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They were still at JOSY’S. Chorale had stood up a few minutes ago to go to the washroom but she still wasn’t back. He was getting worried. He walked to the entrance of the ladies’ washroom to wait for her. Seconds turned into several minutes and she was still not out. He decided to call her since she took her purse with her. She answered on the first ring,
“Are you okay in there, baby” he asked, worried.
“I need help with my dress. I can’t zip it back up” she sounded like she wanted to cry.
“In which of the cubicles are you? I’ll come and help you.” He said, knowing very well that it was a female washroom he was about to go into but that would not stop him. His girl needed him.
“I’m in the second to the last one” she answered. Now the teary tone in her voice was gone and it was replaced by frustration. She ended the call.
On his way there, he noticed a few women looking his direction but he just kept going. There were ten cubicles there and the place where Chorale said she was in was farther down. When he got there, he knocked on the door and she opened it just a little to see if he was the one,
“Hello ma’am, superman to your rescue. How can I-”
She cut him off, pulling him by the hand into the cubicle, with so much force. Had he not stabilized his balance and held her in his arms, they would’ve both fallen to the floor. He used his leg to push the door close.
“The zipper, it just won’t close. I’ve been trying to close it for more than ten minutes but it won’t close. It wasn’t even faulty when I took it this morning…” she held the orange maternity sundress in her hands and was about to continue nagging when she closed her mouth back.

Kay had stopped listening to her and was looking at her breasts. She swallowed hard, and looked down, but she quickly looked away again. Kay had a hard-on. He cleared his throat and quickly averted his gaze to her face.
“Erhm…let me help you with the dress” he said, taking it from her.
She was disappointed, but she said nothing. She raised her hands and he put on the dress for her. While doing so, he brushed over her nipple with his hand, sending sparks throughout her body. He did the same thing when he got to her bellybutton before he dropped the dress which ended a little below her knee. He cleared his throat again, “Shall we go now? She nodded her head curtly and left him. He was surprised. What had he done now?
When they got to the parking lot, Caleb was nowhere to be found. Kay dialed his number and after several rings, he answered but Caleb didn’t speak up. Instead, all he heard were some sounds, like people were making out seriously in the background. Oh this pervert! He probably answered mistakenly.
He and Chorale sat in silence in the car, waiting for Caleb to come out so they could leave. It was after twenty minutes that he finally came out. His lips were swollen and red, and his hair looked ruffled. That confirmed Kay’s suspicions. Caleb and Josephine had been making out in the former’s office. Wild!
Kay laughed as his friend approached his car. “Did you wait for me for long?” he asked as Kay’s laughter got louder.
“What’s funny?” he asked, putting his hand on his hip.
“You couldn’t even spare that poor lady the first day?” Kay asked and Caleb’s hands quickly flew to his lips. He looked into Kay’s driving mirror and his eyes widened in surprise.
He quickly run to Chorale’s side of the car. “Chorale, you’re the more truthful person in this car right now. Tell me it isn’t that bad,” he begged.
Chorale laughed, “You really had a good time in there, huh?” she mocked.
Kay sped away as Caleb stood there in shock. They got to the house a whole ten minutes before Caleb drove in. Immediately Mama Rica heard the cars drive in, she came out to give each boy a hug but then she hugged a very surprised Chorale so tight, Chorale thought she would break into two.
“Why do you look so surprised to see me, Chorale?” Mama Rica asked an obviously confused Chorale.
Chorale turned to look at Caleb who was scratching his head. “Okay. Fine!” He threw his hands up in the air, “I might’ve exaggerated a bit but what could I do? This jerk was miserable without you” Caleb defended himself.
“What happened?” Mama Rica asked, still very confused.
“He told me Betty had forced you out of the house” Chorale informed, and everyone laughed. Everyone, excluding Kay.
“He’s not far from the truth though. I was planning to leave. That girl was such a witch” she announced.
“It’s getting cold out here, let’s go inside.” Kay said, trying to change the topic.
“I won’t be home tonight, kids. I’ll be staying over at Obed’s” she blushed.
“Who’s Obed?” Caleb asked curiously.
“Her boyfriend” both Chorale and Kay answered at the same time.
Caleb opened his mouth wide and Kay went to close it for him, “A fly could enter”
“Mama Rica, you’re cheating on me? Don’t you love me anymore?” he asked in a perfect Italian accent, his hands over his chest.
Everyone laughed and Mama Rica reassured him, “You know I can’t love anyone more than I love you.” she pinched his cheek. “Now get inside and stop being dramatic” she ordered and Chorale hugged her goodbye before they went inside.
“I have a few things to do in town too, so I’ll just go and take my bath and I’ll be gone” Caleb announced and entered his room in the house.
Chorale went to the kitchen and Kay went upstairs to their room. After thirty minutes, Caleb came out and said goodbye to Chorale and shouted one at Kay from downstairs, then he sat in his car and sped off.

CHORALE SANDERSWhere stories live. Discover now