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It had been a whole week since the incident with Betty and things had been moving smoothly. Chorale and Kay spent more time together. Everyone agreed that they needed it. They went shopping for things for their baby: clothes, shoes, toys, a baby cot and a lot of other things which Chorale thought were very unnecessary, honestly.
“We really don’t need all of these, Kay” she complained as she saw the many shop attendants following him with the things he had bought. He directed them to the car and stood watching them from where she sat in the ice-cream shop in front of the mall.
“We do. Our baby does. I knew you’d complain that’s why you’re not even coming into the shop with me. Just sit here and enjoy your what? Fifth cup of ice-cream?” he asked, a lot of sarcasm lacing his voice.
“Can you come closer, please” she asked looking up at him with wide eyes.
He came closer, “Is everything okay?”
She shook her head no. His eyes widened in fear.
“Do you feel pains? Is it time already?” He was agitated and precipitating so much all of a sudden, Chorale laughed, “Just come closer, please.”
He bent his body towards her expecting her to tell him what was wrong with her but instead, she gave him a knock on his head, “Now, everything is okay” she smiled, scooping a spoon of ice-cream into her mouth.
“That was mean, Chorale. You’re very horrible” he rubbed his head.
“I love you too, baby. Now hurry up and let’s go home. My feet hurt.” She whined.
He looked down at her feet and he saw how swollen they had become.
“I’ll give you a massage when we get home, okay.” She nodded and her ponytail bounced up and down, he laughed at her cuteness. He gave her a quick kiss on the lips and left.
After about an hour, he came back with more things than he had already bought. She was so tired, she just looked on. She knew anything she said wouldn’t be considered so she just shut up and ate her ice-cream in peace.
They got home after 2p.m. Mama Rica was in the kitchen and Caleb was busily typing on his phone. He looked so absorbed in it, he didn’t even notice when they entered.
Kay went behind him and snatched the phone from him. Caleb chased him around the house.
 “Give me back my phone, Kay” he shouted after him. Kay just continued running. “Give me back my phone or I’ll stab you in the balls” Kay stopped.
“You won’t do that to Chorale now, will you?” he asked winking at Chorale who was sitting in the loveseat with her legs on the small coffee table.
“Please, do. I already got all I need from it and now, I’m paying the price.” She said, pointing to her big belly.
Caleb laughed. “See, she doesn’t mind.” Kay just hang open his mouth, looking at his girlfriend. She stuck out her tongue. Just then a notification sound was heard from the phone and Kay read the message out loud.
“‘I had fun last night. Let’s do this again.’ from a certain Josephine” then he stroked his beard, smiling slyly.
Caleb just put his hand on his hip and used the other to ruffle his hair, looking down in embarrassment. Chorale laughed and Mama Rica who had been listening to them from the kitchen came to stand at the door, wiping her hands on a napkin, “Someone’s in love huh?”
“Come on, Mama Rica” Caleb said, using the opportunity to take his phone from Kay. “I’m just trying to enjoy my vacation before work starts again.” He went to sit in the couch, crossing his legs, “Is that too much to ask for?”
Chorale managed to stand up and went to sit beside him, “Just tell us if you like Josephine. That’s all we want to know” she looked at her boyfriend and Mama Rica and they both nodded in agreement.
Caleb rested his head against the headrest and shut his eyes, “Okay, fine. I think I’m starting to like her. She’s different from all the other girls I’ve been with, you know. She challenges me and I like that.” He turned back to look at Kay, “I think I understand now how you felt some years ago.” Kay gave him an I-told-you-so look. Chorale just smiled.
“Aww… Caleb is in love!” Mama Rica said, jumping up and down. Kay just laughed and went to pat his friend on the shoulder.

Josephine was a really beautiful lady. She had rich dark skin and her slim face went perfectly with her slim body. She used to be a model before she opened her restaurant two years ago. She had a lot going for her actually and Kay was sure she and Caleb would make a great couple.
The next week, they spent it decorating the baby’s room with all the things they had bought. Chorale chose a pale shade of yellow painting for the room and by the time the week was over, the room was ready waiting for the baby to arrive.




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