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It had been two months since Chorale came to Salt-pond and she was already enjoying the place. The town was really small and very peaceful, just like she liked it.
She was in her eighth month now and she still didn’t know the gender of the baby. She missed Kay a lot but there was nothing she could do. Anytime she thought back to their encounter in his house, it brought tears to her eyes. She knew he loved her because she could still feel in her heart that he did. Even the tears in his eyes proved it too but he had another baby now and it would be wicked on her part if she stayed with him while Betty was alone and dealing with her pregnancy. She knew too well how it felt to be without your baby’s father especially in the early months and she wouldn’t wish that on any woman, not even Betty. She could manage on her own, like she had done back in Mexico.
Every day, she thought about him. It was impossible not to, because, aside being the father of her baby, he was the man she loved. But she had to let him go. She could only be thankful for the fact that, he hadn’t denied the baby she was carrying.
She was still in touch with her family. Every day when she called, her mom would bring up the issue of her coming over to take care of her. Every time too, she refused. Valerie too wasn’t happy with her decision. She had wanted her sister to help her plan her wedding but now that she was so far away, how could she do it alone? Chorale promised her that when the time was getting nearer, she would come back home to help.
Kay got her new number, somehow and she knew only her siblings could’ve given it to him, or even her father. All his calls, she didn’t answer any of them. It was best for him that way.
She noticed her back was aching a lot now, she was feeling dizzy often and her feet were so swollen, they hurt. She tried massaging them herself but her belly was getting in the way. It had grown so big now, sometimes, she was even tempted to think she was going to have twins.
She was preparing to go to the market to get some things for the house when she heard her gates beep, signaling there was a car outside. “Who could it be?” She wondered. She wasn’t expecting anyone.
She went to open the gate and the person drove in slowly, totally slow motion like they do in the movies. Caleb stepped out of the car. She just threw back her head and laughed at his dramatic entry. He opened his arms wide and she went in to hug him. Then he turned to her belly and spoke to it, “Uncle Caleb, here. How are you, champ?” Chorale laughed again.
“Let’s go inside, Caleb” she led the way.
When they got in, she offered him some water and sat across him. He looked at the water in a weird way, “Who gives their visitor water at 1 p.m. in the afternoon, Chorale?”
“Shut up, Caleb” she laughed, “Water is good. Besides, I’ve ran out of groceries. Unless you want to drink wine”
“No. Keep it. I’m okay with just water” he really disliked wine. He was more of a beer person.
“When did you come back to Ghana and never bothered to tell me?” she accused him.
“I just got back today, love. And Kay told me…” he paused for a while, “You didn’t have to leave, Chorale”
She looked down at her hands on her laps, “I had no other choice.”

“Leaving shouldn’t have been a choice in the first place. Your man is not doing so well Chorale. I know you love him and he loves you too. I don’t understand why you both have to be so stubborn about it!”
“He’s in love with someone else, Cal.”
“He’s not”
“Did he ask you to tell me that?”
“Come on, Chorale. He doesn’t even know I’m here.” He defended.
“Exactly what do you want me do right now?” She looked angry. “He has another woman now. She’s carrying his baby. He didn’t even wait up to twenty-four hours after I left, to bring her in” she felt her throat closing. Her voice cracked. “That could only mean he feels something for her.”
“I know you’re not even convinced by that last statement”
“There’s nothing I can do right now, Cal.” She sniffled and looked down at her lap. “I’m just hoping next month comes by quickly and then when I give birth, I’ll plan what next to do with my life.”
“You are not thinking to run away again, are you?” he frowned.
“If that’s what it’ll take to keep my heart at peace, I don’t have any other choice.” She shrugged, still not making eye contact.

“Stop it, Chorale! What about this baby? Does it not have the right to grow up with a father? Consider all these things.”
She paused for a while, as if letting his words sink in, “My baby will be just fine with me”
“That would be selfish.” He stated simply
She stood up in anger, the tears were spilling freely now. “What do you want me to do, huh? Kay didn’t even want this baby. All those things he said about not wanting to have children or get married, they all flew out of his mind once he met that lady. He went ahead and got her pregnant. He actually wants that child, Cal. I'm telling you. He doesn’t want mine so there’s no way I’m ever going to let him see us. Once the child is born, I’ll leave.”
Caleb put his head in his hand before lifting it back up, “Kay is not doing well, Chorale. That lady is messing up his life. She’s overspending his money but that’s not even the issue. She’s moved in permanently and even forced Mama Rica to leave the house. You need to save your man because no one else can, Please.”
Chorale slowly turned towards him and sat down in the chair. What had that woman done to her Kay? And Mama Rica had left too?
“What…How can I help?” she asked, looking at him teary eyed.
He smiled, “Now that’s the Chorale my friend fell in love with”

CHORALE SANDERSWhere stories live. Discover now