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Her parents were very happy to see that she was back even though in coma. Only Dwayne was a bit mad at Kay for not letting him on the matter early so he could ‘kick the bad guy’s ass too’. But he was very grateful that his daughter was back alive.

While Chorale was still in coma, everyone took turns in going to see her, first were her parents.

When they entered the room in which Chorale was still recovering, it didn’t occur to Kay that they did not know that she was pregnant. It was only a few seconds after they entered, that Agnes let out a scream and Dwayne shouted, “KAY!!”, that the realization hit him.

His eyes widened as he ran to hide behind Mama Rica.

“Agnes is going to kill me,” he cried and Mama Rica laughed.

"You should’ve told them."

Agnes had personally told him one time that, if he got Chorale pregnant, she’d ‘cut off his balls and serve it to him on a plate’, and the way she said it, she wasn’t joking.  That woman had no filters in her mouth. 

After they came out from the recovery room, Dwayne searched the whole area for Kay and oh Caleb the snitch!

“Mr. Anderson,” he called out to Chorale’s father biting into an apple Mama Rica had brought for him, “Look” he said pointing in Mama Rica and Kay’s direction.

Kay gave him a death glare and showed him the finger. He started walking backwards while Dwayne kept advancing towards him.

“I can explain, sir” he kept walking backwards and Dwayne threw his head back in laughter, “What are you going to explain? How it happened? Everyone here knows how pregnancies come about”

“Not me,” Caleb cut in.

Everyone stopped and looked at him, “What? It’s true,” he shrugged.

They all laughed so hard at him, Dwayne’s eyes darted back to Kay who was laughing louder than anyone (evidently out of nervousness), and he immediately stopped. Just then his back hit the wall, he had nowhere to go.

Dwayne held him by the collar of his shirt, and raised his fist, as if to punch him and then surprisingly, he gave him a hug and patted him on the back, whispering into his ear, “I know Aggie is going to kill you but it’ll be worth it. You’re giving us our first grandchild. Thank you and congratulations” he gave him a hard knock on his head and smiled.

“O-ouch! Thank you too, sir” he smiled back, rubbing the area with his hands.

Surprisingly, Agnes did not kill him. She was a bit mad that they hadn’t waited till after marriage, but everyone could see that she was trying to hide her smile. She was going to be a grandmother and that excited her even though she obviously wouldn’t admit it.

The next set of people were her siblings. Valerie was in tears at the sight of her sister lying on the hospital bed with all those cuts and bruises decorating her body. Derrick was also very happy that his sister was back. They were both happy about her pregnancy too.
Mama Rica went in to also see her girl. When she came back outside, she had tears in her eyes. Caleb took her out to get some fresh air. After they got back, he also went in to see Chorale.

The last person to go in was Kay. He sat on the bed watching her breathing rise and fall slowly. She looked so peaceful in her sleep.

He placed his hand on her belly and the cutest thing happened, he felt a movement! He repeated it, and the same thing happened. He had to record this. He took out his phone and recorded the movements. His heart raced in extreme happiness. He may have even jumped up a little, he wasn’t sure. His baby was in there and that excited him. He leaned down and kissed her belly, the spot where the knot had formed.

He had made a mistake by letting them go and had missed being present at the early stages of the pregnancy. According to the doctors, she still had three months to go and Kay promised himself that he would be there for them now, not missing a single moment. He noticed how beautiful she looked despite the bruises which were fast healing and the bandage on her chest. Pregnancy really looked good on her because he could see through the hospital gown she wore, how bigger and firmer her breasts were looking and had she not been in a bad condition right now, that would’ve been a major turn on for him. He missed her so much and he couldn’t wait for her to regain consciousness so that he could tell her everything he had been through in her absence.

A nurse came in and signaled to him that visiting hours were over. He asked her to give him a minute and she agreed. He leaned down and kissed her forehead, “I love you, baby. Please wake up soon for me.” He kissed her belly and then he left.

That night, he called his mom. “Hello, mama” he greeted happily.

“How can I help you, Kay?” she answered lazily and Kay laughed.

“They’re back, mama. Chorale and my baby, we found them”

She became alert, “Really, Kay? Oh I’m so happy. How are they? When can I see them?”

Kay laughed, “Relax mom. Grant me permission to come to your house first then we’ll talk about when you’ll meet them later.” He said mockingly.

“Oh come on, Kay. Since when have you needed permission to come to my house?” she asked, in a pitchy tone and Kay laughed. “You really want us to revisit that day, ma?”

“Okay, okay. Access to my house re-granted” They both laughed.

“Alright ma, we’ll see you after they’re discharged from the hospital.”

“What? Hospital? She delivered already?”

He slapped his forehead, “Cheers to a long night.” He thought to himself.

He spent the rest of the night explaining everything that happened, to his mom.




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