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Chorale was sitting in the kitchen with her hands on the table and her head resting on them when Kay entered. Her body shook like she was crying. He went to sit on the chair close to her, rubbing her back.

“Chorale, why are you crying?” she didn’t mind him.
“Why are you crying, baby?” he repeated and she lifted  her head. Her cheeks were stained with tears.
“I don’t think you still love me, Kay. I feel you’re only keeping me around because you pity me”
Kay was taken aback by her words, “Where did all of this come from?” he asked, slightly annoyed.
She eyed him before speaking again, “Today at JOSY’s why did you stop? She asked, more tears rolling down her cheeks, “You’ve never done that before. Did…did Betty teach you that?” she paused to wipe her nose and Kay frowned again at the mention of that name.
“She really changed you. You went to the gala with her, you’ve never gone anywhere with me before. It’s like you’re embarrassed of me. Then it didn’t end there, you now know how to control yourself around me. I was silently begging for you to hold me, to touch me, but you didn’t.” she started crying again.
Where did all of this come from? He knew her hormones were majorly responsible for this but the fact that she thought Betty had had any impact on him annoyed him a bit. He took her hands in his.
“Look at me, baby” he pleaded. It took her a few seconds before she opened her eyes to look at him.
“I always thought the paparazzi made you nervous. I didn’t want to put you in a position where you’d have to deal with them all the time. That day at the gala, I didn’t go with Betty, I just happened to meet her there. The picture that was circulating that time, that I kissed her, it wasn't true. I was whispering something to her when that picture was taken in a way to look like we kissed but I didn’t kiss her. That night I got so drunk and I couldn’t think straight but I remember she took me to a hotel room or something,”
Chorale immediately pulled her hand from his, “I don’t want to hear it”
He took her small hands back in his, “No, please. I need you to listen to me. I want to tell you everything that happened so that you don’t have a cause to not trust me in the future.”
She didn’t say anything and he took that as a positive sign.
He continued, “At first, I thought she was you,” he chuckled. “I remember I was telling her how much I had missed you and how much it broke my heart when you left, then she started kissing me. The kiss didn’t feel like yours. Her lips, they felt so foreign on mine. She tried to undress me, and that’s when I realized she wasn’t you, because we both know you Chorale, you never make the first move,” he laughed and she looked down shyly.
“I pushed her off of me and then I left. I felt so guilty and Mama Rica didn’t even help a bit. She refused to talk to me till I explained to her that there was no way I could forget you and be with another woman, even if it took centuries for you to come back. The guilt I felt that day was none compared to how I felt after I went to her house, a very wrong move that was. That’s the day she took those pictures. I still can’t remember much of what happened but I remember she gave me some wine to drink. She had drugged it, but I didn't know that then, and so I drank it. I stood up to leave after she passed a rude comment about you but just when I made it to the door, I felt dizzy and passed out. I don’t know how she managed to get me into bed with her but…”
He dragged her chair closer to him with just one hand and the veins in his hands popped out. Chorale had become so heavy.
He held her face in his hands, “…even if I felt anything that night, it’s nothing compared to what you make me feel, baby. Earlier today at JOSY’s I was…I was a bit scared. Scared firstly because I’ve been without you for so long and just those few minutes will not be enough for me to do all the things I’ve been thinking to do to you. I was also scared because erhm….” His eyes darted to her pregnant belly and then back to her eyes, “I was afraid it might harm our baby.”
“Our baby, I really like how that sounds” she admitted, a tear rolling down her face. He wiped it with his hand, “Yes baby, our baby.”
He removed his hand from her cheek and used it to brush his face, “You and this baby are the best things to ever happen to me and I’m extremely sorry for letting you go,” she placed her hand on his cheek and let out a sob. He looked her intently in the eye, “Promise me you’ll never leave again. I know I’m not a very easy boyfriend but as long as you are with me, I’m willing to try. Please.”
Chorale threw her arms at him in a tight embrace, “I’m sorry I left. I won’t leave again, I promise.” her sobs were getting loud.
He hugged her back, “I love you, Chorale. I love you so much, it terrifies me sometimes.”
“I love you too, Kay.” She cried.
He pulled away and went to stand behind her, massaging her shoulders gently. She shut her eyes and moaned. Then he leaned down and whispered sensually in her ears, “How about we finish what we started at JOSY’s.” he bit softly on her ears and she sucked in a breath. She nodded once, and he went to kneel before her, rubbing her belly and bringing his lips to it, “You’ll let daddy, won’t you?” Just then the baby kicked. Both their eyes widened.
“Did you feel that?” Chorale asked.
“I did,” he smiled, “I think she’s giving us the go ahead”
Chorale laughed, “She?”
“Yeah…she, I know it’ll be a girl, a really cute girl. While you were in Mexico, when I finally accepted that I was going to be a dad, I always fantasised about a baby girl. She’ll have stubborn long and wavy hair like yours, big brown eyes like yours. She’ll take my height. She definitely has to, because we can’t have another shorty in this house.” Chorale slapped his arm and smiled. He paused to look at her beautiful face and then he smiled, “Those dimples. She’ll take those too.”
He stood up from the kneeling position and took her hands in his, helping her stand up from the chair.
He gently grabbed her waist, pulling her close to him and staring into her eyes.
His woman.

CHORALE SANDERSWhere stories live. Discover now