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Hi! Thank you for coming this far with me♥️.

WARNING: There's a tad bit of violence here. Sensitive readers should take note.

Today, she planned to submit her maternity leave to the hospital because she was a little past six months and it was mandatory to take a three-month leave before and after birth. When she got to work, she noticed, to her surprise, that Jose Luis was at work before her. She decided to be dramatic. She barged into his office shouting.


He was looking for something from his top cabinet and the shout frightened him. He dropped the files he was holding.

“God! Do you have to be so noisy this early morning?” He held the left side of his head.


“I swear to God, Chorale I’m going to kill you and take your baby from you.” He warned, going to sit in his chair. “I have a hangover.”

She laughed very loudly and he threw a single fresh paper at her. It just flew under the seat. He himself was laughing now.

She sat in the seat facing his desk. “Jose Luis, I’m submitting my leave letter today. I’m six months gone already.”

 He looked up at her. His face looked really sad, “I’ll miss having you here, Chorale.” He took her clasped hands on the table and held them in his.

“I’ll miss you too, Luis.”  

“Here, I got this for your baby,” he smiled, taking a paper bag from his drawer and handing it to her. She opened it and took out the soft, white fabric. It was a baby’s onesie with "My Mom, My Superhero" printed in front of it.

“I got it last month, I just didn’t know when to give it to you.  I would’ve given it to you last weekend but you so badly wanted to kill me so…” He trailed and she laughed with tears in her eyes, “Thank you, Luis. This is the first present my baby has received. Thank you.”

“Don’t be such a cry baby, Chorale. I love this baby already!” He lowered his voice and said, “Last night I even dreamt about it. It’s a girl, you know. Too beautiful, she'll give even you a run for your money. Don't be jealous, though.”

She cried more and laughed, all at the same time. There was a long silence before Jose Luis cleared his throat and spoke up again.

“I almost became a dad at some point, you know.” He announced. “My ex-wife, Tanya, she was pregnant for a while,” Chorale noticed tears in his eyes. He laughed sadly before continuing, “She had an abortion and lied to me that she had miscarried.”

“Why did she do that?” Chorale interrupted.

“She said she didn’t want to mess up her figure.” A tear rolled down his face. Chorale felt so sad for him, she rubbed the back of his hands with her thumbs.

“She could’ve just said she wasn’t ready, Chorale. That would’ve made the pain a bit bearable.” He cried. “I don’t know if she forgot that I was a doctor too, I came across the medicines she took for the abortion and she boldly told me she got rid of our baby...” He trailed, his voice was hoarse.

“I’m sorry you had to go through that, Luis.” She didn’t have any better words to say to him.

He continued, “When you told me your story, of how you left Ghana and came all the way here, just so you can have your baby, my admiration and respect for you went up another level. You’ll make a great mother, Dr. Anderson.” He wiped his face and smiled.

CHORALE SANDERSWhere stories live. Discover now