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Early the next morning, the doctors run a few tests on her and saw that she was fit now to go home. She contemplated whether she should go to her parent’s house first or go straight to her home in Salt-pond.

Kay’s house was definitely not on her list. She didn’t have much to pack. Just a few clothes and…Oh shit!

Kay left the basket he had brought yesterday. She’d have to send that back to Mama Rica. She really didn’t want to go to his house right now but she had to send the basket back.

 “Are you sure the basket is the only reason why you want to go there?” a little voice in her head mocked but she ignored it.

After packing her things and saying goodbye to the nurses and doctors who helped her, she hailed a cab to Kay’s house. She asked the cab driver to wait for her outside while she went in to drop the basket.

“I’ll be there for just five minutes and we can go.” She assured the cab driver.

She hesitated a while, and rang the doorbell twice but there was no response. She rang it the third time and there was still, no response so she dropped the basket in front of the door and turned around to leave when she heard the door open. It was Mama Rica.

“Chorale,” she called, catching her off-guard in a hug.

“Hello Mama Rica,” she hugged her back tightly.

“Why did you use the doorbell instead of the password? Did you forget it?”

She hadn’t. How could she forget her own birthdate? She just didn’t think she had that privilege anymore but she wasn’t about to tell Mama Rica that so she changed the topic instead.

“Mama Rica, I just brought your-” A voice from behind cut her off and her breath hitched at the sound of it.

“Chorale.” she didn’t turn back. The pain in his voice as he called her name didn’t go unnoticed by her.

“I have to leave now, Mama Rica. I’ll see you some other time. Hopefully.” The last word was said undertone.

And then she turned to face Kay, her back to Mama Rica. Tears were threatening to spill, but she forced them back and smiled, “I’ll just leave now. I’ll see you some…other time.” And she started to walk away but Kay caught her by her arm and went to face her.

“Chorale, let’s talk inside. Please.” He begged.

“I can’t. I’m sorry. There’s a cab driver outside waiting for me,” she was looking everywhere but at his face.

“I sent him away,” he answered. He went for a run that morning, to clear his head.

“Why did you do that?” she was getting angry.

The rate at which things were going now, Mama Rica couldn’t stand there any further. She picked the basket from the floor and went back inside.

“I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t know he was waiting for you” he lied. When she didn’t respond, he continued, “Chorale, please. Let’s talk inside”

She sighed heavily and went inside with him. She took in the place she had left for months and will be leaving soon and more tears welled up in her eyes. He sat down and tapped the space beside him for her sit but she went to sit in another chair, across from him. It hurt him but he chose to remain silent about it.

“How are you doing today?” he asked, trying to start a conversation.

“I’m fine” she answered curtly.

“I meant you…you and my baby.”

The sound of ‘my baby’ felt soothing to her ears. It made her happy but she wouldn’t let him see that. Instead, she nodded and answered, “We’re fine. I have to start getting ready for Salt-pond. Can you make this a bit faster?”

He frowned. “Why are you going to Salt-pond?”

She raised her head and looked at him in the eyes for the first time today, “Because I have my house there, Kay”

“Wh- Why? You want me to miss these last few months too?” he asked, anger lacing his voice. “For someone who promised she’d never leave me, leaving has fast become your solution to everything!”

She stood up in anger, “Kay, stop it!” She wiped the tears that came to her eyes angrily and her finger scratched her bruise that was healing. It opened up and blood oozed from it. She bent over in pain as she held that side of her face. She was wincing and crying in pain.

Kay quickly went to her side and held her by the shoulders but she pushed him away and covered it up with a handkerchief.

“Let me attend to that for you, please”

“I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. I’m sure there’s a lot you should be concerned about now instead of me.” She said sarcastically.

“You and our baby are the only people I’m concerned about right now” he said and she laughed humorlessly.

“You and I know you are not concerned about my baby, Kay. After all, you hadn’t even planned to have it. don’t even want it” her voice was weak, “But the other woman’s baby, I’m sure you both planned it,” she smiled, “and that’s fine. My baby-”

“Our baby” he cut her off.

“My baby and I, don’t worry about us. We’ll be just fine in Salt-pond.” she adjusted her bag well on her arm and started to walk away but he stopped her.

“Baby, don’t leave please.” Tears filled his eyes. She was the only one who could do that to him.

She saw the tears and she knew she would not be able to resist him so she turned her back to him, “Goodbye, Kay. I wish you, your new girlfriend and your baby, happiness.”







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