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In the morning when he woke up, he decided he was going to ask Caleb to arrange a meeting between him and Alvin , just the two of them.

“I need to see Wallace today. Can you set up a meeting?” He threw him one of his shirts he picked from Chorale’s closet. He caught it mid-air.

Caleb knew Kay was feeling confrontational, which was justified, but it was not the way to go. That aside, he knew Kay was not just going to talk. He was going there to harm Alvin.

“Kay…I don’t think-”     
Kay cut him off, “Cal, stop it.”

Anger flooded his veins as he spoke.

“My woman is fighting for her life on that hospital bed. My baby that I didn’t have the chance to accept yet, is already dead,” His voice cracked and tears threatened to spill. He paused a whole minute to gather composure, or try to. “The walls are closing in and I’ve lost hope. Let me do this. I need it. Please.”

Cal took in a deep breath and nodded his head. “Alright… but, you can’t kill him”

“I’m not making any promises.”

He walked out.

Twenty minutes later, they were on their way to the police station. Caleb knew people and so he used his connections to get them a visit.

Before they got out of the car, Cal turned to Kay, “Are you sure you want to do this?”

Looking out the window, he answered, “Let’s go”

Caleb got in first, and spoke to the Commanding Officer of the station. After about five minutes of talking, he signaled Kay to come in, then he led the way to the station infirmary where Alvin was receiving treatment. It was a small, one-bed cubicle, in an isolated part of the station.

“I will be outside. Let me know if you need anything.” Caleb told him.

He nodded once and entered.

There he was, his left hand cuffed to the hospital bed. His leg had been bandaged and he was sleeping. The nurse who was attending to him had been asked to excuse them.

All the anger and pain came back. This man was here sleeping, while his child was dead. He clenched his fist as he walked closer towards the bed. As if he sensed it, Alvin quickly open his eyes. That did not stop Kay from prowling towards him.

Alvin’s eyes looked back and forth nervously. He opened his mouth to call for help. Kay waved a finger and shook his head, “No one will hear you. I sent all of them far away. Now, it’s just you and I…man-to-man.” He had reached the bedside now.

Alvin started fidgeting, struggling with the cuff and making a lot of noise, “YOU STOLE HER FROM ME!”

Kay arched his brows and answered sarcastically, “Did I?”


“Really? Tell me more.” He folded his arms across his chest.


A heavy slap landed on his face, then another. “You dare not.” Kay warned through gritted teeth, not caring that the man was screaming the whole infirmary down, or that his hand was burning from the slap.

“CHORALE IS MINE!” Alvin shouted.

Kay slapped him again, earning another scream from him. “Do not mention her name,” he threatened in a low voice. He was furious. He could kill this imbecile and everything will be over. He reached into his pocket to feel for the gun he brought along, at Caleb’s blindside.

“I came here to kill you, but a tiny part of me, felt it wasn’t necessary. After this encounter, I am hundred percent sure I will kill you. I’ve heard all about you, you know: Everything, including stalking her and kidnapping her. I just wish I knew earlier. You’d be rotting in your grave by now. But it’s not too late,” he took out the gun and corked it.


Kay didn’t care. His baby was dead and that was all the motivation he needed. He pointed the gun at Alvin.
“If my baby’s gone, so must-”

Caleb burst into the room, “KAY, NO”

“Stay out of this, Cal” he warned, gun still pointed at Alvin.

“Give me the gun, Kay.”

Alvin was screaming louder now.

“Caleb. Get out.”

“You don’t want to go to jail because of this man. He’s not worth it.”

“MY. BABY. IS. DEAD. WHAT PART OF THAT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND, HUH?” He turned angrily to face Cal, losing his hold on the gun.

In a split second, Alvin managed to hit the gun from Kay’s hand, making it fall to the bed. He quickly picked it up and aimed it at Kay.

He laughed, “Tables have turned huh?”

Caleb was frantically looking around for something to use as a weapon. Kay just stood facing him, with bloodshot eyes.

“Go down on your knees, gentlemen.”

Neither of them did, and it angered him, he fired a warning shot. Before he could shout orders at them again, the commanding officer came in.

“What is going on-”

“Get on your knees too, old man.”

Kay was getting angrier by the second.

He and Caleb exchanged looks. They both charged towards the armed man. Caleb threw him punches, while Kay focused on collecting the gun from him, but he had held it in a tight grip. After all, he was a trained soldier.

In the course of the struggle, the corked gun mistakenly got triggered. The last two bullets flew out.

Alvin was shot in the stomach. Twice.

Kay jerked back in shock.

Caleb rushed to his friend’s side, while the Commanding Officer came to inspect, finally moving from the spot that he had been glued to.

“Self-defense.” The C.O said, and spoke into his walkie-talkie.

Kay was lying down, face up on Chorale’s bed. Alvin was dead now, but so was his baby. He was not sure if Chorale will make it. He felt numb.

He lay there, reminiscing the memories he had of her as tears blurred his vision. His life was literally over.

His phone rang, distracting him from his thoughts. He wiped his face and answered.

“Hello…am I speaking to Mr. Sanders?”

“You are”

“I’m Doctor Juan Pablo Lopez. I spoke to you yesterday in the chapel.”

His heart was beating really fast, but he gave the doctor his full attention.

“I have good news for you, Sir. Two, actually. The mother has started responding and the baby’s heart is beating again, like it never stopped. It’s a miracle!”

Kay jumped from the bed in happiness. He couldn’t contain his joy, “Thank you, God. When can we see them?” He asked all in one breath.

“For now, the most dangerous part is over. However, she is in a coma. If you want to fly them out, you can.”

“Thank you so much, Doctor.”

He dropped the call and immediately ran to Caleb shouting, “They made it! They both made it!”

Caleb got up quickly from the bed, “Really? The baby too?”

“Yes!” he man-hugged his friend.

This, indeed, was a miracle.

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