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We're almost at the end of the book, my loves. I dunno why this is bringing so much tears to my eyes💔.

It had been more than an hour since she went inside and all they could hear from outside were her screams, and nurses urging her to push. Kay became restless and both Mama Rica and Caleb were trying their best to calm him down. He would calm down for a while but once he heard Chorale's screams, his agitation returned. He just kept pacing up and down the waiting arena. This was hard.

Meanwhile, inside, the doctors were trying their best possible to deliver Chorale safe of her baby. She seemed tired and out of breath because of the energy she was putting into pushing out the baby. It had been a while since she had been trying to push and crowning had not even occurred, the baby's head was not showing.

The doctor from earlier, decided they do a caesarean section for her so that it goes a bit easier on her. She was about preparing the forms to send to Kay to sign when one nurse shouted, "I see the head! I see the head!"

She rushed back to take her position in front of Chorale and she saw it too. "Chorale, you've done an amazing job. We see the head now. Take a deep breath and give this push all your strength, okay" Chorale nodded, a mixture of tears and sweat rolling down every part of her face.

"Push, Chorale!" the doctor urged. She clenched her fists, closed her eyes and pushed out with all the energy left in her and then her head fell back on the pillow.

She could hear her baby cry.

The nurses jumped up and down in happiness for her. The only words she could manage out were, "Thank you, God" as more tears rolled down her cheek. The doctor, Doctor Marina, brought the baby to its mother. Chorale laughed amidst the tears. "Oh Kay should see this!"

Outside, the pacing had stopped and Kay almost barged into the maternity ward. He had heard it. Caleb and Mama Rica had too.

His baby had been born! His happiness knew no bounds. Caleb gave him that man hug and said to him, "Happy birthday, man and Congratulations."

Kay's eyes widened. Mama Rica's too. His baby had been born on his birthday, at 11: 50 p.m. It was the best birthday gift ever. He didn't think anything could beat his birthday last year but this one had certainly outdone it.

He couldn't contain his joy. He ran to hug Mama Rica and danced with her. The doctor came out right then, followed by the nurses.

"Congratulations, Mr. Sanders. Your wife asked me to not tell you the gender of the baby yet. She wants you to see for yourself. So you can all go in now."

Kay was already inside before the doctor could finish her statement. She laughed and motioned for Caleb and Mama Rica to also go in.

"Close your mouth, Kay," Chorale laughed at her boyfriend, who for the past minute since he entered the room, hadn't closed his mouth nor moved from the spot behind the door. She didn't notice the tears in his eyes. Caleb pushed Kay out of the way and he and Mama Rica entered too.

"It's a girl, isn't it?" Caleb asked, walking towards the new mother and her baby wrapped in a white muslin cloth in her arms.

Chorale laughed. "Yes!"

Mama Rica and Caleb both jumped up in happiness. Mama Rica went to stand beside Chorale and tears welled up in her eyes, "She's beautiful, Chorale."

"She ought to be. With her three beautiful grandmothers, she ought to be." Chorale admitted, looking Mama Rica straight in the eyes. Mama Rica sobbed. She had a beautiful granddaughter.

Caleb went to see his niece and he agreed with Mama Rica. She looked beautiful. "Hello, baby. It's your sexy uncle Cal. Guess who became your uncle's chauffeur for a week?!" He said and everyone laughed, turning their attention to the new dad.

His tears were uncontrollable now. Everyone saw it.

Caleb took out his phone to record the moment. It was beautiful. Kay hardly ever cried and he wanted to have this memorable one time on camera.

He had already started sobbing, with his face in his hands. He had still not gone to see his daughter.

"Baby," Chorale called, extending her free hand to him. Caleb just stood there, with his phone in his hands, recording the moment. Mama Rica sat in the chair close to the door.

"Kay, come here. Please" she was in tears too.

He walked towards her bed and sat beside her.

"Look at what we made together, baby" she showed the sleeping baby to Kay and he cried the more.

"Can....Can I hold her?" he stammered and Caleb laughed, bringing the phone right to Kay's face. Kay slapped his hand away.

"Of course. She's yours." Chorale answered, carefully placing the baby in the father's arms.

She looked so adorable, so peaceful, so beautiful, so his.

She had taken her daddy's full lips and nose. Her eyes were closed but they seemed big, like Chorale's. "She's beautiful. She's so beautiful" he kissed her cheek, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I've been a bad daddy" he kept whispering to the baby. Chorale felt sad. Mama Rica came and took the baby from him.

"Oh baby....come here." Chorale opened her arms to him. He hurried into them immediately and rested his head on her bosom. She kissed his hair and whispered lowly to him, "I'm sure she loves you already. She has the best daddy in the world, and we love you, Kay. A lot."

She lifted his head and wiped his face with the back of her hands. "Now, Kayla wouldn't want to see her big daddy crying so much." Chorale announced and the whole room fell silent.

"Did you always have that name in mind or did you just come up with it, because I don't think I've ever heard you mention it before" Kay asked, amused.

"She's practically your twin. I don't think any name would suit her better." Caleb blurted out

"Happy birthday again, handsome" Chorale wished him.

"Thank you! Thank you! This is the best birthday ever!" he walked up to his daughter and took her in his arms, admiring the beauty that he and the love of his life had brought into the world.

"Welcome, Kayla Sanders."

CHORALE SANDERSWhere stories live. Discover now