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Heyyy guys! Sorry I've been MIA for a little while. I've had a really busy week, but I'm compensating with a really lengthy chapter so y'all can forgive me🥺💕.

WARNING: Ouuuuu.....there's an erotic scene coming up and, I must warn you😂, it's quite cringy. Manage it, please, because you love me and I love y'all too. Thank you😂!

It was 3 a.m. and Kay was still up, trying to finish the work so he could mail it to John before 6 a.m. The two hour run he went for did not really help as he had expected. All throughout, he had been thinking of her. He even plucked her a rose like he had always done, on his way back. It was after he got home and remembered she was no longer there that he left the flower on the kitchen table. He took a quick shower and started working on the files.

He was still hungry but was scared to go to the kitchen. Scared that he might just end up thinking about her and not get any work done. He just took an apple from the fridge and dashed out as fast as he could. Luckily, by 5:45, he had finished everything and mailed it to John.

He was just about jumping into bed when the doorbell rang. He let out a sigh of frustration and went downstairs. He entered the password and the door opened. It was Mama Rica.

“Good morning, Kay”

“Good morning, Mama Rica. Why did you have to use the doorbell? You could’ve just entered the password”

“Yes, but I wanted to see you. I was sure you had locked yourself up in the room again”

He laughed.

“Have you had anything to eat yet? I made you something before I left yesterday.”

“Really? I didn’t see it”

“Come, follow me”

The food was right where he had been standing the previous night. He had been thinking so much he hadn’t even noticed it.

“Go and have a seat. I’ll warm it up for you.”

He gave her a peck on the cheek and went to sit at the dining table. He rested his arms on the table and placed his head on them. Seconds later, he was lost in his thoughts.

Before he met Chorale, he hadn’t really believed in love. You couldn't really blame him, growing up he didn't have an upclose love story to learn from. He dated, but it wasn’t anything serious. They were all casual relationships to him. The longest he had kept a girlfriend for, was two months.

He met Chorale at a music program held at her church and he hadn’t been so nice to her. He was 22 and she had just turned 18. He had been invited by a friend of his, Frank, who also attended the church. He was reluctant at first, because he had some college work to finish, but he finally agreed to go, on second thought.

He and Frank got there a few minutes before time and a petite, chocolate-skinned girl who wore big glasses ushered them in with a smile.

“You’re welcome, Frank and…." She was waiting for him to introduce himself.

Kay just stood there, not bothered that she was waiting to hear his name.

“…and Kay,” Frank answered for him with a smile.
She frowned, “He doesn’t talk?”

“I do.”  He answered bluntly.

She smiled sarcastically at at him and said, “I’m glad you do.”

He was angered by that. And as if she noticed but didn’t care, she started talking to Frank, totally ignoring him. She showed Frank where their seats were and told them to enjoy the program, still not looking his direction. He wanted her attention, for some crazy reason. He was used to getting girls’ attention all the time. He knew what to do.

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