wrong.
Chorale was still in pain. She was lying on her side with her face in her hands.
“Kay, get her bag. It’s time.” Mama Rica ordered.
Kay went to the closet and took out one of her dress bags and slung it on his shoulder. Mama Rica went to Chorale’s side.

*Sniffle, sniffle*
“Chorale, give me your hand and let me help you up, okay.” But she wouldn’t bring out her hand so the older lady turned her head towards Kay’s direction to call him to come and help her out but what she saw amused her. If not because of the seriousness of the current situation, she would’ve laughed.
“Kay! I meant the bag she’s been packing the baby’s things into. It’s in the baby’s room. Please hurry and go and get it.”
“Oh….okay” he answered. The look of confusion and fear on his face was so adorable. Mama Rica couldn’t help but giggle.
She was rubbing Chorale’s shoulders, and saying things to calm her down. It seemed to be working before the contractions hit again and she let out a loud scream. Just then, Kay entered with the bag. Mama Rica took it from him and he went to Chorale’s side to help her up. He almost fell himself because she had put all her weight on him. She couldn’t walk properly as her feet were badly swollen and the contractions too were not helping matters.
Descending the stairs was tough but one step at a time, they were able to make it to the foot of the stairs. Chorale let out another loud cry and stopped walking, holding her belly in pain.  Kay felt his heart stop for a whole second. He wished he could bear all the pain for her. He felt sweaty all over, almost immediately. Mama Rica went ahead to go and wake up Caleb to drive them to the hospital so that Kay could be with Chorale in the back.
“Kay, I’m scared,” Chorale cried softly, more tears rolling down her face.
Tears welled up in his own eyes. He was scared too, but he had to be strong, for them. He slowly left her side and came to stand in front of her, cupping the sides of her face with his hands. He kissed her forehead and hugged her, not too tight though. He whispered to her, “I love you, and you don’t have to be scared of anything, okay. I’m here with you and we’re going to do this together, okay mama.” She nodded her head.

Just then, Mama Rica and Caleb rushed into the hall. Caleb’s shirt was soaked with water and both Chorale and Kay were not surprised. Caleb was a very deep sleeper and this was not the first time Mama Rica had had to pour water on him to get him to wake up.
He didn’t quite get what Mama Rica had said when she came to wake him up. But once he took in the couple in front of him and the baby bag slung on his friend’s shoulder, all the sleep vanished from his face and he rushed to Kay’s side and took Kay's car keys. Mama Rica took the baby bag from Kay’s shoulder and the two men helped Chorale to the car, each man on either side of her.
Once they settled her inside the car, everyone took their positions: Kay, beside Chorale and Mama Rica, beside Caleb, the driver. He sped straight out of the driveway and the gates locked after them.

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